A newly deceased sinner had just entered hell, and was being shown around.
"I'll tell you how it works around here," declareda particularly hideous devil. "You get your choice of three punishments. Here's the first. "
The sinner watched in horror as he saw men and women repeatedly being immersed in boiling water.
"Here's the second. " The poor sinner shuddered as he saw unfortunate people beingcontinually',event)">continually hounded by ferocious beasts and cruel demons.
“And here's the third. ” A group was standing knee deep in shit and sipping tea.And he joined the group.
No sooner had he done so than another devil yelled out
"OK, tea time s over. Get back on your heads. "
Down on the farm, Mom told Dad to fix the outhouse,
Dad took a look at the shitter and returned to Morn
"There ain't nothin' wrong with that shithouse, Mom. "
Mom took Dad back to the out house and stuck his head down in the hole.
"Hey," said Dad, "my beard',event)">beard is stuck!"
"Aggravatin', ain't it?"
Jack the playboy had explored every corner of the world and dallied with many women,
but in Hong Kong he finally encountered a professional girl who left him with far more than fond memories.
First, he consulted a British doctor.
"Goocl Lord!" exclaimed the medic,
"you've got more venereal diseases than a medical textbook. I'm afraid we' re going to have toamputate. "
Horrified, the playboy sought out an American specialist, who shook his head gravely and said,
"Sorry, son; if we don't amputate your member, the disease will spread to your other organs. "
Desperately, the swinger consulted a Chinese herbalist.
The wise old man examined the patient carefully and nodded his head sagely.
"I know your problem," he said. "You play with bad girl, she very sick, now you very sick. "
“Doctor, the British and American doctors told me my pride and joy would have to be cut off. . . "
"These Western doctors, all they want to do is cut, cut, cut, and charge big money. "
"You mean I don't need surgery? ! " exclaimed the young man joyously.
"Don't you worry, " said the ancient practitioner',event)">practitioner.
"You go home, relax, wait two, three weeks, pecker fall off by himself."