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時(shí)間: 韋彥867 分享




  仙人世界 Fairyland

  IF people came to know where my king's palace is, it would vanish into the air.如果人們知道了我的國王的宮殿在哪里,它就會消失在空氣中的。

  The walls are of white silver and the roof of shining gold.墻壁是白色的銀,屋頂是耀眼的黃金。

  The queen lives in a palace with seven courtyards, and she wears a jewel that cost all the wealth of seven kingdoms.皇后住在有七個(gè)庭院的宮苑里;她戴的一串珠寶,值得整整七個(gè)王國的全部財(cái)富。

  But let me tell you, mother, in a whisper, where my king's palace is.不過,讓我悄悄地告訴你,媽媽,我的國王的宮殿究竟在哪里。

  It is at the corner of our terrace where the pot of the tulsi plant stands.它就在我們陽臺的角上,在那栽著杜爾茜花的花盆放著的地方。

  The princess lies sleeping on the far-away shore of the seven impassable seas.公主躺在遠(yuǎn)遠(yuǎn)的隔著七個(gè)不可逾越的重洋的那一岸沉睡著。

  There is none in the world who can find her but myself.除了我自己,世界上便沒有人能夠找到她。

  She has bracelets on her arms and pearl drops in her ears; her hair sweeps down upon the floor.她臂上有鐲子,她耳上掛著珍珠;她的頭發(fā)拖到地板上。

  She will wake when I touch her with my magic wand, and jewels will fall from her lips when she smiles.當(dāng)我用我的魔杖點(diǎn)觸她的時(shí)候,她就會醒過來,而當(dāng)她微笑時(shí),珠玉將會從她唇邊落下來。

  But let me whisper in your ear, mother; she is there in the corner of our terrace where the pot of the tulsi plant stands.不過,讓我在我的耳朵邊悄悄地告訴你,媽媽;她就住在我們陽臺的角上,在那栽著杜爾茜花的花盆放著的地方。

  When it is time for you to go to the river for your bath, step up to that terrace on the roof.當(dāng)你要到河里洗澡的時(shí)候,你走上屋頂?shù)哪亲柵_來罷。

  I sit in the corner where the shadows of the walls meet together.我就坐在墻的陰影所聚會的一個(gè)角落里。

  Only puss is allowed to come with me, for she knows where the barber in the story lives.我只讓小貓兒跟我在一起,因?yàn)樗滥枪适吕锏睦戆l(fā)匠住的地方。

  But let me whisper, mother, in your ear where the barber in the story lives.不過,讓我在你的耳朵邊悄悄地告訴你,那故事里的理發(fā)匠到底住在哪里。

  It is at the corner of the terrace where the pot of the tulsi plant stands.他住的地方,就在陽臺的角上,在那栽著杜爾茜花的花盆放著的地方。


  流放的地方 The land of the Exile

  MOTHER, the light has grown grey in the sky; I do not know what the time is.媽媽,天空上的光成了灰色了;我不知道是什么時(shí)候了。

  There is no fun in my play, so I have come to you. It is Saturday, our holiday.我玩得怪沒勁兒的,所以到你這里來了。這是星期六,是我們的休息日。

  Leave off your work, mother; sit here by the window and tell me where the desert of Tep?ntar in the fairy tale is?放下你的活計(jì),媽媽;坐在靠窗的一邊,告訴我童話里的特潘塔沙漠在什么地方?

  The shadow of the rains has covered the day from end to end.雨的影子遮掩了整個(gè)白天。

  The fierce lightning is scratching the sky with its nails.兇猛的電光用它的爪子抓著天空。

  When the clouds rumble and it thunders, I love to be afraid in my heart and cling to you.當(dāng)烏云在轟轟地響著,天打著雷的時(shí)候,我總愛心里帶著恐懼爬伏到你的身上。

  When the heavy rain patters for hours on the bamboo leaves, and our windows shake and rattle at the gusts of wind, I like to sit alone in the room, mother, with you, and hear you talk about the desert of Tep?ntar in the fairy tale.當(dāng)大雨傾瀉在竹葉子上好幾個(gè)鐘頭,而我們的窗戶為狂風(fēng)震得格格發(fā)響的時(shí)候,我就愛獨(dú)自和你坐在屋里,媽媽,聽你講童話里的特潘塔沙漠的故事。

  Where is it, mother, on the shore of what sea, at the foot of what hills, in the kingdom of what king?它在哪里,媽媽,在哪一個(gè)海洋的岸上,在哪些個(gè)山峰的腳下,在哪一個(gè)國王的國土里?

  There are no hedges there to mark the fields, no footpath across it by which the villagers reach their village in the evening, or the woman who gathers dry sticks in the forest can bring her load to the market. With patches of yellow grass in the sand and only one tree where the pair of wise old birds have their nest, lies the desert of Tep?ntar.田地上沒有此疆彼壤的界石,也沒有村人在黃昏時(shí)走回家的,或婦人在樹林里撿拾 枯枝而捆載到市場上去的道路。沙地上只有一小塊一小塊的黃色草地,只有一株樹,就是那一對聰明的老鳥兒在那里做窩的,那個(gè)地方就是特潘塔沙漠。

  I can imagine how, on just such a cloudy day, the young son of the king is riding alone on a grey horse through the desert, in search of the princess who lies imprisoned in the giant's palace across that unknown water.我能夠想象得到,就在這樣一個(gè)烏云密布的日子,國王的年輕的兒子,怎樣地獨(dú)自 騎著一匹灰色馬,走過這個(gè)沙漠,去尋找那被囚禁在不可知的重洋之外的巨人宮里的公主。

  When the haze of the rain comes down in the distant sky, and lightning starts up like a sudden fit of pain, does he remember his unhappy mother, abandoned by the king, sweeping the cow-stall and wiping her eyes, while he rides through the desert of Tep?ntar in the fairy tale?當(dāng)雨霧在遙遠(yuǎn)的天空下降,電光像一陣突然發(fā)作的痛楚的痙攣似地閃射的時(shí)候,他 可記得他的不幸的母親,為國王所棄,正在掃除牛棚,眼里流著眼淚,當(dāng)他騎馬走過童話里的特潘塔沙漠的時(shí)候?

  See, mother, it is almost dark before the day is over, and there are no travellers yonder on the village road.看,媽媽,一天還沒有完,天色就差不多黑了,那邊村莊的路上沒有什么旅客了。

  The shepherd boy has gone home early from the pasture, and men have left their fields to sit on mats under the eaves of their huts, watching the scowling clouds.牧童早就從牧場上回家了,人們都已從田地里回來,坐在他們草屋的檐下的草席上,眼望著陰沉的云塊。

  Mother, I have left all my books on the shelf--do not ask me to do my lessons now.媽媽,我把我所有的書本都放在書架上了——不要叫我現(xiàn)在做功課。

  When I grow up and am big like my father, I shall learn all that must be learnt.當(dāng)我長大了,大得像爸爸一樣的時(shí)候,我將會學(xué)到必須學(xué)的東西的。

  But just for to-day, tell me, mother, where the desert of Tep?ntar in the fairy tale is?但是,今天你可得告訴我,媽媽,童話里的特潘塔沙漠在什么地方?


  雨天 The rainy day

  SULLEN clouds are gathering fast over the black fringe of the forest.烏云很快地集攏在森林的黝黑的邊緣上。

  O child, do not go out!孩上,不要出去呀!

  The palm trees in a row by the lake are smiting their heads against the dismal sky; the crows with their draggled wings are silent on the tamarind branches, and the eastern bank of the river is haunted by a deepening gloom.湖邊的一行棕樹,向暝暗的天空撞著頭;羽毛零亂的烏鴉,靜悄悄地棲在羅望子的枝上,河的東岸正被烏沉沉的暝色所侵襲。

  Our cow is lowing loud, tied at the fence.我們的牛系在籬上,高聲鳴叫。

  O child, wait here till I bring her into the stall.孩子,在這里等著,等我先把牛牽進(jìn)牛棚里去。

  Men have crowded into the flooded field to catch the fishes as they escape from the overflowing ponds; the rain water is running in rills through the narrow lanes like a laughing boy who has run away from his mother to tease her.許多人都擠在池水泛溢的田間,捉那從泛溢的池中逃出來的魚兒,雨水成了小河,流過狹街,好像一個(gè)嬉笑的孩子從他媽媽那里跑開,故意要惱她一樣。

  Listen, someone is shouting for the boatman at the ford.聽呀,有人在淺灘上喊船夫呢。

  O child, the daylight is dim, and the crossing at the ferry is closed.孩子,天色暝暗了,渡頭的擺渡船已經(jīng)停了。

  The sky seems to ride fast upon the madly-rushing rain; the water in the river is loud and impatient; women have hastened home early from the Ganges with their filled pitchers.天空好像是在滂沱的雨上快跑著;河里的水喧叫而且暴躁;婦人們早已拿著汲滿了水的水罐,從恒河畔匆匆地回家了。

  The evening lamps must be made ready.夜里用的燈,一定要預(yù)備好。

  O child, do not go out!孩子,不要出去呀!

  The road to the market is desolate, the lane to the river is slippery. The wind is roaring and struggling among the bamboo branches like a wild beast tangled in a net.到市場去的大道已沒有人走,到河邊去的小路又很滑。風(fēng)在竹林里咆哮著,掙扎著,好像一只落在網(wǎng)中的野獸。