I Will Not Sit on Santa's Lap
I will not sit on Santa's lap.
You cannot make me sit on it,
and if you try I promise that
I'll throw a screaming fit on it.
I will not talk to Santa;
I am simply too afraid of him.
I'm not impressed by all the songs
and movies that are made of him.
It really doesn't matter that
he's generous and jolly too.
It doesn't matter if his chair
is decked with boughs of holly too.
It makes no difference that he's loved
from here to Ethiopia.
I cannot sit with Santa.
I've got Santa Claustrophobia.
Everyone's from Somewhere Else
Phoenix came from Dallas.
Dallas came from Austin.
Austin came from Lowell.
Lowell came from Boston.
Carolina came from Georgia.
Georgia's from Savannah.
Savannah came from Jackson.
Jackson's from Montana.
Virgina came from Maryland.
Mary's from Dakota.
Dakota's from St. Paul.
And Paul's from Minnesota.
Madison is from Cheyenne.
Cheyenne is from Nebraska.
I wonder where the teacher's from?
I think maybe Alaska.
I'm Staying at Home
I'm staying at home
and I'm staying in bed
and I'm not gonna go into school.
I'm tired of coaches.
I'm tired of teachers.
I think they're all crabby and cruel.
So try if you like
but you can't make me go,
whatever you do or you say.
They're having a party?
With cupcakes and presents?
Well, maybe I'll go just today.
The One Thing I Won't Eat
I don't care how nice you ask me
there is one thing I won't eat.
I don't care how much you add to it
to try to make it sweet.
Not a giant pot of honey.
Not a dozen jars of jelly.
Not a sixteen-pack of soda pop
will get one in my belly.
Use a tank of maple syrup
or a truckload full of fudge.
Bring a hundred cans of frosting
but you will not make me budge.
Try a thousand pounds of chocolate
or a million tons of sugar.
I don't care how much you sweeten it,
I will not eat a booger.
The Cuckoo 布谷鳥
~by Mother Goose's Nursery Rhyme
In April,
Come he will,
In May,
Sing all day,
In June,
Change his tune,
In July,
Prepare to fly,
In August,
Go he must!