


時(shí)間: 楚紅940 分享



  Many of us suffer form bully of school-bullies nowadays,you weak it will strong.School is not only a place we can learn something.And school videncen have many influence for us too.Teachers should have a sense of responsibility and carefully found the things which happened in your students and then timely educate and protect them;School videncen",it just like a spring.

  I think if we unite together to fight against with evil;is a popular word in the school during this years,you strong it will weak.As we should have a sense of justive and also have a heart of fighting against with evil.

  So;t be feared,boycott school videncen is what everyone in school should do.The school will peace and harmonious again,but also is a small society.


  There is a news that makes me shocked. It is said that there happened a violent event in compus which cause 4 students injured and 2 dead. Some reasons arouse in this event.First, schools should try to avoid things like this, if the students are injured or dead, the schools have responsibility to them; second, families, especially parents should educate their children well, give them a good guide and take care of them; third, the society should control violent events. If the above three try their best and pay enough attention to them, things like this should be avoided.

  據(jù)報(bào)道,在廣東某中學(xué)發(fā)生了一起校園暴力事件,造成2死4傷的嚴(yán)重后果。校園暴力事件的發(fā)生,有多方面的原因。請(qǐng)你 結(jié)合自己的體會(huì)用英語(yǔ)寫(xiě)一篇短文,從學(xué)校,家庭,和社會(huì)三個(gè)不同的角度去談?wù)勅绾渭訌?qiáng)校園安全防范校園暴力事件的發(fā)生。


  There is a news that makes me shocked. It is said that there happened a violent event in compus which cause 4 students injured and 2 dead. Some reasons arouse in this event.First, schools should try to avoid things like this, if the students are injured or dead, the schools have responsibility to them; second, families, especially parents should educate their children well, give them a good guide and take care of them; third, the society should control violent events. If the above three try their best and pay enough attention to them, things like this should be avoided.




近年來(lái),校園暴力越來(lái)越嚴(yán)重,寫(xiě)一寫(xiě)關(guān)于校園暴力的事情,引起大家的注意,多加小心。下面學(xué)習(xí)啦小編幫你整理了關(guān)于校園暴力的初中英語(yǔ)作文,希望你喜歡! 初中寫(xiě)校園暴力的英語(yǔ)作文范文篇1 Many of us suffer form bully of school-bull


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