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時(shí)間: 楚欣650 分享



  All over the world, the middle classes taketemporary leave of their senses when they beartheir first child and especially when junior is ready tostart school. We all know about China’s Tiger Mums,but as far as I can see, other countries haveferocious felines too.


  Chinese mums are not the only ones loading their tiny ones up with after-school classes, tomake sure they do well in college entrance exams (China’s own version of this — the dreadedgaokao — finishes on June 9).[NB CHINA’S COLLEGE ENTRANCE EXAMS RUN JUNE 7-8 INMOST PARTS OF THE COUNTRY, HENCE THE REFERENCE TO HOW IT HAS “JUST FINISHED” ONJUNE 9]



  I sent my first daughter to pre-school at 20 months, convinced that if she waited to start withall the other two-year-olds, she would never get into Harvard.


  By that time, she had already completed courses in baby music, baby swimming, babygymnastics, baby Chinese (and doubtless some other dumb thing that I have since forgottenabout). Last week she finished sitting final exams for her first year of high school. I am notprepared to disclose the results but I think I can safely say that I could have waited on thewhole pre-school thing — at least until she could talk.


  It seems I am not the only one having a rethink on the idea of academic training for toddlersthough, even in China. One of the most popular series on Chinese television recently was TigerMum and Cat Dad, about that perennially tortured topic: does ferocity or meekness producethe best gaokao scores? The child in the series has a nervous breakdown due to too muchhomework pressure: I guess that is your answer. It seems it is no longer so obvious that it isa good idea to start cramming kids for university entrance in the same week you take them outof nappies.


  “Parents born in the 1980s, unlike their predecessors, are more aware of the importance of thehappiness of their child at kindergarten, instead of just the development of their academiccapacities,” the official China Daily quoted the general manager of Kids R Kids in China assaying.

  官媒《中國日報(bào)》(China Daily)援引Kids R Kids駐華總經(jīng)理的話說:“80后父母與上輩人不同,他們更能意識到孩子去幼兒園更重要的是快樂,而不再僅僅關(guān)注孩子學(xué)業(yè)能力的進(jìn)步。”

  They would say that, wouldn’t they, since Kids R Kids is a US early education company whosemotto is “hug first, then teach”. You can’t sell that kind of thing to Tiger Mum — but theremust be more Cat Dads out there than before. Otherwise who will Kids R Kids peddle classes inthings like infant sign language and “lying on the belly with friends” to?

  當(dāng)然了,人們肯定會(huì)說,這是因?yàn)镵ids R Kids是一家美國早教公司,其座右銘是“先擁抱孩子,再教授知識”。虎媽是不會(huì)接受這套說辭的,不過現(xiàn)在的貓爸肯定比以前多。否則Kids R Kids向誰推銷譬如嬰兒手語,“與朋友們趴著玩兒”這類課程呢?

  The government also seems to be more on Cat Dad’s side these days: changes in officialeducation regulations introduced in Shanghai this year halved the number of childreninterviewing for slots in highly competitive private kindergartens and primary schools,according to state media. Shanghai Daily said the goal was to “ease the parent frenzy aboutgetting offspring into the best schools”. Sounds like feline fathers are getting the upper handthere, too.

  近來政府似乎更站在貓爸的一邊:根據(jù)中國官方媒體的報(bào)道,今年上海出臺教育條例改革,使競爭極為激烈的民辦幼兒園和民辦小學(xué)的入學(xué)面試報(bào)考人數(shù)減半?!渡虾H請?bào)》(Shanghai Daily)表示,改革的目標(biāo)是“緩解家長對于擇校的焦慮心態(tài)”。聽起來,貓爸們似乎逐漸占了上風(fēng)。

  State media gave this as an example of the kind of question primary school interviewers mightask: You have a 5m pole. If you take a deep breath and climb up 2m, but then slip down 1meach time, how many deep breaths will you have to take before reaching the top?” I’m glad theydidn’t ask my high schooler that.


  Yang Huiyu is a young dad with a child entering primary school next academic year, and hethinks pre-school cramming is a waste of money: he holds up a maths test from such a school— which even includes a few algebra questions — and points out that children only have alimited period to answer the questions. Not for him, he says: “It’s just a matter of time, mychild will learn this in school anyway,” adding that if his son is given more than an hour and ahalf of homework per night, “I’ll ask him to take the unfinished work back to the teacher.”


  Like many Chinese parents these days, he plans to administer after-school education himself— in a fun way. “I can teach him about physics by telling him the story of Archimedes while he’sin the shower,” he says. I hope my kids learnt that at school, since I surely wasn’t up toteaching them physics at bath time (and if you’re rusty on it, I can suggest a good infant cramschool). Will he send his son for extra lessons after he finishes his primary school day? “Definitely not, unless he wants to,” says Mr Yang. Don’t let Tiger Mum hear you say that.
