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  The Ancient City of Pingyao


  Natural Features


  Pingyao is a small town in central Shanxi Province into whose history goes back 2700 years,when it was first built during the reign of King Xuan(827-782BC)of the Western Zhou Dynasty. Since the“Province and County System" by Emperor Qin in 221 BC,the city has been the county seat in all the times. Despite so many events or incidents, it survived practically as it was in the 600 years or more since Ming and Cling dynasties,and ranks as the only intact ancient city of Ming and Cling dynasties well preserved in China.

  位于山西省中部的平遙古城是一座只有2700多年歷史的文化名城。平遙古城遙古城始建于西周宣王時期(前 827一前782)自公元前221年,秦實(shí)行“郡縣制”以來,平遙城一直是縣治所在地,一直延續(xù)至今。平遙古城歷盡滄桑,但自明清以來的六白多年間,平遙城市面積和布局基本末變,成為迄今為止國內(nèi)保存最完整的一座明清時期的古代縣城.

  The city wall stretches for about six kilometers.The town is protected by a city moat,both three meters deep and wide. Outside the city is a drawbridge.Witnin the city,four big streets and eight small streets radiate to join with 72 lanes.


  Preserved in the ancient city are near 4000 traditional quadrangle residences of common people,over 400 of which are fairly intact, in addition to the few even more cherished houses of Ming Dynasty and those rare proto-types of Yuan Dynasty. These shelters are typical of northern China and Shanxi province,specifically with the following features:1.Perfect combination of cave dwelling and quadrangle courtyard; 2. Rectangle layout with an enclosed but elaborate space; 3.Mostly shed or flat roofed;4. Grand courtyard as a whole but elegant inside;5.Carefully observing Chinese geomancy as well as other customs.

  平遙古城內(nèi)現(xiàn)今保存有近4000處傳統(tǒng)的四合院民居,它們大多有百年以上的歷史,其中有400余處保存得相當(dāng)完好,還有少部分為明代和罕見的元代民居,十分珍貴。這些民居具有典型的漢民族北方居民特點(diǎn),又是三晉地區(qū)民居的典型代表,其特色表現(xiàn)在以下幾個方面:(1)是地上窯洞與四合院的完美結(jié)合;(2)有狹長的平面布局和封閉但極為卜富的院落空間;(3)屋頂多為單坡和平頂相結(jié)合;(4)民居l院落整體形態(tài)為外雄內(nèi)秀; (5)民居中體現(xiàn)了豐富的中國傳統(tǒng)風(fēng)水和其他民俗內(nèi)容。

  So many ancient houses,city walls,streets,lanes as well as other cultural sites of Ming and Qing Dynasties are so perfectly preserved in Pingyao City that it is really the only prototype found in areas of Han people in China.


  In 1986,State Council announced the city as a state city of history and culture,and in December of 1997 UNESCO inscribed it on“World Heritage List" with their consideration that“The Ancient City of Ping Yao is an outstanding example of a Han Chinese city of the Ming and Qing Dynasties(14th一20th centuries)that has retained all its features to an exceptional degree and in doing so provides a remarkably complete picture of cultural,social,economic,and religious development during one of the most seminal periods of Chinese history.”


  Special Mention


  There are the great and grandiose city wall,Hall of 10000 Buddhas of NationDefending(Zhengguo)Temple recognized as the No. 3 most precious wood structure inChina,Twin Trees Temple honored as "the treasure house of painted sculpture of ancientChina",Dacheng(Supreme Success) Hall of Confucius Temple built in Song and JinDynasties,Rishengchang Draft Bank claimed as“China's No. 1 financial institution"and QingxuTemple of Taoism with the structure of“hanging beams and pillars" rare in ancient buildings.



  Yungang Grottoes in Datong City


  Natural Features


  Yungang Grottoes was carved on the north cliff of Wuzhou Mountain 16km west cf Da}ongCity.Shanxi Province. The caves were carved in the mid-5th century,North WeiDynasty,stretching about 1 km from east to west as one of the largest clusters of grottoes inChina. With an enormous size and rich contents,Yungang Grottoes ranks side by side withMogao Grottoes in Dunhuang of Gansu Province and Longmen Grottoes in Luoyang of HenanProvince as the three great cluters of cave temples in China.

  大同云岡石窟坐落在山西省大同市以西16公里處的武周山北崖,開鑿于公元5 世紀(jì)中葉的北魏時期。洞窟依山開鑿,東西綿延一公里,是中國最人的石窟群之一,其規(guī)模之巨大、雕刻內(nèi)容豐富,令人嘆為觀。與甘肅敦煌莫高窟、河南洛陽龍門石窟并列為中國幾大石窟。

  On the three,Yungang Grottoes stands out for its rich contents and refined carving.Preserved to the present in the Grottoes are 53 caves and over 51 000 statues. Yunganggrottoes consists of three sections,the east,the west,and the central,with caves of all sizespleasantly scattered half way on Yungang Mountain.Caves in the east section feature inpagodas,thus called pagoda caves. Those of the central section were all structured with a frontand a rear chamber,with the Buddha in the center and relief carving all over the walls. Caves ofthe west section are mostly medium or small sized,or small niches added in latertimes,actually,in most cases,carved after the capital of North Wei Dynasty was moved fromDatong to Luoyang.

  在中國三大石窟中,石岡石窟以內(nèi)容豐富、雕刻精細(xì)而著稱。云岡石窟現(xiàn)存洞窟充 53個、造像5. 1萬余尊,規(guī)模宏大。云岡石窟分為東、中、西三部,大、中、小窟疏密有致地嵌貼在云岡半腰中。東部的石窟多以造塔為主,故又稱塔洞;中部的石窟每個部分為前后兩室,主佛居中,洞壁和洞頂布滿了浮雕;西部石窟則以中小窟和補(bǔ)刻的小佛龕為最多,修建的時代略晚,大多是北魏遷都洛陽之后的作品。

  On the interior and exterior walls as well as the Buddha's halos and the caisson ceilings of thecaves,there are vividly carved groups of apsaras to manifest the world of ultimate happinesspursued by Buddhists. All the statues are modeled with marvelous personification that givesthe Buddha a human nature and expression as well as infinite vigor as the ancient treasure ofChinese culture


  In December of 2001,World Heritage Committee of UNESCO inscribed Yungang Grottoes in itsWorld Heritage List.


  Special Mention


  Yungang Grottoes is made up of three sections:Caves 1 to 4 are the east section,Caves 5 to 13the central section,and Caves 14 to 45 the west section. As a convention.the tour usuallybegins from Caves 5 of the central section,one by one to Cave 45,then Caves 1 to 4 of theeast section. Among all the caves,the five by Tan Yao are the most grand andmajestic,whereas Cave 5,Cave 6,and Wuhua Caves are most colourful and rich in contentas the cream of the art of Yungang Grottoes. Caves of the east and west sections are works ofa later time.

  云岡石窟分成東區(qū)、中區(qū)和西區(qū)三大部分。第1至4窟為東部,第5至13' 窟為中部,第14至45窟為西部。傳統(tǒng)的參觀路線是先從中部的第5窟開始參觀一直到第45窟,然后再參觀石岡石窟東部的第1至第4窟。眾多的洞窟中以曇曜五窟氣勢最為雄偉。第5、第6窟和五華洞內(nèi)容豐富多彩,是云岡石窟藝術(shù)的精華。東部和西部窟群屬于晚期作品。


  Harbin International Ice Festival and Harbin Ice and Snow World


  Natural Features


  Harbin International Ice Festival


  The Harbin Ice Festival,started in 1985,is held annually from January 5 and lasts for over one month. Harbin is the capital city of Heilongjiang Province and this is China's original and greatest ice artwork festival,attracting hundreds of thousands of local people and visitors from all over the world.


  The city's location in northeast China accounts for its arctic climate which provides abundant natural ice and snow. Subsequently,the“Ice City" of Harbin is recognized as the cradle of ice and snow art in China and is famous for its exquisite and artistic ice and snow sculptures. The fabulous Ice Lantern Festival was the forerunner of the current festival and is still the best beloved part of the overall event in the opinion of all who come to Harbin each year.


  The first Ice lanterns were a winter-time tradition in northeast China. People made ice lanterns and put them outside their houses or gave them to children to play with during some of the traditional festivals. Thus the ice lantern began its long history of development. With novel changes and immense advancement in techniques,today we can marvel at the various delicate and artistic ice lanterns on display.


  Nowadays,ice lantern in broad sense refers to a series of plastic arts using ice and snow as raw material combining ice artworks with colored lights and splend music. The specific patterns of ice lantern include ice and snow sculptures,ice flowers .ice architectures and so on.


  Harbin Ice Festival provides the visitors each year a whole new world of ice snow. The best collections of ice artworks are exhibited in three main places: the Sun Island Park,Harbin Ice and Snow World ,and Zhaolin Park.


  Today,Harbin Ice Festival is not only an exposition of ice and snow art,but also an annual cultural event for international exchange. Every year,there are many ice sculpture experts,artists and fans from America,Canada,Japan,Singapore,Russia,China,etc. gathering in Harbin to participate ice sculpting competitions and to communicate with each other in the ice and snow world. Also,Harbin ice lanterns have been exhibited in most of China's main cities as well as in many countries in Asia,Europe,North America,Africa and Oceania. For more than 40 years,Harbin's natural resource of ice and snow has been fully explored to provide joy and fun for visitors to the city. Now during the festival,many sporting competitions are also popular including ice-skating,sledding and so on. Weddings,parties and other entertainments are now very much a feature of this ice world .adding their own contribution to the celebrations of this great festival of art,culture,sports and tourism.


  Harbin Ice and Snow World


  First set-up by the Harbin Municipal Government in 1999,Harbin Ice and Snow World is by far the largest ice and snow art exhibition in the world. It is commonly referred to as possessing four of the key“mosts”:the most art attractions . the most beautiful night views,the most recreational activities and the most forms of entertainment. Furthermore,the festival is constantly evolving and each year brings with it a new theme,providing visitors with a totally unique experience from one year to the next.


  The ice carvings at the Harbin Ice and Snow World are regarded as some of the world's finest examples of ice art,with visitors able to admire some of the largest and most majestic ice-sculpted masterpieces. Each of these ice carvings are designed in some way related to the festival's theme,enabling travelers to sample a variety of cultural flavors. For example,in its first year the festival's layout was designed around the idea of“Prosperous China and High-flying Longjiang”,with the ice carvings depicting the rapid development of the country. In 2005,the theme was“Friendship between China and Russia",with all the sculptures fashioned in a typical Russian style. Among them were replicas of some of Russia's most famous architecture,such as the East Palace,and Moscow's Red Square.


  One of the highlights for any visitor to the festival is to visit the site at night when multicolored lights set underground illuminate the sculptures,revealing a whole new colorful dimension to the exhibits. The contrasts of the bright and dazzling lights against the dark night sky make the works look all the more spectacular.


  Harbin Ice and Snow World is also a centre for various forms of recreation and entertainment,with a variety of opportunities on offer. Visitors will be amazed by the magnificent ice buildings,including an ice maze,ice bar,and even an ice hotel. If you are a fan of snow sports,then there is also the chance to participate in activities such as ice rock-climbing,skating,skiing,sliding,snow fights,ice golf, and ice archery. in addition to all this,special performances based on the festival theme are put on throughout the event which will no doubt greatly entertain those in search of something a little less physically-demanding.


  Understandably,the best time to travel to Harbin is during the winter. The Harbin Ice Festival is held either in late December or in early January,and for those who dream of a proper winter experience,Harbin Ice and Snow World is the place to make those dreams become a reality


  Special Mention


  Zhaolin Park is a "must see" during the Harbin Ice Festival because it has a traditional programthat shows the most excellent ice lanterns.With water,lights and the natural ice from theSonghua River running through Harbin as the material,the ice lanterns are made by freezingwater,piling up ice or snow,then carving,enchasing,decorating,etc. The ice lantern parktouring activities have been held here annually since 1963 and is said to be one of the mostwonderful 35 tourist attractions in China. There are numerous pieces of ice artworks in thepark arranged in groups according to different themes depicting Chinese classicmasterworks,European folktales and customs and so on. A great variety of objects such asbuildings,gardens,flowers,waterfalls,European-styled churches,lions,tigers,dragons arecarved from ice. In the daytime,the ice sculptures are magnificent and verisimilitude.Moreover,with the interspersion of the sparkling colored lights embedded in the sculpturesat night .the park becomes a glorious and amazing ice world.






