


時(shí)間: 焯杰674 分享



  There was no shortage of food in the house. The day after the death of Aureliano Segundo, one of the friends who had brought the wreath with the irreverent inscription offered to pay Fernanda some money that he had owed her husband. After that every Wednesday a delivery boy brought a basket of food that was quite sufficient for a week. No one ever knew that those provisions were being sent by Petra Cotes with the idea that the continuing charity was a way of humiliating the person who had humiliated her. Nevertheless, the rancor disappeared much sooner than she herself had expected, and then she continued sending the food out of pride and finally out of compassion. Several times, when she had no animals to raffle off and people lost interest in the lottery, she went without food so that Fernanda could have something to eat, and she continued fulfilling the pledge to herself until she saw Fernanda’s funeral procession pass by.

  家里并不缺少吃的。但是奧雷連諾第二死后第二天,在送那只寫了一句不恭敬題詞的花圈的人當(dāng)中,有一個(gè)朋友向菲蘭達(dá)提出,要付清從前欠她亡夫的錢。從這一天起,每星期三,就有一個(gè)人來到這兒,手里提著一只裝滿各種食物的藤籃,藤籃里的食物吃一個(gè)星期還綽綽有余。家里誰也不知道·這些食物都是佩特娜。 柯特送來的,她以為固定的施舍是貶低那個(gè)曾經(jīng)貶低她的人的一種有效方式。其實(shí),佩特娜·柯特心里的怒氣消失得比她自己預(yù)料得還快,就這樣,奧雷連諾第二昔日的情婦,最初是出于自豪,后來則是出于同情,繼續(xù)給他的寡婦送食物來。過了一些日子,佩特娜·柯特沒有足夠的力量出售彩票了,人們對抽彩也失去了興趣。當(dāng)時(shí),她自己也饑腸轆轆地坐著,卻還供養(yǎng)菲蘭達(dá),依然盡著自己肩負(fù)的責(zé)任,直到目睹對方入葬。


  In fulfillment of her promise, Santa Sofía de la Piedad cut the throat of Jos?Arcadio Segundo’s corpse with a kitchen knife to be sure that they would not bury him alive. The bodies were placed in identical coffins, and then it could be seen that once more in death they had become as Identical as they had been until adolescence. Aureliano Segundo’s old carousing comrades laid on his casket a wreath that had a purple ribbon with the words: Cease, cows, life is short. Fernanda was so indignant with such irreverence that she had the wreath thrown onto the trash heap. In the tumult of the last moment, the sad drunkards who carried them out of the house got the coffins mixed up and buried them in the wrong graves.

  為了履行自己的誓言,圣索菲婭·德拉佩德拿來一把菜刀,割斷霍。 阿卡蒂奧第二尸體的喉管,這才相信他不是被活埋的。一對孿生兄弟的尸體安放在兩個(gè)同樣的棺材里,這時(shí),只見他們死后又變得象青年時(shí)代那樣相象了。奧雷連諾第二的酒友們在他的棺材上放了一個(gè)花圈,花圈上系著一條深紫色緞帶,上面寫著一句題詞:“繁殖吧,母牛,生命短促呀!”這種污辱死者的行為激怒了菲蘭達(dá),她忙叫人把花圈扔到污水坑里去。幾個(gè)傷心的酒徒從房子里抬出棺材,在最后一陣倉促的準(zhǔn)備中把它們搞錯(cuò)了,把奧雷連諾第二的尸體埋在為霍·阿卡蒂奧第二挖掘的墳?zāi)估?,而將?middot;阿卡蒂奧第二的尸體埋葬在他兄弟的墳?zāi)估锪恕?/p>


  They found her dead on the morning of Good Friday. The last time that they had helped her calculate her age, during the time of the banana company, she had estimated it as between one hundred fifteen and one hundred twenty-two. They buried her in a coffin that was not much larger than the basket in which Aureliano had arrived, and very few people were at the funeral, partly because there wet not many left who remembered her, and partly because it was so hot that noon that the birds in their confusion were running into walls like day pigeons and breaking through screens to die in the bedrooms.











