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  Science and Technology Palaeontology Remember the tooth

  科技 古生物學(xué) 牙齒的痕跡

  A link is made in an ancient ecosystem


  WHO ate whom in the food chains of the past is rarely clear.


  Though it is obvious which species were predators and which prey, the subtle specialisations of feeding habit that allow many types of carnivore to co-exist are rarely preserved in the fossil record.


  Rarely, but not never.


  That is why the recent discovery of a Jurassic ammonite with a shark's tooth embedded in its shell has excited palaeontologists.


  The ammonite in question, Orthaspidoceras, a species that thrived 155m years ago, was part of the collection of an amateur who did not realise the significance of what he had found.


  Romain Vullo of the University of Rennes, however, did-and he has brought the discovery to the attention of the scientific world in the pages of Naturwissenschaften.

  法國雷恩大學(xué)的Romain Vullo卻明白,而他在《自然科學(xué)》雜志上的幾頁論文吸引了科學(xué)界的注意。

  Ammonites were both predators and prey.


  They occupied a position in the Mesozoic oceans similar to that of modern squid.


  Like squid, they were swimming tentacled molluscs-a group called the cephalopods.


  Unlike squid, though, they had protective shells.


  These shells were divided internally into gas-filled chambers.


  The result had neutral buoyancy, allowing the animal to move (like squid) by jet propulsion.


  Modern pearly nautiluses, whose relationship to ammonites is much debated, have a similar arrangement.


  What ammonites-or, at least, some of them-ate became clear earlier this year when an X-ray showed a small crustacean in the jaws of a species called Baculites.


  But what ate ammonites has never been shown in such an unambiguous manner.


  Some ammonite fossils have tooth marks that look as though they were made by huge reptilian predators called mosasaurs.


  Some appear to have been attacked by the beaks of other cephalopods.


  And some seem to have been bitten by sharks.


  On top of that, coprolites, as palaeontologists politely describe fossil faeces, have turned up with ammonite shells in them.


  Based on comparisons with modern evacua, these are probably from sharks.


  But which sharks? Dr Vullo's ammonite nails one culprit.


  The tooth belongs to a species called Planohybodus.


  And that is a surprise.


  Those modern sharks that eat shelled animals have robust teeth for crunching through hard exteriors.


  The teeth of Planohybodus, in contrast, were slender and pointed-the sort usually associated with grasping and tearing at flesh.


  In a modern predator, that would indicate the habit of eating fish.


  That a shark with teeth like this would try to make a meal of an ammonite is, at first sight, odd.


  But second thoughts provide a possible explanation.


  Ammonites' manoeuvrability would have depended crucially on their buoyancy control.


  Even a small puncture to the shell, which a pointed tooth would be well able to deliver, would let the water in and cause that control to vanish.


  Since ammonites could not withdraw entirely into their shells for self-defence, it would then just be a question of dragging the creature out of its chamber in order to eat it.


  And for that, sharp, pointed teeth are ideal.




  A new fossil shows that evolution does not always mean change


  WHEN a coelacanth, a type of lobe-finned fish once considered the missing link between fish and amphibians, was found off the coast of South Africa in 1938, it came as a shock to palaeontologists. Until then, the most recent traces of such a creature had been in rocks dating from the last days of the dinosaurs, 65m years ago. It was, in its way, as surprising as if a live Tyrannosaurus had been found hiding in an obscure part of Montana. Now the same experience is hitting palaeontologists again—but this time in reverse. Instead of finding a "living fossil" identical to an ancient beast, they have found a real fossil identical to a modern one.


  The fossil in question, a 100m-year-old specimen from north-east Brazil, belongs to the genus Schizodactylus. These are large, carnivorous, cricket-like insects whose feet splay out wildly in different directions. Modern Schizodactylus use their feet like snowshoes, to help them remain stable as they travel over sandy terrain in search of prey.


  If the new fossil—whose discovery has just been published in ZooKeys by Sam Heads of the Illinois Natural History Survey and Léa Leuzinger of the University of Fribourg, in Switzerland—were merely similar to modern splay-footed insects, the find would not be particularly surprising: it simply demonstrates a phenomenon called evolutionary stasis, in which a specific type of body form hangs around for a long time. What is surprising is just how static Schizodactylus has been.


  Evolutionary stasis is fairly common at the higher levels of the Linnaean system of biological classification (class, order and family). Natural selection hits on a good design. That design is then adopted in slightly different forms by species after species. The shelled bodies of turtles, for example, evolved between 250m and 200m years ago, while the body plans of scorpions have been around for more than 400m years. That does not mean, however, that a zoologist would mistake a 200m-year-old turtle or a 400m-year-old scorpion for any species now alive.


  What is remarkable about the new find is that it is so similar to modern animals that it can be assigned to an existing genus—the lowest level of Linnaean classification above a species—rather than just to some higher taxonomic group. That is rare indeed. Even the modern coelacanth, on closer examination, had to be put in a different genus from any known fossil.


  Clearly the body plan of Schizodactylus is not merely good, but optimal, at least for the environment the animal lives in. Alas for Schizodactylus, the sandy deserts it prefers have retreated from north-eastern Brazil and its optimality there has vanished. But its discovery shows better what this part of the world was like 100m years ago—and also illustrates an important point about evolution that is often forgotten in biologists' understandable focus on the development of novelty. The first rule of natural selection is: "If it ain't broke, don't fix it."



  愛的代價(jià) The price of love

  The junta's policy of eliminating its enemies still fascinates Argentina's novelists;


  Purgatory. By Tomás Eloy Martínez. Translated by Frank Wynne.

  《煉獄》,Tomás Eloy Martínez著,F(xiàn)rank Wynne譯。

  An Open Secret. By Carlos Gamerro. Translated by Ian Barnett.

  《公開的秘密》,Carlos Gamerro著,Ian Barnett譯。

  Open Door. By Iosi Havilio. Translated by Beth Fowler.

  《敞開的門》,Iosi Havilio著,Beth Fowler譯。

  7 Ways to Kill a Cat. By Matías Néspolo. Translated by Frank Wynne.

  《殺死一只貓的7種方式》,Matías Néspolo著,F(xiàn)rank Wynne譯。

  It seems appropriate now that Argentina's investigation into the fate of its desaparecidos—the 8,960 people officially known to have “disappeared” under the military dictatorship of 1976-83—was headed by a writer. Ernesto Sábato, who died in April at the age of 99, described his task as a “slow descent into hell”. Ever since “Never Again”, his 1984 report on the “dirty war”, generations of Argentine novelists have followed Sábato into the inferno.

  1976-83年,在這段軍事獨(dú)裁時(shí)期阿根廷有8960人被官方確認(rèn)為 “失蹤”,對(duì)這些失蹤者命運(yùn)的調(diào)查,可以說走在最前沿的是一位作家。Ernesto Sábato,今年4月逝世,終年99歲,他將這項(xiàng)工作描述為“緩緩沉入地獄”。自從他對(duì)這場(chǎng)“骯臟戰(zhàn)爭(zhēng)”的報(bào)道《再也不會(huì)》(Never Again)于1984年發(fā)表后,一代代阿根廷小說家跟隨Sábato走入這段地獄般的歷史。

  For Argentine society, the chapter never closes. Continuing revelations about hundreds of adopted children who were abducted with their parents, or born in custody, have resulted in DNA tests and legal challenges by a campaigning group, “Grandmothers of the Plaza de Mayo”. Two of these fine recent novels revisit events during the junta. The others—both exceptional debuts—focus on a disturbing present, yet are haunted by unexplained disappearances.


  Tomás Eloy Martínez (pictured above), a prominent journalist, novelist and academic who spent years in exile and died in 2010, is known for his explorations of the psychology of Peronism, among them “Santa Evita” (1995). In “Purgatory” (2008), his last novel, an Argentine cartographer in suburban New Jersey senses that her husband has returned to her, no older than when he disappeared 30 years earlier. After years of searching, she remains impervious to evidence of his death as it would confirm that her father, a cheerleading propagandist for the junta, connived in his killing. The novel alludes to the mixture of hypocrisy and collusion that characterised that period, and the banal sentimentality of its distractions—flying saucers, soap operas, fatherland and fútbol (the infamous 1978 World Cup hosted and won by Argentina). The heroine's state of denial and her ghostly and erotic delusions mirror a country still struggling with reality.

  托馬斯·埃洛伊·馬丁內(nèi)斯(Tomás Eloy Martínez)(見上圖)是一位杰出的新聞工作者、小說家和學(xué)者,曾度過數(shù)年流亡生活,在2010年去世。他以庇隆主義心理學(xué)研究著稱,代表作《圣埃維塔》(Santa Evita)(1995)?!稛挭z》(Purgatory)(2008)是馬丁內(nèi)斯的最后一部小說。家住新澤西郊區(qū)的阿根廷制圖師終于與丈夫重聚,但她發(fā)覺丈夫和30年前失蹤時(shí)一樣年輕。這些年她不停尋找,雖有證據(jù)證明丈夫的死亡,但她始終不為所動(dòng),因?yàn)檫@也可能證實(shí)她的父親,一名軍政府高級(jí)參謀,參與了這起謀殺。小說影射了當(dāng)時(shí)社會(huì)的偽善,人與人相互勾結(jié),精神生活和日常消遣平庸乏味——飛碟、肥皂劇、談?wù)搰潞妥闱?由阿根廷舉辦并奪冠的不甚光彩的1978年世界杯)。小說中的女主角拒絕接受現(xiàn)實(shí),終日魂勞夢(mèng)斷,反應(yīng)出一個(gè)國家仍在與現(xiàn)實(shí)抗?fàn)幍纳鐣?huì)現(xiàn)狀。

  Craven complicity is at the heart of Carlos Gamerro's “An Open Secret”, a literary thriller first published in 2002 that has the makings of a classic. The perfect crime is “one committed in the sight of everyone—because then there are no witnesses, only accomplices.” A veteran of the war in the Falklands (or Malvinas as they are known in Argentina) returns in the 1990s to his hometown in the pampas to probe the disappearance in custody of a troublesome young journalist during the weekend of Diego Maradona's football debut 20 years earlier. He finds a “conspiracy of chattiness” rather than of silence, over a murder the whole town was in on.

  懦弱的同謀是Carlos Gamerro小說《公開的秘密》(An Open Secret)的中心內(nèi)容,該書最早出版于2002年,是一部有實(shí)力成為經(jīng)典作品的驚悚小說。完美的犯罪是“眾目睽睽之下的犯罪——因?yàn)檫@樣沒有目擊者,只有同謀。”一位參加過??颂m群島(阿根廷稱之為馬爾維納斯群島)戰(zhàn)爭(zhēng)的老兵上世紀(jì)90年代回到他在潘帕斯草原的家,對(duì)一起事件進(jìn)行調(diào)查:20年前迭戈·馬拉多納首次登場(chǎng)比賽,就在那個(gè)周末,一個(gè)被拘留的麻煩纏身的年輕記者莫名失蹤。他發(fā)現(xiàn)這并不是一場(chǎng)沉默的陰謀,而是“人人都在談?wù)摰年幹\”,這起謀殺在全城人盡皆知。

  Mr Gamerro, who was born in 1962, departs from a previous generation's reverence for eyewitness testimony and memorialising the dead. The tone is hard-boiled, its cynicism alleviated by rare lyrical flights, and the desaparecido emerges as a spoilt mama's boy and unsavoury womaniser. The “involuntary martyr” is no hero. The perspective is that of a generation seeking the unadulterated truth about their parents and grandparents during the “dirty war”—and hence their own identity. Amid the torrential self- justification of the townsfolk, from barbers to bankers, the subject becomes language itself, which is used to excuse and obfuscate. The stark epigraph is from William Burroughs: “To speak is to lie/To live is to collaborate.”

  Gamerro出生于1962年,對(duì)于歷史見證者的證言和對(duì)死者的紀(jì)念方式,他沒有像上一代人那樣完全表現(xiàn)出敬畏。小說語調(diào)冰冷,偶有的情感抒發(fā)使文章少了些憤世嫉俗之感。失蹤者被塑造成受媽媽寵愛的男孩的形象,喜歡拈花惹草,令人反感。“非自愿的犧牲者”絕非英雄。作者將視角投向一代人追尋真相,探查“骯臟戰(zhàn)爭(zhēng)”期間父輩和祖父輩最真實(shí)的經(jīng)歷——同時(shí)這也是對(duì)自己身份的探尋。從理發(fā)師到銀行家,市民們自我辯護(hù)的話語鋪天蓋地而來,人人自顧開脫,令真相撲朔迷離,而這部分語言也構(gòu)成了小說的主體。書中令人警醒的題詞源自威廉·柏洛茲(William Burroughs)的語句:“語言即謊言/生存即勾結(jié)。”

  The bereaved mother in “An Open Secret” appears mad, though the madness is all around her. In “Open Door” by Iosi Havilio, who was born only in 1974, Argentina resembles an asylum. A young veterinary assistant relates how her female lover went missing. She fears that she may have seen her commit suicide off a bridge in Buenos Aires's old port. Between trips to the morgue to identify corpses, she visits a pampas village named Open Door, after the psychiatric hospital that was founded there in 1898 as an “agricultural work colony”. In the countryside she moves between two partners: an ageing gaucho—whose name is the same as his ailing horse, Jaime—and an amoral, druggie country girl with plaits.

  《公開的秘密》中失去兒子的母親顯得有些精神失常,事實(shí)上這種荒誕不經(jīng)充斥于她周邊?!冻ㄩ_的門》(Open Door)作者Iosi Havilio,是一位出生于1974年的年青作家。在阿根廷,open door被視為精神病院。故事中一個(gè)年輕的獸醫(yī)助理在敘述她的女朋友失蹤的情形。她似乎看到她從布宜諾斯艾利斯舊港口的一座橋上跳了下去,她很擔(dān)心。在幾次前往太平間辨認(rèn)遺體的過程中,女主角拜訪了一個(gè)潘帕斯小鎮(zhèn)。小鎮(zhèn)名叫敞開的門,是以1898年在此建成的精神病院得名,這里一直是“農(nóng)業(yè)耕種殖民地”。在鄉(xiāng)下她往返于兩個(gè)情人之間:一個(gè)是老成的高楚牧人——名字和他的病馬一樣,Jaime;另一個(gè)是梳著辮子,不明事理、吸毒成癮的鄉(xiāng)下女孩。

  As sexual encounters unfold in the woman's alienated voice, the characters merge with the village “loonies”. Events, like interchangeable lovers, have equal weight, from a stable fire to the brewing of maté tea, in an ambiguous tale that verges on dark comedy. A suspected UFO turns out to be the spotlit film set for a commercial. In an asylum without walls, there is “nothing to limit the illusion of absolute liberty”; ultimate control is when people no longer feel they are being coerced. With skill and subtlety, the novel hints that a whole society might labour under an illusion of liberty, manipulated by forces outside the frame.


  What those malign forces might be is more explicit in “7 Ways to Kill a Cat” by Matías Néspolo, another debut novelist of Mr Havilio's generation. His shantytown tale from southern Buenos Aires, which recalls the “City of God” slum in the Rio favelas, is set during Argentina's 2001 financial crash, with protesters defying tear gas, from teachers to lorry drivers. It opens in a barrio at the “wolf's mouth”, where the asphalt and streetlights give out, with two peso-less youths butchering a cat for meat. As they become embroiled in a lethal turf war between drug lords, the narrator, Gringo, probes the mystery of his mother's disappearance, and that of his cousin—a reformed gangster turned pavement hawker.

  這些邪惡勢(shì)力究竟是什么,《殺死一只貓的7種方式》(7 Ways to Kill a Cat)對(duì)此進(jìn)行了詳盡的記述。作者M(jìn)atías Néspolo,與Havilio是同時(shí)代人,也是一位初次亮相的作家。小說以2001年阿根廷經(jīng)濟(jì)危機(jī)為時(shí)代背景,當(dāng)時(shí)從教師到卡車司機(jī),都參與到抗議者隊(duì)伍中,公然反抗警察鎮(zhèn)壓。這部窩棚區(qū)故事取材于布宜諾斯艾利斯南部,讓人想到位于里約貧民窟的“上帝之城”貧民區(qū)。故事在有著“狼口”之稱的地區(qū)展開,這是柏油路和路燈的盡頭,兩個(gè)身無分文的青年為了填飽肚子正在宰殺一只貓。之后他們卷入與毒梟爭(zhēng)奪地盤的致命斗爭(zhēng),故事的敘述者Gringo對(duì)兩起神秘失蹤事件展開調(diào)查,一位是他的母親,另一位是他的表兄——曾是一個(gè)惡棍,改過自新后成了街邊小販。

  Gringo, torn between moral scruples and the need to “look after number one”, learns that there are only two ways to kill a cat: civilised or savage. A police crackdown on the marchers prompts him to retaliate in what he sees as a “seriously civilised fashion”. One of the characters in “An Open Secret” claims bitterly that in Argentina, “the winners make history and the losers write it.” To judge from these novels that scour the past and mourn the future, it seems nobody won.
