關(guān)于初中英文小短文:讓人常有饑餓感 Leave off Hungry
One ought to remove even the bowl of nectar from the lips.
Demand is the measure of value. Even with regard to bodily thirst it is a mark of good taste to slake but not to quench it. duanwenw.com Little and good is twice good. The second time comes a great falling off. Surfeit of pleasure was ever dangerous and brings down the ill-will of the Highest Powers.
The only way to please is to revive the appetite by the hunger that is left. If you must excite desire, better do it by the impatience of want than by the repletion of enjoyment. Happiness earned gives double joy.
Always act as if your Acts were seen. He must see all round who sees that men see him or will see him.
He knows that walls have ears and that ill deeds rebound back.
Even when alone he acts as if the eyes of the whole world were upon him. duanwenw.com For as he knows that sooner or later all will be known, so he considers those to be present as witnesses who must afterwards hear of the deed. He that wished the whole world might always see him did not mind that his neighbours could see him over their walls.
關(guān)于初中英文小短文:可造就偉人的三大要素Three Things go to a Prodigy
Three Things go to a Prodigy. They are the choicest gifts of Heaven's prodigality--a fertile genius, a profound intellect, a pleasant and refined taste.
To think well is good, to think right is better: ’tis the understanding of the good. It will not do for the judgment to reside in the backbone: it would be of more trouble than use. To think aright is the fruit of a reasonable nature.
At twenty the will rules; at thirty the intellect; at forty the judgment. duanwenw.com There are minds that shine in the dark like the eyes of the lynx, and are most clear where there is most darkness. Others are more adapted for the occasion: they always hit on that which suits the emergency: such a quality produces much and good; a sort of fecund felicity. In the meantime good taste seasons the whole of life.