
學習啦 > 作文 > 英語作文 > 高中英語作文 > 關于圣誕節(jié)高中英語作文


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  星期一,就是圣誕節(jié),老師叫我裝飾班級,同學帶了鈴鐺、圣誕老人粘紙,還有噴雪花的罐子,老師把雪花噴在窗戶上,要很用力地噴雪花,一個同學動手一擦,雪花像真雪花一樣就沒了。鈴鐺掛在門,彩帶連在桌子上。裝飾后教室像一個美麗的城堡。   我卻一個東西也沒帶,結果被老師罵一頓,“你怎么不帶關于圣誕的東西,我叫你帶,你就是不帶!真是的!”我還被同學笑,“這個人就是不帶。”他們還向我做鬼臉,真是氣死我了。我心里頭把她們都罵了。   有一位同學居然給我們全班每個人發(fā)一個圣誕老人,還給老師一個小豬。我覺得他給老師的禮物很好,我們的就差一些了,老師的小豬又可愛又結實,我們的圣誕老人都只是用海綿做的。有一位同學說有禮物就行了,我想了想也就不說話了。   老師還給我們每個人一棵圣誕樹,我卻沒有,因為我沒帶關于圣誕的禮物。老師還說:有帶禮物的人心里都有班級,沒帶的心里沒有班級。哎,我聽了真?zhèn)摹?/p>

  On Monday, is Christmas day, the teacher told me to decorate class, the classmate with bells, Santa Claus sticker, snow and spray cans, teacher put snow spray on the window, is very hard to spray snow, a classmate to a brush, as they don't have a snowflake like real snow. The bells were hung on the door and the ribbons were on the table. The classroom is like a beautiful castle. I didn't have a single thing, and I was scolded by the teacher, "why don't you bring anything about Christmas? I call you, you don't! Really! I was also laughed by the classmate, "this person is not to bring." They made faces at me. They really pissed me off. I got them all in my heart. One of our classmates sent us a Santa Claus and a pig. I think his gift to the teacher is very good, our difference is some, our teacher's pig is cute and strong, our Santa Claus is just made of sponge. One of the students said that there was a gift, and I thought about it and stopped talking.   The teacher gave each of us a Christmas tree, but I didn't, because I didn't bring any presents for Christmas. The teacher also said: there are classes in the hearts of those who bring gifts, and there are no classes in the heart without them. Oh, I'm so sad.


  今天是圣誕節(jié),晚上,爸爸對我說:“要是你今天晚上很快睡著的話,可能圣誕老人看見了,就會悄悄地把禮物放在你的枕頭旁邊。我入睡了,我先假裝睡著,其實我睜著一只眼看看圣誕老人有沒有來送禮物。過了一會兒,我真的睡著了,夢見圣誕老人,悄悄地走進來,把禮物放在我的枕頭旁邊,就走了。我想圣誕老人一定是要去給別的小朋友送禮物了吧?早上,我醒了,看見枕頭旁邊真的有禮物,還是個可愛的音樂洋娃娃,碰一下,就會唱歌。我心里真高興,希望圣誕節(jié)永遠不要結束,圣誕老人永遠也不要離開我們。我一定會記住12月24日這個日子。   It was Christmas day, and in the evening my father said to me, "if you fall asleep very fast this evening, maybe Santa Claus will see it and quietly put the presents next to your pillow. I went to sleep, and I pretended to be asleep, but I was keeping my eyes open to see if Santa had come to deliver the gift. After a while, I was really asleep, dreaming of Santa Claus, sneaked in, put the presents next to my pillow, and went away. I think Santa must be going to give presents to other children? In the morning, I wake up, see the pillow next to really have a gift, still be a lovely music doll, touch, can sing. I am so happy that I hope Christmas will never end, and Santa will never leave us. I will remember the day of December 24.


  一個月前,金童英語補習班舉行了圣誕節(jié)活動。我們五年級剛出校門就飛奔到金童補習班,一進門看到到處都是氣球,進教室后看到座位上都坐滿人了,我們只好站著參加活動。等了十五分鐘后,終于到四點鐘了,我們開始了第一個環(huán)節(jié):你來比劃我來猜。老師叫了幾個同學上去猜,一分鐘時間,孫戴旭和孫洪森(都是我們五年級的)猜的最多,每人得了一個大禮盒。第二個環(huán)節(jié)是蘿卜蹲,一局六人,玩兩局,可是沒叫我。 第三個環(huán)節(jié)是回答問題,我聽到旁邊有許多人在抱怨老師背對著我們,根本不叫我們。這局老師終于叫我了,我很輕松的答對了題,得到了一個大禮盒。這個圣誕節(jié)活動我不僅獲得了許多禮物,還獲得了許多知識。圣誕活動真好玩。

  A month ago, the golden child English workshop held a Christmas event. As soon as we came out of the school, we rushed to the golden child cram school. When we entered the classroom and saw the balloons everywhere, we saw that the seats were filled with people, so we had to stand and take part in the activity. After waiting fifteen minutes, we finally got to four o 'clock, and we started the first session: you came to draw my guess. The teacher called several classmates to guess, and one minute, sun dai xu and sun hun sen (both our fifth grade) guessed the most, each got a big gift box. The second part was a squatting, six innings, two games, but not me. The third part was answering questions, and I heard a lot of people around me complaining about the teacher's back to us and not calling us at all. The teacher finally called me, and I got the correct answer easily and got a big gift box. Not only did I get a lot of presents for this Christmas event, but I also gained a lot of knowledge. Christmas activities are fun.