適合朗誦的英語詩歌:Prologue to a Text
Clare Rossini
We humans once lived in the moment,
The moment being all there was. Stuffing our mouths
With berries, we collapsed on the ground to make
An early forerunner of love. Then wind
Brought the stink of a predator's haunch, panic
Ensuing. How divine it must have seemed
When, at last, we had time to ponder clouds
As they built their chateaus. Grunts into words,
Words into the updraft of questions --
A miracle to carry the world
On the tongue: "world." Even the heart at last
Consigning itself to syllables: Ah, thee....
The numbers tidying things up, the numbers
Knitting things to equations, the theorems
Proposing, revising, secreting, each
Tool-in-theory awaiting our genius,
Our heartache, until damp and wood-colored,
This morning dawned, the smell of burning leaves
Drifting across my sepia mood,
Every doorway in the house yawning empty.
You, elsewhere, lift a screen in the air (Got it!)
Then send an image toward the chill
Draughts of space. It flickers through a satellite, free-
Falls back to the planet
-- Let's pause for a moment, behold earth
Cloud-swaddled, gamboling around our star....
Somewhere in New Jersey, a tower corrals
Your cache of photons, beams them on
To the privacy of my circuits, which are roused
By your elation: Check out this sunset,
Love! A finger to the warm flesh of glass,
And my screen goes bronze with a Roman dusk.
適合朗誦的英語詩歌:Fringe Tree
James Davis May
-- Or Old Man's Beard.
That the names we give recall the thing
is what we want. And yet, both names are boring
when compared to the way it shimmers there
like a firework that somehow doesn't fall,
or the way it will fall eventually
from itself, swirling its gauzy pollen
in the wind above the lawn
where the children next door run outside in late April,
swearing to their mother that it's snowing.
And even after they know they're wrong,
they squeal, insisting their mistake
is something to dance through, something
to repeat and repeat again -- not hoping
to make it right, just enjoying what it is
and what it looks like the more they say so.
Jürgen Becker
Days in gray Marais
with terror between the gorges
we parted ways wordlessly in the evening
a good poet helped me
until we found each other and drank
something at tables of weathered beauty
to forget the cold of the
path back through the air
適合朗誦的英語詩歌:Painted Turtle
Gretchen Marquette
Summer road the ring around the lake, we drove mostly in silence.
Why aren't I your wife?
You swerved around a turtle sunning itself.
I wanted to go back. To hold the hot disc of it and place it in the grass.
We were late for dinner.
One twentieth of a mile an hour, I said. Claws in tar. You turned the car around.
Traffic from the direction of the turtle, and you saw before I did, the fifty bones of the carapace,
crushed roman dome, the surprise of red blood.
I couldn't help crying, couldn't keep anything from harm.
I'm sorry, you said, and let it hurt.
The relief, always, of you in the seat beside me, you'll never know.
Driving that road next winter, you remembered that place in the road. Your turtle.
During hibernation, a turtle's heart beats once for every ten minutes.
It cannot voluntarily open its eyes.