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  以下是小編整理的英語文章:你知道約會成功的信號有哪些嗎, 希望能對大家的英語學(xué)習(xí)有幫助。

  1.The Follow Up


  Generally speaking, once the date ends and you parted ways, chances are you told her something along the lines of “Text me when you get home to let me know you’re safe," or something to that effect. If she had a good time, there’s a good chance she’ll end up texting back and forth with you for a little while afterwards.


  If communication drops off entirely once you part ways, sorry to say, there’s a good chance she didn’t really have that good of a time and was just trying to save face and not make things awkward


  2.The Goodbye


  Chances are if she had a good time, she’s going to be open to or possibly even suggest potential future plans together. Maybe you guys talked about how you both haven’t seen that one movie yet, or dined at that restaurant yet, or there’s a bar that you should both check out. That’s a pretty obvious in for a date in the future, and if any of this type of conversation happened, your date went pretty well.


  3. It Went On Longer Than Expected


  If you want to know if your first date was a success or not, take a look at how long it went on. When dinner, or whatever the first part of your date ended, did you ask her to go somewhere else? Did she say yes or no? These are the questions you need to ask yourself.


  If she did happily accompany you to whatever second venue you guys decided on, that’s definitely a good sign. It means that she at least wanted to see a little more of you and get to know you better.


  4. She Remembered The Little Things


  If she was into you when she was on the date she likely paid a lot more attention to the little details, and also asked a lot more questions than she would have if she didn’t really care for you. So, if later on in the date you found that she remembered details that you mentioned very casually in passing, that’s definitely a sign that the date went well.


  5. Her Body Language


  If she wanted to impress you and you took her to a nice restaurant, there’s a good chance she tried to look extra nice. If you notice any of the more obvious, difficult-to-confuse positive body-language signals from her, you probably won’t be wrong in assuming your first date was a success.


  6. You Had Her Attention


  If she was enjoying the date, you had her attention. How much, if she was sitting there texting back and forth with her friends while you were together, that’s a bad sign.


  If she was into the date, she would have avoided her phone. If she couldn't look away the whole evening and it made you feel like the most interesting man in the world, you had a successful first date.


  7. Deep Conversation


  If you spent the whole date talking about both of your jobs and how the weather was last weekend, you probably didn’t hit it off. When you’re on a good date, you tend to get lost in the conversation, and before you know it the time has flown by. If every step of the way it felt like you were desperately trying to dig for something to talk about, it probably didn’t go that well.


  8. You Had A Lot In Common


  Finding common ground is definitely a great early sign that things went well on your date. It could be as simple as your favorite brand of breakfast cereal growing up or your unreasonable obsession with comic books. It shows that you were both comfortable enough to open up and share your interests, which can be challenging when you are just meeting someone. You don’t know how they’re going to react to your interests, so if everything goes smoothly here, this is a great sign.


  9. It Started Well


  When you guys first said met and said your hellos, was there a connection right away? Did you feel comfortable pretty quickly or was it awkward for most of the night? Did it feel like she was trying to make it go smoother or did you have to do all the work? If she wasn’t feeling it, she probably didn't ask you too many questions, and didn’t try all that hard to lead the discussion anywhere. The early part of the date can be a good indicator, but even if things were a bit stale then, there’s still always the chance that things turned around later.


  10. Pre-Date Signs


  The things that happened leading up to the date can tell you a lot about how interested she was in the date in the first place. Did she show up on time? Did she reschedule it? If every other part of the date seemed to go south, you might want to look all the way back to the beginning to see if there were any red flags before you two even started your first date.



以下是小編整理的英語文章:你知道約會成功的信號有哪些嗎, 希望能對大家的英語學(xué)習(xí)有幫助。 1.The Follow Up 約會結(jié)束的后續(xù) Generally speaking, once the date ends and you parted ways, chances are you told her something along


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