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時間: 焯杰674 分享




  1、if you fail, stand up again。如果你失敗了,再站起來。

  2、failure, in fact, is to give up。失敗,其實是放棄。

  3、believe in yourself, you can do it。相信你自己,你能做到。

  4、attitude determines altitude。態(tài)度決定高度。

  5、i want to live like a sculpture!我要像雕塑一樣活著!

  6、no hands, no feet, no worries。沒手,沒腳,沒煩惱。

  7、you have a choice every day。你每天都有選擇。

  8、i'm bitter, some people more bitter than me。我苦,有人比我更苦。

  9、even if it is pirated, god is still working。即使是盜版,上帝依然做工。

  10、i still love my life, because i want to live。我仍熱愛生活,因為我對生存的渴望。

  11、the meaning of life is to put all the。生命的意義在于全心全意的投入。

  12、you don't have to please anyone, you are you!你不用取悅?cè)魏稳?,你就是?

  13、the appearance of a person is the most beautiful。一個人本色的樣子是最美的。

  14、to have hope, to dream and to move forward。要有希望,為夢想而前行。

  15、failure is not terrible, to continue to try。失敗不可怕,要繼續(xù)嘗試。


  16、patience is a virtue, and it is the most difficult to do。忍耐是一種美德,也是最難做到的。

  17、learn to be grateful, dare to dream, never give up!學(xué)會感恩,敢于夢想,永不放棄!

  18、in life, we can't choose what, but we can change what。在生命中,我們不能選擇什么,卻可以改變什么。

  19、only once and again try, no failure, no failure!只有一次又一次的嘗試,沒有失敗,沒有失敗者!

  20、if others do not give you a miracle, you will become a miracle。如果別人沒有給你奇跡,你就去成為奇跡。

  21、if you can't solve your problem, just go to someone else。如果你無法解決自己的問題,就去解決別人的吧。

  22、every one of us is unique。 you are already very beautiful。我們每個人都是獨特的。你本來的樣子已經(jīng)極美了。

  23、as long as you do not give up a day, then you have not failed。只要你一天沒有放棄,那么你就還沒有失敗。

  24、the most severe disability, not without limbs, but no hope of life。最惡劣的殘障,不是沒有肢體,而是沒有盼望的人生。

  25、i tell people to learn to crawl, and always to love themselves。我告訴人們跌倒了要學(xué)會爬起來,并始終愛自己。

  26、courage is not not afraid, but afraid of the time you still go on to do!勇敢不是不害怕,而是害怕的時候你還去堅持做!

  27、when you complain that you don't have any shoes, and you don't have any feet。當(dāng)你抱怨沒有鞋子的時候,還有人沒有腳。

  28、god had a plan in my life, and i gave them hope through my story。上帝在我生命中有個計劃,通過我的故事給予他人希望。

  29、the friend around you seems to be able to decide who you are, so you have changed!你身邊的朋友似乎可以決定你是誰,因而你改變了自己!

  30、you and i really can't control what happens, but we can control how we respond。你我真的無法掌控所發(fā)生的事,但我們可以控制自己如何回應(yīng)。


  1、even the worst thing in my life, for others, still has a special meaning。即使是我生命中最糟糕的事情,對于別人依然有著非凡的意義。

  2、remember, sadness is no use。 please remember to bring a response to action。請記住,悲傷是沒有用的。請記住,行動帶來回應(yīng)。

  3、the first step is to keep the change in control you don't want or sudden。在掌控你不想要或突然發(fā)生的變化時,第一步就是保持。

  4、if you find yourself unable to create a miracle, then try to make yourself a miracle。如果發(fā)現(xiàn)自己不能創(chuàng)造奇跡,那就努力讓自己變成一個奇跡。

  5、you can choose to be angry with god, or because of your lack of gratitude。你可以選擇因為缺乏,而惱怒上帝,或是因為擁有而感恩。

  6、do not focus on the physical, to look at all aspects of life, to look at。不要把注意力全部放在物質(zhì)上,要看看生命的所有層面,向內(nèi)觀看。

  7、if you do not accept yourself, not only will lead to self destruction, but also be isolated。假如不接受自己,不但會導(dǎo)致自我毀滅,還會被孤立。

  8、the biggest lie is that they don't think they are good enough to think that they have no value。最大的欺騙莫過于以為自己不夠好,以為自己毫無價值。

  9、past is past, we can not change; the future is not yet come, we can not grasp。過去的已經(jīng)過去,我們改變不了;未來的還未到來,我們也無法把握。

  10、if you don't stop with what you don't want, you'll forget what you truly have。如果你不停的糾結(jié)你所沒有的或者不想要的,你就會忘記你真正擁有的。

  11、if you don't stop with what you don't want or don't want, you'll forget what you truly have。如果你不停的糾結(jié)于你所沒有的或者不想要的,你就會忘記你真正擁有的。

  12、now even if you use a million dollars to lure me, ask me to grow my hands and feet, i will not consider?,F(xiàn)在就算你用百萬元來引誘我,叫我長出手腳,我也不會考慮。

  13、a hug is a healing way to let them know how much you love them not to doubt the power of words!擁抱是一種療傷的方式讓對方知道你有多么愛他們不要懷疑話語的力量!

  14、i am quite sure that god will not make mistakes, and he will create miracles。 i am one, you are also。我十分確定上帝不會制造錯誤,祂會創(chuàng)造奇跡。我是一個,你也是。

  15、think that you are not good enough, this is the biggest lie。 think that they are not worth, this is the biggest cheat。認(rèn)為自己不夠好,這是最大的謊話。認(rèn)為自己沒價值,這是最大的欺騙。

  16、you can't give up your dream, but you can change the way, because you don't know what will be in the corner of life。你不能放棄夢想,但是可以改變方向,因為你不知道在人生的拐角處會遇到什么。

  17、in my opinion, life must follow some key principles, the first one is to be grateful, it is time for thanksgiving。在我看來,生活中要遵循一些關(guān)鍵的原則,首要的一條就是要感恩,是時候感恩了。




