Everybody!Examination is coming tomorrow!同學們,明天就要考試了!
Test paper is locked in my drawer!Review your lessons carefully after going back home!試卷就在我抽屜里鎖著,回家要好好復習功課!
Any question?誰還有什么問題? Yes!Where is the key of the drawer?有!您抽屜的鑰匙在哪兒?
〃If I sold my house and my car,had a big garage sale and gave all my money to the poor,would I get into heaven?〃I asked the children in my Sunday school class.〃No!〃the children all answered.〃If I cleaned the church everyday,mowed the yard,and kept everything nea tand tidy,would I get into heaven?〃Again,the answer was,〃No!〃〃Well,〃I continued,〃then how can I get into heaven?〃A five-year-old boy shouted out,〃You gotta be dead!〃
Tommy: "How is your little brother, Johnny? "
Johnny: "He is ill in bed. He hurt himself. "
Tommy: "That's too bad. How did that happen?"
Johnny: "We played who could lean furthest out of the window, and he won. "
湯姆:“約翰尼,你小弟弟好嗎? ”
湯姆:“真糟糕,怎么回事兒? ”
the father asked his son: "you are not afraid of ghosts?"
"what's scary ghost!" the son said: "grandma said you are a troublemaker; aunt said you are drunk; mother often scolded you glutton, slacker; uncle said you are stingy. I every day together and you are not afraid, afraid of what!"
as a child with a bottle in the side of the road stood for a long time, until the police came and asked him: "little guy, why stand on the side of the road?" "my mother told me to come to buy soy sauce," said the children put on a long face, "she said to the car I can a horse road......"
一個小孩拿著瓶子在馬路邊站了許久,后來警察走過來問他:“小家伙,干嗎在馬路邊站著?” “媽媽叫我出來買醬油,”小孩哭喪著臉說,“她說要等汽車開過我才能過馬路……”