I chanced to rise early one morning this summer, and took a walk into the country to divert1 myself among the fields and meadows, while the green was new and the flowers in bloom.
Since at this season every lane was beautiful and every hedge full of flowers, I lost myself with pleasure among thickets and bushes filled with a great variety of birds. Listening to them, I couldn’t help but feel joy. It was the pleasantest scene in the world to one who had passed a whole winter in noise and smoke. duanwenw.com The freshness of the dews that lay upon everything, and the cool breath of the morning, not only inspired the birds, but made my heart overflow with satisfaction, duanwenw.com and brought to mind some of Milton’s beautiful verse:
As one who long in populous city penned
Where houses thick and sewers annoy the air
Forth issuing on a summer’s morn, to breathe
Among the pleasant villages and farms
Adjoined, from each thing met conceived delight:
The smell of grain, or tended grass, or kine4, or dairy
Each rural sight, each rural sound
初中水平英語(yǔ)短文帶翻譯:一處美麗的地方A Beautiful Place
I think each of us has a place that stands out in our memory. I have such a place that often made me happy many years ago. But sometimes I ask myself if this place would be as beautiful as I remember if I were to go back. Perhaps I’ve made it beautiful in my mind.
This place is meaningful to me because it is part of the county I loved and grew up in, duanwenw.com and part of my childhood. It is in a town named Pikeville.
Pikeville has been polluted by the coal industry, but has this clean place on a hill. The hill has seven old trees, and in summer is covered with wild flowers. I used to go there to sit on a rock, with the colorful flowers all around me.
I liked to go there to lie down on the grass, listen to the wind, kiss the flowers and watch the leaves moving. duanwenw.com The wind seemed part of my breath, the leaves part of my song, and the flowers part of my purity, while the trees were my friends. I used to hug them every time I went there.
The place meant so much to me because it was clean and quiet in a world of noise and dirt. I hope it is still the beautiful place that I remember.
Original and out-of-the-way Views are signs of superior ability .We do not think much of a man who never contradicts us that is no sign he loves us, but rather that he loves himself.
Do not be deceived by flattery, and thereby have to pay for it: rather condemn it. Besides you may take credit for being censured by some, duanwenw.com especially if they are those of whom the good speak ill. On the contrary, it should disturb us if our affairs please every one, for that is a sign that they are of little worth. Perfection is for the few.