關(guān)于五年級(jí)兒童英語詩歌:Alphabetical Order
Here at school our seats are
alphabetically assigned.
A's and B's are right up front
while Z's are way behind.
Aaron sits up front in class.
Zack is in the back.
Aaron's always first in line.
The last is always Zack.
Zack, in fact, is always last
for every little thing.
Last for snack, and last to leave
and last one on the swing.
You'd think it's bad, but you should see
the sparkle in his eyes
when the cafeteria
serves mystery meat surprise.
關(guān)于五年級(jí)兒童英語詩歌:Dear Santa, Here's My Christmas List
Dear Santa, here's my Christmas list.
I hope you'll bring it all.
I've only asked for gifts my parents
can't find at the mall.
I'd like to have a UFO,
with aliens inside,
and maybe a Tyrannosaurus Rex
that I could ride.
A ninety-nine foot robot
is a present I could use.
I'll also need a time machine,
and rocket-powered shoes.
Please bring a gentle genie
who will grant my every wish,
and don't forget a wizard's wand,
and, yes, a talking fish.
Of course, I'll need a unicorn,
and won't you please provide
a dragon, and a castle
in the English countryside.
Of course, the weight of all these things
might cause your sleigh to crash.
If that's the case, dear Santa,
please feel free to just bring cash.
關(guān)于五年級(jí)兒童英語詩歌:Chicken Pox Connect-the-Dots
I got a case of chicken pox.
My skin was strewn with spots.
And so I grabbed a marker
and I played connect-the-dots.
I started on my pinky toes.
The lines went up my feet,
Around my ankles, shins and knees,
and right across on my seat.
They circled 'round my belly-button,
outward toward my hips,
then up my chest, around my neck,
and past my chin and lips.
The lines continued on my ears,
my eyebrows, cheeks and nose,
then out my arms and in again
and downward to my toes.
I ran and got a mirror,
and I smiled as I was seeing,
by linking all the dots
I'd drawn a 3-D human being.
關(guān)于五年級(jí)兒童英語詩歌:An Elephant Followed Me Home
An elephant followed me home today
after waiting outside my class.
He patiently puttered around all day
playing hopscotch and munching grass.
He followed me out to the parking lot
and then rode with me on the bus.
He squeezed in the back near my normal spot
while the other kids stared at us.
He came in my house like a dog or cat,
after smashing in through the door.
At dinner he pulled up a chair and sat,
and then fell through the kitchen floor.
I'm trying to sleep, but it's really tough
with an elephant in my bed.
He's heavy and huge and his skin is rough,
and his trunk is across my head.
So though it may not seem relevant
please remember to heed this warning.
Don't ever give nuts to an elephant
if he follows you in the morning.
關(guān)于五年級(jí)兒童英語詩歌:Mrs. Gordon's Garden
Mrs. Gordon's garden grows
not a radish nor a rose.
Not a beet or blade of grass
in the bed beside our class.
Not a truffle. Not a tree.
Not a pepper nor or pea.
Not a pansy, peach or pear.
No azaleas anywhere.
Not a pumpkin, parsnip, plum,
carrot or chrysanthemum.
No forget-me-not or fig.
Not a single sprout or twig.
No carnations, cabbage, corn.
Not a thistle, thatch or thorn.
Not a berry. Not a bean.
Nothing yet remotely green.
Watering and sprinkling seeds,
watching warily for weeds,
Mrs. Gordon rakes and hoes.
Still her garden never grows.
But she doesn't seem to mind.
That's the way it was designed.
Mrs. Gordon's quite content
gardening upon cement.
