Do Colors Have Smells?
Have you ever heard the color blue? Or tasted the musical note F-sharp? For most people, in both cases the answer is no. But for some people blue has a particular sound or shape, and F sharp has a slightly sour taste. This unusual blending of the senses is called synesthesia, a rare neurological phenomenon occurring in roughly 1 in 100,000 people.
People with this condition do not merely associate sound with color or taste with sound, or imagine hearing a sound when they see a certain color. Rather, when a person with synesthesia encounters a particular sensory stimulus, say seeing the color red, she will hear a sound even when there is no outside source producing the sound.
In a similar manner, a particular sound may cause someone with synesthesia to see certain shapes or certain colors, even when there is no object in that person’s line of sight. The same goes for taste and smell.
Scientists know very little about what causes synesthesia. While it appears to be hereditary, the actual neurological processes that account for the phenomenon remain a mystery. Although most scientists agree that the hippocampus, an area of the brain responsible for memory, plays a role, exactly how the hippocampus might cause synesthesia is not clear.
Otherwise, scientific knowledge about synesthesia is limited to several interesting observations. For example, synesthetic perceptions remain consistent over time. In other words, if a person with synesthesia sees blue and green flashes when he hears a C-sharp, he will always see those same colors upon hearing that note.
What Are Blisters?
Remember that hit song from the 80’s that featured the chorus: “And I would walk five hundred miles / and I would walk five hundred more / Just to be the man who walks a thousand miles / to fall down at your door”? What sounds romantic in pop song fantasy would be painful in reality.
Walk Not So More
Anyone who walks a thousand miles would indeed fall down, thanks to the large blisters that would most likely form on the heels and soles of weary feet.
Whether from playing too much basketball or jogging in ill-fitting sneakers, we’ve all had blisters. But what are blisters, and how do they form?
All About Blisters
Blisters come in all shapes and sizes, and some are more serious than others. The typical, jogging-related blister is a round patch of elevated skin containing a clear fluid. Blistering occurs when an upper layer of skin rubs against the underlying layer.
As a space opens between the skin layers, chemicals cause the blood vessels in the area to leak and allow a clear fluid to seep out and fill the space between layers of skin. This fluid is a sort of clear plasma, or blood without the red blood cells.
Blisters usually occur in the uppermost layers of skin, and are normally harmless. Because the blood vessels are only made more porous but not actually damaged, red blood cells do not fill the blister. But if a blister does fill with red blood, it means the damage is more serious, and should be carefully treated.