Chinese pianist Lang Lang grabbed the International Artist of the Year at the Classic Brit Awards 2013, held at London's Royal Albert Hall on Wednesday night.
It is the first time a Chinese musician has won the award. "This is a historical moment for me," the 31-year-old musician told China Daily in an exclusive interview, who added that he hopes more Chinese musicians will win in the future.
"The UK has always been an important country for my career, because the first time I performed in a Western European country it was in the UK, at the Royal Albert Hall."
Organizers said the award was in recognition of Lang's global feats as a recording artist and performer, as well as his efforts to increase the popularity of classical music and the piano around the globe.
"His continuing enthusiasm, efforts and performances have helped encourage people of all ages to start playing the piano, and this above all is what we hope to achieve with each Classic Brit Awards event," co-chairmen of the awards committee — Dickon Stainer, president of Decca Records, and Barry McCann, director of Avie Records said.
Lang, British violinist Nicola Benedetti and the London Chamber Orchestra performed together for the first time at the awards show, playing the Armenian folk song Sabre Dance.
Benedetti triumphed for a second consecutive year in the Female Artist of the Year category.
The Classic Brit Awards, established in 2000 to honor and recognize all forms of classical music, plays a major role in supporting and nurturing talent in both the core and crossover classical worlds.
Lang said he is lucky to have obtained his musical achievements, but he also hopes to spend more time in recent years on charitable projects, having established his foundation, the Lang Lang International Music Foundation in 2008.
"I hope I don't just improve myself. I will also want to improve the skills and ability of young Chinese musicians," Lang said.
To help provide the best music education to talented young Chinese musicians Lang has also opened his own school in Shenzhen a year and half ago.
"I want to educate the children and make them excel in music. The children play much better now compared to last year when they first started doing lessons, so I think the systematic teaching at the school really helped," Lang said.
He said the children at his school also are visited by famous musicians from the world, many of whom are Lang's friends in the music field. The children also have the opportunity to play music abroad on summer camps. "I want to play a role to help the children play music on a global stage," Lang said.
倫敦當?shù)貢r間10月2日晚,被譽為古典音樂界“奧斯卡”的“全英古典音樂獎(Classical Brits Award)”在英國皇家阿爾伯特大廳迎來了2013年度頒獎盛典。國際鋼琴巨星郎朗受邀缺席,并憑借其在寰球范圍內(nèi)古典音樂唱片錄制和演奏上的突出成就,以及致力于古典音樂推廣所作出的貢獻,被英國唱片業(yè)協(xié)會(British Phonographic Industry)授予“年度最佳國際藝術(shù)家獎”(International Artist of the Year),成為首位獲得該項大獎的中國藝術(shù)家。值得一提的是,郎朗憑借其個人與專輯《肖邦》的精彩表現(xiàn),又同時獲得了“全英古典音樂獎年度最佳男藝術(shù)家獎”和“全英古典音樂獎年度最佳古典唱片獎”兩項提名。
“年度最佳國際藝術(shù)家獎”設(shè)立于2012年,旨在表彰近年來對世界古典音樂做出杰出奉獻的藝術(shù)家,英語書面語,首屆獲獎?wù)邽槭澜缬忻璩野驳铝?波切利(Andrea Bocelli)。郎朗作為第二屆獲獎?wù)叱蔀榱似鳂奉愃囆g(shù)家獲此殊榮的第一人。“終生成就獎”授予已故的世界著名男高音歌頌家魯契亞諾?帕瓦羅蒂(Luciano Pavarotti),由西班牙男高音歌唱家何塞?卡雷拉斯(José Carreras)代替領(lǐng)獎。而曾為《角斗士》、《達?芬奇密碼》、《盜夢空間》等多部好萊塢大片配樂的有手刺子配樂家漢斯?季默(Hans Zimmer)取得了“最佳作曲家獎”。
當連續(xù)擔當六屆全英古典音樂獎頒獎典禮的主持人瑪琳?克拉斯(Myleene Klass)宣布郎朗獲獎時,現(xiàn)場所有觀眾將最熱烈的掌聲獻給上臺領(lǐng)獎的郎朗。在接過獎杯之后,郎朗激動的說:“感謝全英音樂獎,感激英國的觀眾,感謝在我的祖國等待這個消息的所有的朋友們,謝謝大家對我的支持!。”隨后,郎朗與世界著名的小提琴吹奏家尼克拉?貝內(nèi)德蒂(Nicola Benedetti)及倫敦室內(nèi)樂團(the LondonChamber Orchestra)配合,演奏了哈恰圖良的《馬刀舞曲》,并傾情獨奏了肖邦的《降E大調(diào)第一號圓舞曲》,現(xiàn)場再一次響起了熱鬧的掌聲與歡呼聲。這是郎朗自2007年以來第三次出席全英古典音樂獎頒獎典禮,他曾于2009年在該頒獎盛典上與傳奇爵士樂鋼琴大師赫比 漢考克(Herbie Hancock)同臺演出。
另據(jù)報道,德國回聲機古典音樂官網(wǎng)近期正式宣布,郎朗《肖邦》專輯榮獲“德國回聲機古典音樂大獎年度最暢銷唱片”(the German Echo Klassik Prize for "Bestseller of the Year"),郎朗因此成為失掉該獎項的第一位中國藝術(shù)家,這也是他自2004年以來獲得的個人第6次回聲機大獎的第7個獎項。作為德國最大的年度古典音樂大獎,該頒獎儀式將于2013年10月6日在柏林舉行并向全德國現(xiàn)場直播。