Annamaria Tadlock
There once was a pony so fat,
He couldn't walk so he sat,
He tried walking one day,
Fell face-flat in the hay
and decided to stay where he's at.
What I Told Mrs. Morris When She Asked How I Was Feeling Tod
"Grumbly, grouchy,
groggy, grumpy,
sleepy, slouchy,
fussy, frumpy,
whiny, weary,
cranky, crazy,
dingy, dreary,
loopy, lazy,
dizzy, drowsy,
crusty, crummy,
loony, lousy,
scruffy, scummy,
bleary, batty,
shaky, shabby,
rusty, ratty,
cruddy, crabby.
That describes it,
Mrs. Morris.
Thank you for the
new thesaurus."
Sunday's Somewhat Melancholy
Sunday's somewhat melancholy.
Monday's slightly sad.
Tuesday's quite disheartening.
Wednesday's just as bad.
Thursday's filled with gloominess.
Friday's rather glum.
I wish it didn't take a week
for Saturday to come.
I'm Building a Rocket
I'm building a rocket.
As soon as I'm done
I'm taking my friends
on a trip to the sun.
But what to you mean
that the sun is too hot?
Oh well, I suppose
I'll just pick a new spot.
I'm building a rocket.
I'm finishing soon
and taking my friends
on a trip to the moon!
But what do you mean
that the moon has no air?
Well dang, then I guess
that we can't go up there.
I'm building a rocket.
It's going to fly.
I'm taking my friends
way up high in the sky.
But what do you mean
when you ask how we'll land?
This rocket is harder
to build than I planned.
To heck with the rocket.
It's out in the shed.
I'm taking my friends
out for pizza instead.
