八月十三號那天,我和爸爸媽媽一起去江西井岡山革命根據(jù)地參觀旅游。 井岡山是毛主席和許多革命前輩鬧革命的地方,那里四面環(huán)山,樹木非常茂盛,風景優(yōu)美,空氣很清新。到了龍?zhí)镀俨?,我興奮不已,也讓我想起了李白的詩句“飛流直下三千尺,疑是銀河落九天”。 我們還來到了毛主席住過的地方,房子非常簡陋,房子后面有兩棵神樹,房子前面有毛主席以前讀書經(jīng)常坐的“讀書石”。 第二天,我們參觀了井岡山革命根據(jù)地博物館和革命烈士紀念館。我仔細的觀察了以前革命戰(zhàn)士使用過的武器,真是毛主席講的“小米加玩具”。在革命烈士紀念館,我看到了許多革命前輩的照片和雕像,犧牲了的革命烈士的姓名,刻滿了紀念館展廳的八面大墻,尤其叫人難忘。 我覺得毛主席等許多革命前輩很頑強、很勇敢、很聰明、很勤奮,也最值得我們學習和懷念。
On the day of August 13, I went to visit the revolutionary base of jinggangshan, jiangxi, with my parents. Mount jinggangshan is the place where MAO and many of the revolutionary predecessors have been in the middle of the revolution. There are mountains and mountains, the trees are very luxuriant, the scenery is beautiful, the air is fresh. At longtan falls, I was excited, and reminded me of li bai's poem "flying to the next three thousand feet, the mystery of the Milky Way nine days". We also came to the place where chairman MAO lived, the house was very humble, there were two sacred trees behind the house, and the front of the house had the "reading stone" which chairman MAO used to sit and read. The next day, we visited the museum of revolutionary base in jinggangshan and the memorial of revolutionary martyrs. I looked carefully at the weapons used by the former revolutionary fighters. It was chairman MAO's "mi plus toys". In the memorial of revolutionary martyrs, I have seen photographs and statues of many revolutionary predecessors, the names of revolutionary martyrs, and the eight walls of the museum exhibition hall, especially memorable. I feel that many revolutionary predecessors, such as chairman MAO, are stubborn, brave, intelligent, diligent and most worthy of our study and remembrance
放假了!這天我們來到了美麗的沙湖。沙湖,不明思議是有沙有湖的,這里也是鳥的天堂。 來到售票口,就發(fā)現(xiàn)沙湖的大門和別處的不同。沙湖這個地方的鳥很多,所以大門的形狀是模仿白天鵝的。但仔細一看,白天鵝的三根羽毛非常像“沙”字中的三點水,而兩只眼睛和長長的鵝頸作為“沙”字中的“少”,而售票口的整體形狀是模仿“湖”字的。這就是簡單而又賦有沙湖中許多元素的大門。為了紀念這獨特的大門,我們一家在這里合了影。 沙湖的湖是聚集鳥最多的地方。湖中的蘆葦呈翠綠色,蘆葦叢中有許多鳥兒筑巢在這兒生活。呀!那里有一只黑天鵝。它全身羽毛亮黑,但鮮紅的嘴巴又異常奪目。它是那么的優(yōu)雅,悠然自得。我拔下離我最近這從蘆葦?shù)娜~子。學者天鵝的叫聲,讓它注意到我,然后把新鮮的蘆葦葉投到水里喂它。它津津有味的吃了起來。然后仰起頭來看著我。它真是可愛極了。我手腳并用,像猴子一樣費了牛勁爬到岸邊,想伸手摸摸它那光滑的羽毛,沒想到它卻很快的游走了。原來黑天鵝也是有警惕心理的呀!可是我費了九牛二虎之力才來到岸邊,只是有點遺憾沒有觸摸到它那光滑的羽毛。 沙湖的沙子雖然不及響沙灣的沙子那么細膩,那么柔滑。但它有自己的獨特。因為沙湖的沙子是四面環(huán)水的,就像金黃色的奶油面包似的。我還在這里買了一幅美麗的沙畫留做紀念。 該回去了,樹上的麻雀嘰嘰喳喳的歌唱著屬于它們自己的歌曲,路邊的花朵開的是那么的紅艷。我對著它們笑,好像它們也在回應我。沙湖之旅結束了!
A holiday! On this day we came to the beautiful sand lake. The sand lake, the mysterious is the sand has the lake, this is also the paradise of birds. When you come to the ticket office, you find the door of the sand lake is different. There are many birds in this place, so the shape of the gate is modeled after the white swan. But a look at carefully, three white swan feather is very similar to "sand" the word of the three drops of water, and two eyes and a long gooseneck as "less" in the word "sand", and is the overall shape of the ticket window to imitate "lake". This is the gate that is simple and endowed with many elements of the sand lake. To commemorate this unique entrance, our family has taken a picture here. The lake in the sand lake is the most crowded place. The reeds in the lake are green, and many birds nest in the reeds. Ah! There was a black swan. Its feathers were bright and black, but its bright red mouth was very striking. It is so graceful and leisurely. I pulled off the leaf that I had recently taken from the reed. The scholar swan song, let it notice me, then throw fresh reed leaves into the water to feed it. It ate with relish. Then look up and look at me. It was lovely. I use my hands and feet, like a monkey, to climb to the shore, and I want to reach out and touch its smooth feathers, but it soon swam away. It turns out that black swans are alert! But I did not have the trouble to come to the shore, only a little regret did not touch its smooth feather. The sand in the sand lake is not as delicate and smooth as the sand in the bay. But it has its own uniqueness. Because the sand in the lake is surrounded by water, like a golden cream bread. I also bought a beautiful sand painting here to commemorate. It's time to go back, the sparrows in the trees chirp and sing their own songs, and the flowers on the side of the road are so red and red. I smiled at them as if they were responding to me. The sand lake trip is over!
暑假的一天,是一個社區(qū)活動的日子。我吃過早飯,早早的來到了社區(qū)的活動室。 不一會兒,社區(qū)活動的老師拿了沉甸甸的一捆報紙走進活動室。我們疑惑不解,難道這次是讓我們來看報紙的嗎?這時老師笑容可掬地說:“小朋友們,今天讓你們體驗一下郵遞員的工作,把這些“北蔡家園”的報紙發(fā)到社區(qū)每家每戶的郵箱里。”說完,老師分發(fā)給每人一疊報紙。 我和我的同學吳雨萌結伴同行發(fā)報紙,我們挨個挨個的尋找每個單元的收信箱,然后跑過去小心翼翼的把報紙放到每家的收信箱里。再看看男生們,好像在和我們搶信箱似的,都手忙腳亂的把報紙塞進信箱里,有的報紙都皺巴巴的了,好像在說:“哎呀,別爭了,把我都弄疼了。” 剛發(fā)到一半,我們就已經(jīng)滿頭大汗了,想想郵遞員叔叔每天騎著車,帶著幾大包的報紙和郵件,而且這些郵件都是全國各地的,他們每天要跑多少路,是多么的不容易啊,比起他們我們是微不足道的,于是我打起了十二分得精神,又開始去發(fā)了。這時一位踩著三輪車收廢品的阿姨,看見我們手里一疊一疊的報紙,滿臉堆笑的說:“小朋友,把你手里的報紙給我吧,我給你們錢去買根冷飲解解暑。”我心里猶豫不決,給吧,她肯定把報紙當廢紙賣掉,社區(qū)的人就看不到了,這樣就體現(xiàn)不出宣傳的作用。最后我還是咬了咬牙,慢條斯理的說:“對不起阿姨,我不能給您。”。說完我們又冒著炎炎的烈日堅持不懈尋找收信箱。樹上的鳥兒看著我們“嘰嘰喳喳”的好像在說:“你做得對。”一張、兩張、三張……終于發(fā)完了。 通過今天的體驗,我才明白郵遞員是多么的辛苦,他們持之以恒的精神是值得我們學習的。
One day of summer vacation is a day of community activities. I had breakfast and arrived early in the community room. After a while, the community's teachers walked into the activity room with a heavy bundle of newspapers. We're wondering, isn't this the time for us to come to the newspaper? Then the teacher smiled broadly and said, "children, today, let you experience the job of the mailman and send these" north chua "papers to the mailboxes of every household in the community." With that, the teacher handed out a stack of newspapers to everyone. I and my classmates wu yumeng and my colleagues sent a newspaper, and we searched each cell for the mailbox of each unit, then ran to carefully put the newspaper in the mailbox of each family. Look at the boys, like in the box and we rob, all the controls of the newspaper into the box, some newspapers are crumpled, as if to say: "oh, don't argue, hurt me." Just sent to a half, we will have full head big sweat, think the postman uncle riding a car every day, newspaper, and mail, with a few big bag and the e-mails are all over the country, they will run every day how many road, is how not easy ah, than we are trivial, so I have the extremely good spirit, to send again. When a stepping on a tricycle aunt recyclers, see our hands a pile of a pile of papers, grinning of say: "kid, please give me your hand paper, I give you money to buy a cold drink soared." I'm hesitant, give it, she must sell the newspaper as waste paper, the people in the community can't see it, so it can't show the role of propaganda. Finally I bit my teeth and said, "sorry aunt, I can't give you." It is. And then we continued to look for the mailbox in the hot sun. The birds in the tree look at us and say, "you're right." One, two, three... It's finally done. Through today's experience, I realize how hard the postman is, and the persistence of their spirit is worth learning.