Edelweiss 雪絨花
Every morning you greet me.每天清晨你問候我.
Small and white,clean and bright,小巧潔白,清純亮麗. You look happy to meet me.看見我,你多高興. Blossom of snow,盛開的雪花,
may you bloom and grow,愿你開放生長.
Bloom and grow forever.永遠開放生長.
Bless my hometown forever.永遠保佑我的故鄉(xiāng).
Twinkle,Twinkle,Little Star 小星星
Twinkle,twinkle,little star. 小星星,眼睛眨, How I wonder what you are!多想知道你像啥! Up above the world so high.遠在天上高高掛. Like a diamond in the sky.閃閃發(fā)光大鉆石, Twinkle,twinkle,little star. 小星星,眼睛眨, How I wonder what you are!多想知道你像啥!
Hello 哈羅
Hello, how are you?哈羅,你好嗎?
I'm fine,I'm fine.我很好,我很好.
I hope that you are,too. 我希望你也很好.
Hey Diddle Diddle 搖啊搖
Hey diddle,diddle,搖啊搖,搖啊搖,
The cat and the fiddle,小提琴和小貓,
The cow jumped over the moon,母牛跳過了月亮;
The little dog laughed小狗見了哈哈笑,
to see such sport,做做運動真美妙,
And the dish ran away with the spoon.湯勺跟著盤子跑.
Mozart's Lullaby 搖籃曲
Sleep,little one go to sleep,睡吧,睡吧,我的小寶寶.
so peaceful the birds and the sheep.小鳥和羊群多么安靜,
Quiet are meadow and trees,牧場和樹林靜悄悄,
even the buzz of the bees.蜜蜂也不再嗡嗡叫.
The silvery moon beams so bright.銀色的月光多么皎潔,
Down through the window give light.通過窗子送來光亮.
O'er you the moon beams will creep.噢,月光將會慢慢移動.
Sleep,little one go to sleep,睡吧,睡吧,我的小寶寶.
Good night,good night.晚安,晚安.
Six little Ducks 六只小鴨子
Six little ducks that I once knew,從前我認識六只小鴨子,
Fat ones,skinny ones,fair ones too,有的胖,有的瘦,有的不胖也不瘦. But the one little duck有一只小鴨子
with the feather on his back,背上長著一根羽毛,
He led the others with a 他帶領(lǐng)其他小鴨子,
He led the others with a 他帶領(lǐng)其他小鴨子,
Color 顏色
Red,yellow,blue and green stand up,紅,黃,藍,綠站起來. Red,yellow,blue and green turn around.紅,黃,藍,綠轉(zhuǎn)個圈. And stretch up high above your heads,oh,把手伸過頭頂,噢, Red,yellow,blue and green sit down.紅,黃,藍,綠都坐下來.
Sunday,Monday,Tuesday 星期天,星期一,星期二
Sunday,Monday,Tuesday 星期天,星期一,星期二
Sunday,comes again.星期天,一周有開始循環(huán).
I am a Tiger 我是一只大老虎
I am a tiger,我是一只大老虎,
a tiger,a tiger.一只大老虎,一只大老虎.
I am the grandest tiger in the jungle.我是叢林里最兇猛的大老虎.
Mary Had a Little Lamb 瑪麗有只小羊羔
Mary had a little lamb,瑪麗有只小羊羔,
Little lamb,little lamb,小羊羔,小羊羔,
Mary had a little lamb,瑪麗有只小羊羔,
It's fleece was white as snow.渾身雪白卷卷毛.
And everywhere that Mary went,無論瑪麗去哪里,
Mary went,Mary went
Everywhere that Mary went,無論瑪麗去哪里,
The lamb was sure to go.哪里就有小羊羔.
To Market,To Market 去市場,去市場
To market,to market,去市場,去市場,
to buy a fat pig;去買一頭大肥豬.
Home again,home again,jiggety jig.蹦蹦跳跳,回家去,回家去. To market,to market,去市場,去市場,
to buy a fat hog;去買一頭大肥豬.
Home again,home again,jiggety jog.蹦蹦跳跳,回家去,回家去.
Over In The Meadow 在草叢里
Over in the meadow,在草叢里
in the sand in the sun,在陽光下的沙灘上,
Lived an old mother toadie 住著老癩蛤蟆媽媽
and her little toadie one.和小癩蛤蟆兒子.
"Wink!"said the mother,"使眼色!"媽媽說,
"I wink!"said the one,"我使眼色!"小癩蛤蟆說,
So they winked and they blinked他們眨著眼,使眼色, in the sand in the sun.在陽光下的沙灘上.
London Bridge is Falling Down 倫敦橋垮掉了 London Bridge is falling down,倫敦橋垮掉了 falling down,falling down.垮掉了,垮掉了. London Bridge is falling down,倫敦橋垮掉了, My fair lady.我可愛的小女士.
Take a key and lock her up,想辦法把它修建好, lock her up,lock her up.修建好,修建好.
Take a key and lock her up,想辦法把它修建好, My fair lady.我可愛的小女士.
Bow-wow Say The Dog 汪汪汪
Bow-wow,says the dog,汪汪,狗在叫;
Meow,meow,says the cat,喵喵,貓在叫;
Oink,oink,says the hog,哼哼,豬在叫;
Squeak,squeak,says the rat,嘰嘰,老鼠在叫; Whoo,whoo,says the owl,噢噢,貓頭鷹在叫;
Caw,caw,says the crow,呱呱,烏鴉在叫;
Quack,quack,says the duck,呷呷,鴨子在叫;
And what cuckoos say,you know.杜鵑怎么叫,你知道.
Do Re Mi 哆-來-咪
Doe,a deer,a female deer,哆是一只小母鹿,
Ray,a drop of golden sun,來是一縷金色陽光,
Me,a name I call myself,咪是我叫我自己,
Far,a long,long way to run,發(fā)是 一條長跑道,
Sew,a needle pulling thread,唆是一根針穿著線,
la,a note to follow sew,啦是音符緊跟著唆,
Tea,a drink with jam and bread,西是一杯飲料還有果醬和面包, That will bring us back to doe.西將帶我們回到哆.
Do re me fa so la ti do so do!哆來咪發(fā)唆啦西哆唆哆!
Candy Shop 糖果店
Come with me to the candy shop,跟我一起去糖果店,
While I get a lollipop,我買了棒棒糖,
Caramel,peppermint,chocolate,drop,奶糖,薄荷糖,巧克力糖,水果糖. What shall I buy at the candy shop?我還應該在糖果店買什么糖?
The Bus 公共汽車
The people on a bus go up and down,公共汽車上人們上上下下, up and down,up and down.上上下下,上上下下.
The people on a bus go up and down,公共汽車上人們上上下下, all through the town.穿越全城.