


時(shí)間: 韋彥867 分享



  屈原 《楚辭·離騷》









  Li Sao

  Qu Yuan

  Soiling my gown, to plead my case I kneeled;

  Th'ancestral voice the path to me revealed.

  Swift jade-green dragons, birds with plumage gold,

  I harnessed to the whirlwind, and behold,

  At daybreak from the land of plane-trees grey,

  I came to paradise ere close of day.

  I wished within the sacred grove to stay,

  The sun had sunk, and darkness wrapped the way;

  The driver of the sun I bade to stay,

  Ere with the setting rays we haste away.

  The way was long, and wrapped in gloom did seem,

  As I urged on to seek my vanished dream.

  The dragons quenched their thirst beside the lake

  Where bathed the sun, whilst I upon the brake

  Fastened my reins; a golden bough I sought

  To brush the sun, and tarred there in sport.

  The pale moon's charioteer I then bade lead,

  The master of the winds swiftly succeed;

  Before, the royal blue bird cleared the way;

  The lord of thunder urged me to delay.

  I bade the phoenix scan the heaven wide;

  But vainly day and night its course it tried;

  The gathering whirlwinds drove it from my sight,

  Rushing with lowering clouds to check my flight;

  Sifting and merging in the firmament,

  Above, below, in various hues they went.

  The gate-keeper of heaven I bade give place,

  But leaning on his door he scanned my face;

  The day grew dark, and now was nearly spent;

  Idly my orchids into wreaths I bent.

  The virtuous and the vile in darkness merged;

  They veiled my virtue, by their envy urged.


  屈原 《楚辭·離騷》












  Li Sao

  Qu Yuan

  At dawn the waters white I left behind;

  My steed stayed by the portals of the wind;

  Yet, gazing back, a bitter grief I felt

  That in the lofty crag no damsel dwelt.

  I wandered eastward to the palace green,

  And pendents sought where jasper boughs were seen,

  And vowed that they, before their splendor fade,

  As gift should go to grace the loveliest maid.

  The lord of clouds I then bade mount the sky

  To seek the steam where once the nymph did lie;

  As pledge I gave my belt of splendid sheen,

  My councilor appointed go-between.

  Fleeting and wilful like capricious cloud,

  Her obstinacy swift no change allowed.

  At dusk retired she to the crag withdrawn,

  Her hair beside the stream she washed at dawn.

  Exulting in her beauty and her pride,

  Pleasure she worshipped, and no whim denied;

  So fair of form, so careless of all grace,

  I turned to take another in her place.

  To earth's extremities I sought my bride,

  And urged my train through all the heaven wide.

  Upon a lofty crag of jasper green

  The beauteous princess of the west was seen.

  The falcon then I bade entreat the maid,

  But he, demurring, would my course dissuade;

  The turtle-dove cooed soft and off did fly,

  But I mistrusted his frivolity.

  Like whelp in doubt, like timid fox in fear,

  I wished to go, but wandered ever near.

  With nuptial gifts the phoenix swiftly went;

  I feared the prince had won her ere I sent.

  I longed to travel far, yet with no bourn,

  I could but wander aimless and forlorn.

  Before the young king was in marriage bound,

  The royal sisters twain might still be found;

  My plea was weak, my mission was but frail;

  I knew that my demand could not avail.

  The world is dark, and envious of my grace;

  They veil my virtue and the evil praise.

  Thy chamber dark lies in recesses deep,

  Sagacious prince, risest thou not from sleep?

  My zeal unknown the prince would not descry;

  How could I bear this harsh eternity?


  屈原 《楚辭·離騷》






  Li Sao

  Qu Yuan

  With mistletoe and herbs of magic worth,

  I urged the witch the future to show forth.

  "If two attain perfection they must meet,

  But who is there that would thy virtue greet?

  Far the nine continents their realm display;

  Why here to seek thy bride doth thou delay?

  Away!" she cried. "Set craven doubt aside,

  If beauty' s sought, there' s none hath with thee vied.

  What place is there where orchids flower not fair?

  Why is thy native land thy single care?

  "Now darkly lies the world in twilight' s glow,

  Who doth your defects and your virtue know?

  Evil and good herein are reconciled;

  The crowd alone hath nought but is defiled.

  With stinking mugwort girt upon their waist,

  They curse the others for their orchids chaste;

  Ignorant thus in choice of fragrance rare,

  Rich ornaments how could they fitly wear?

  With mud and filth they fill their pendent bag;

  Cursing the pepper sweet, they brawl and brag."


詩(shī)歌獨(dú)特的藝術(shù)性使詩(shī)歌翻譯成為文學(xué)翻譯中的一大難題。下面小編整理了中文古詩(shī)翻譯成英文,希望大家喜歡! 中文古詩(shī)翻譯成英文品析 屈原 《楚辭離騷》 跪敷衽以陳辭兮,耿吾既得此中正。駟玉虬以乘鹥兮,溘埃風(fēng)余上征。 朝發(fā)軔于蒼梧兮


  • 中國(guó)古詩(shī)翻譯成英文精選

    詩(shī)歌是文學(xué)花苑中一朵綻放的奇葩,它講究音、形、意的完美結(jié)合,是語(yǔ)言的藝術(shù)。下面是學(xué)習(xí)啦小編帶來(lái)的中國(guó)古詩(shī)翻譯成英文,歡迎閱讀! 中國(guó)古詩(shī)翻譯

  • 古詩(shī)詞名句英文翻譯摘抄

    朦朧詩(shī)是20世紀(jì)70年代末80年代初多種因素合力作用下產(chǎn)生的中國(guó)式現(xiàn)代主義詩(shī)歌流派。下面小編整理了古詩(shī)詞名句英文翻譯,希望大家喜歡! 古詩(shī)詞名句英

  • 古詩(shī)文翻譯成英文精選


  • 2016古詩(shī)英文翻譯摘抄

    從創(chuàng)作實(shí)踐上看,古典詩(shī)歌的名篇名作往往包含了優(yōu)美的季節(jié)景物描寫(xiě)。下面小編整理了古詩(shī)英文翻譯,希望大家喜歡! 古詩(shī)英文翻譯摘抄 《三字經(jīng)》(五