junk food四級英語文章加翻譯
junk food四級英語文章加翻譯
人們對垃圾食品一直都是又愛又恨,東西雖然美味,但是卻對身體影響不好。那么我們應該怎樣來用英文寫關(guān)于junk food的文章呢,接下來我們一起看看吧!
junk food四級英語文章加翻譯一
LIVING with children can be devastating for the diet of mums and dads, claim researchers.
A US study found parents eat the equivalent of almost a pepperoni pizza of saturated fat each week.
And they are far more likely to eat junk food and high-fat products than adults who do not have children in the home. The academics say adverts aimed at children and a lack of time to cook proper meals may be to blame for mums and dads scoffing cheese, ice cream, beef, pizza and salty snacks.
Dr Helena Laroche explained: "Our findings show that adults' fat intake, particularly saturated fat, is higher for those who live with children compared to adults who don't live with children.
"Adults with children ate more of those snacks and other convenience foods. Once these foods are in the house, even if bought for the children, adults appear more likely to eat them." Saturated fat is found in meats such as beef, oil and processed foods.
It is the main dietary cause of high blood cholesterol and is linked to heart disease. The researchers from the University of Iowa and University of Michigan questioned nearly 7,000 adults with and without children aged under 17.
從日常飲食角度來講,飽和脂肪攝入量過多是造成人體血液中膽固醇水平偏高的主要原因,同時還可能會引發(fā)心臟病。 來自于美國艾奧瓦大學和密歇根大學的科研人員對將近7000名成年人進行了調(diào)查研究,這些人中只有一部分是與年齡在17歲以下的孩子共同生活的。
junk food四級英語文章加翻譯二
Fatty junk food destroys the brain cells that control weight, leading to a vicious circle of obesity, scientists have revealed.
The findings may explain why it is so hard for fat people to shift the pounds.
Researchers fed rats what they described as a 'typical high-fat American diet' and found they had doubled their calorie intake three days later.
Further study showed they also had an inflammation in the hypothalamus, the part of the brain containing neurons that control body weight.
This inflammation stopped a few days later but then recurred after four weeks.
Lead researcher Dr Joshua Thaler, of the Diabetes and Obesity Centre of Excellence at the University of Washington in Seattle, said scientists also detected a healing response to brain injury called gliosis.
主導這項實驗的是來自于西雅圖華盛頓州立大學大學糖尿病與肥胖癥研究中心的Joshua Thaler教授,他透露科學家還發(fā)現(xiàn)了一種應對這種傷害的復原機制,名叫膠質(zhì)細胞增生。
He said: 'Gliosis is thought to be the brain equivalent of wound healing and is typically seen in conditions of neuronal injury, such as stroke and multiple sclerosis.
Dr Thaler said: 'The possibility that brain injury may be a consequence of the over-consumption of a typical American diet offers a new explanation for why sustained weight loss is so difficult for most obese individuals to achieve.
'It is not yet clear whether this presumed neuronal injury is permanent, but it may contribute to weight gain.
'If new medicines can be designed that limit neuron injury during overeating, they may be effective in combating the obesity epidemic.'