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時間: 焯杰674 分享




  1、courage is grace under pressure。 勇氣是壓力之下的優(yōu)雅風(fēng)度。

  2、there is no friend as loyal as a book。 書籍比朋友對你更忠誠。

  3、all things truly wicked start from innocence。 所有邪惡的事一開始都是純潔的。

  4、what humans really need is very meager。人類真正需要的的東西是非常之微少的。

  5、in a calm sea every man is a pilot。在風(fēng)平浪靜的大海上,每個人都是領(lǐng)航員。

  6、smart people happy, i know most rare things。聰明人的快樂,是我所知道的最稀少的東西。

  7、but having said that, there is no one thing is easy。不過話得說回來,沒有一樁事是容易的。

  8、the true nobility should be better than the past itself。真正的高貴應(yīng)該是優(yōu)于過去的自己。

  9、it does not kill us will make us stronger difficulties。只要不殺死我們的困難都會使我們更堅(jiān)強(qiáng)。

  10、kill everything else, but in different ways bale。每樣?xùn)|西都?xì)⑺绖e的東西,只不過方式不同罷了。

  11、if he lies for a living, he should try to lie and die。如果他以謊言為生,他就應(yīng)該試著以謊言而死。

  12、i do not know。 all things are not funny。 that is not。我不知道。所有事情都不好笑了。一點(diǎn)都不。

  13、the best training for a writer is - not a pleasant childhood。對一個作家最好的訓(xùn)練是—不愉悅的童年。

  14、unless you have love, or you do not know what happiness is。除非你擁有愛,否則你不知道快樂是什么。

  15、happiness in intelligent people is the rarest thing i know。 聰明人的快樂,是我所知道的最稀少的東西。

  16、unless you're a bullfighter, otherwise no one's life-only rebate。除非你是斗牛士,否則沒有誰的生活只進(jìn)不退。

  17、fear of death increases in exact proportion to increase in wealth。 人們對死亡的恐懼是與財(cái)富的增長成正比的。

  18、life and bullfighting almost。 not you beat cow is dead cow pick you。生活與斗牛差不多。不是你戰(zhàn)勝牛,就是牛挑死你。

  19、the best way to find out if you can trust somebody is to trust them。 發(fā)現(xiàn)你能否信任一個人的最好的方法就是去信任他。

  20、the man who has begun to live more seriously within begins to live more simply without。 心靈愈加嚴(yán)謹(jǐn),外表愈加簡單


  21、but this is the way to paris earlier, when we were very poor, very happy。但是這就是巴黎早期的樣子,那時候我們很窮,卻很幸福。

  22、regret his mistakes, and strive not to repeat, this is the real repentance?;诤拮约旱腻e誤,而且力求不再重蹈覆轍,這才是真正的悔悟。

  23、the fish than tuna to unpalatable, but having said that, what is not easy。這種魚比金槍魚要難吃,可是話得說回來,干什么都不容易。

  24、world knockdown everyone, then, many of the people be strong in heartbreak。世界擊倒每一個人,之后,許多人在心碎處堅(jiān)強(qiáng)起來。

  25、young people have a calm elderly, the elderly should be the spirit of young people。青年人要有老年人的沉著,老年人應(yīng)有青年人的精神。

  26、i do not care about the pros and cons, then there is nothing in life can not be overcome。只要不計(jì)較得失,人生便沒有什么不能克服的。

  27、but man is not made for defeat。 a man can be destroyed but not defeated。 人不是因失敗而生。你可以被摧毀他但是不能被打敗他。

  28、people are not born to be defeated, the man can be destroyed but not defeated。人不是生來就被打敗的,人可以被毀滅,但是不可以被打敗。

  29、fear of a person for the extent of death is directly proportional to their wealth growth。一個人對于死亡的恐懼程度與其財(cái)富的增長程度成正比。

  30、better than others, and not noble; stronger than before himself, is the real noble。比別人強(qiáng),并不算高貴;比以前的自己強(qiáng),才是真實(shí)的高貴。

  31、if you have lived in paris at a young age, that paris will follow you forever。如果你有幸在年輕時居住過巴黎,那巴黎將會跟著你一輩子。

  32、people are not made for defeat, and a man can be destroyed but not to beat。人不是為失敗而生的,一個人可以被毀滅,但不能給打敗。

  33、better than the others, is not noble, true nobility should be better than the past itself。優(yōu)于別人,并不高貴,真正的高貴應(yīng)該是優(yōu)于過去的自己。

  34、as long as you do not care about the pros and cons, what can not find ways to overcome life?只要你不計(jì)較得失,人生還有什么不能想法子克服?

  35、they are born not to be defeated, people can be destroyed, but can not be beat。人生來就不是為了被打敗的,人能夠被毀滅,但是不能夠被打敗。

  36、all good books have one thing in common - they are truer than if they had really happened。 好書都有一個共同點(diǎn)——它們都比真實(shí)事件還真實(shí)。

  37、nothing in the daytime is extremely easy emotional, but at night it is another matter。在白天對什么都不動感情是極為容易的,但在夜晚就是另外一回事了。

  38、the thought of my life was gone so quickly, but i'm not really alive, and i can not stand。一想到我的生命消逝得那么迅速,而我并不是真正地活著,我就受不了。

  39、self is the master of everything to god, if want to conquer the world, you have to conquer self。自我就是主宰一切的上帝,倘若想征服全世界,就得先征服自我。

  40、it is the master of all god, if want to conquer the world, we have to first conquer himself。自己就是主宰一切的上帝,倘若想征服全世界,就得先征服自己。

  41、as long as you do not care about the pros and cons, what life can not find ways to overcome them?只要你不計(jì)較得失,人生還有什么不能想法子克服的?

  42、life always makes us black and blue, but later, those places become more strong injured。生活總是讓我們遍體鱗傷,但到后來,那些受傷的地方會變得更堅(jiān)強(qiáng)。

  43、as long as you do not care about the pros and cons, then life is what can not find ways to overcome them?只要你不計(jì)較得失的話,人生還有什么不能想法子克服的?

  44、what is missing now is not the time to think about the things that you think about with what do existing?,F(xiàn)在不是去想缺少什么的時候,該想一想憑現(xiàn)有的東西你能做什么。

  45、i sympathize with all the people who do not want to go to bed。 compassion for all people at night to have a light。我同情所有不想上床睡覺的人。同情所有夜里要有亮光的人。


  torcello,20 november1948

  dearest kittner:

  been working hard and missing you harder.nomails today at all.i wrote you day before yest andforwarded a letter from your family to theexcelsior in firenze today.now writing you justat sun-set.been beautiful fall weather ever sincethe day you left.i went shooting with emilio andshot 25 small birds and we might have gotten twoducks as four flashed over us very low but wereeating lunch when it happened.might have missedthem too.

  have my correspondence all done except forletter torice.then will do the article.may do the article and then rice since will have togo into venice to get power of attorney notarized. wrote charley ritz too.

  there is a big duck shoot either tomorrow(sunday)a.m.or else monday.emilio is going tolet me know tonight.hope it's monday as myshoulder is sore from those high,straight up and down shots.i think those are probably quite heavyloads of the light shot.can really shoot that overand under now.haven't started learning the doubleyet.

  believe magazines etc.held up by the dockstrike.they say over 50 000 sacks of mail on thedocks in ny.but you read the papleys too sowon't kalten born the news to you.

  your last pictures(the tower etc.) came outexcellently.got them last night.

  no more word from childies.

  hope your news was good.

  i've been trying to stay awake and read untilmidnight or one a.m.

  no local news.mooky's foot got ok.ateoutdoors in the sun today and he kept his head inmy lap all through lunch;clams,sole,white riceplain.bobby the other dog,crazy's brother,can situp to beg and also make a how do you do and afancy meeting you.

  there's nobody living here now.today threecouples for lunch though;a character who waseither a fairy or a cinema star or both withreconditioned woman(fenders straightened,badpaint job),a sort of brusadelli type with woman tomatch and a brace of belgiums.i can now tell the travelling belgium as far as can smell them.

  best to all your friends.love to my kitten.begood and have good fun.it's dark now and theshooting has started.been trying to think what abelgium smells like(the post-war travellingbelgiums)think it is a blend of traitorous king,toe jam,un-washed navels,old bicycle saddles,(sweated),paving stones,and eminently soundmoney with a touch of leek soup and cooking parsnips.

  i love you dearest kittner and miss you very,very very very,very,very much.




















