笑話是幽默的一個屬概念 ,具有幽默的一切特征。笑話是民族特有幽默的一種形式。下面是學(xué)習(xí)啦小編帶來的簡短又好笑的英文小笑話,歡迎欣賞!
On the first night of an adult creative-writing class,the instructor asked the students to tell the class why they were taking the course. One woman explained,"I have five chil-dren and so I've decided to channel my creativity in another direction, "
Although my mother,a native of Japan, has lived for 55 years in the United States,she has not adapted complete1y to the cultural change. This is especiallly obvious during her infrequent forays into a large city.
One day she boarded a bus in Los Angeles,deposited a bill in the coin box and held out her hand for change.Because the coin box is not built to accept paper money,the bus driver growled:“Okay,lady. If you get that bill out,you can ride for free. Otherwise we're going to have to dis-mantle this coin box."
My mother hesitated but a moment, then opened her purse,took out a pair of chopsticks,retrieved the bill and smiled as she took her seat.
My friend,soon to be a bride,attended a church wedding where a number of babies and small children in the con-gregation caused quite a commotion. "I certainly am not going to put up with that sort of thing at my wedding,”my friend remarked. Several months later I received her wedding invitation. Noted at the bottom was the following:"No Babies Expected. "
Early one morning, my next-door neighbor set to work with a power hedge-trimmer. He was half through the job when a neighbor appeared,still in his pajamas. He was carrying his own power clipper and offered his help, which was gratefully accepted. When the job was done, my neighbor thanked his benefactor,commenting that it had been "a real neighborly act".
"Don't mention it,“replied the other man. "I figured,by helping you,it would only take half as long and I could get back to sleep!"