小學(xué)生優(yōu)秀英語詩(shī)歌:The Marvelous Homework and Housework Machine
Attention all students! Attention all kids!
Hold onto your horses! Hold onto your lids!
We have just exactly the thing that you need
whenever you've way too much homework to read.
The Marvelous Homework & Housework Machine
will always makes sure that your bedroom is clean.
It loves to write book reports ten pages long,
then put all your toys away where they belong.
This wonderful gadget will do all your math,
then mop up your messes and go take your bath.
The Marvelous Homework & Housework Machine
is truly like no other gizmo you've seen.
It hangs up your clothes on their hangers and hooks,
then reads all your boring geography books.
It brings you a pillow to give you a rest,
then brushes your teeth and prepares for your test.
This thing is amazing. I'm sure you'll agree.
It feeds you dessert while you're watching T.V.
There's only one thing this device will not do.
It won't eat your Brussels sprouts; they're, like, P.U.
小學(xué)生優(yōu)秀英語詩(shī)歌:Rose Marie Rassmussen
Rose Marie Rassmussen went for a stroll
in her lovely new sable fur coat.
Also she wore a most elegant stole,
like a scarf made of fox, 'round her throat.
Leopard-skin trousers and crocodile shoes
and a belt made of rattlesnake hide --
these are the clothes she decided to choose
to go strolling this morning outside.
Rose Marie Rassmussen never returned.
I'm afraid that she didn't survive.
So here's the lesson I hope you have learned:
don't wear clothes that might still be alive!
小學(xué)生優(yōu)秀英語詩(shī)歌:I Don't Know What to Do Today
I don't know what to do today.
Perhaps I'll go outside and play,
or stay indoors and watch TV,
or take a bath, or climb a tree.
Or maybe I'll go ride my bike,
or pick my nose, or take a hike,
or jump a rope, or scratch my head,
or play a game, or stay in bed,
or dance a jig, or pet the cat,
or drink some milk, or buy a hat,
or sing a song, or read a book,
or change my socks, or learn to cook,
or dig a hole, or eat a pear,
or call my friends, or brush my hair,
or hold my breath, or have a race,
or stand around and slap my face.
I'm so confused, and bored, and blue,
to not know what I ought to do.
I guess that I should just ask you.
So, what do you think I should do?
小學(xué)生優(yōu)秀英語詩(shī)歌:Today I Wrote this Poem
Today I wrote this poem,
but I'm not sure if it's good.
It doesn't have the things
my teacher says a poem should.
It doesn't share the feelings
I have deep inside of me.
It hasn't any metaphors
and not one simile.
It's missing any narrative.
Alliteration too.
It isn't an acrostic,
diamante, or haiku.
There's nothing that's personified.
It doesn't have a plot.
I'm pretty sure that rhyming
is the only thing it's got.
It sure was fun to write it,
and I think it's long enough.
It's just too bad it's missing
all that great poetic stuff.
I put it on my teacher's desk
and, wow, she made a fuss.
She handed back my poem
with an A++++!
小學(xué)生優(yōu)秀英語詩(shī)歌:One Very Hot Day
One very hot day in a very hot summer,
some donkeys were carrying corn
in sacks on their backs
and they carried these packs
from the field to be stored in the barn.
The sun was so hot and the air was so dry
that the corn that the donkeys were hauling
was suddenly popping
and drifting and dropping
as if it were snow that were falling.
It seems that the donkeys were sure it was snow
that descended around them in drifts.
For, next thing you know,
it was twenty below,
and the donkeys were all frozen stiff.
In spite of the fact they were frozen to death,
they are now safely back in their barn
and feeling much better;
they've each got a sweater
that somebody knit from this yarn.