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  Campaign groups say China has started demolishing buildings at Larung Gar, one of the largest centres of Buddhist learning in Tibet. It follows an order last month by the local authorities to cut the number of Larung Gar residents by half to 5,000. Chinese officials are reported to have cited overcrowding concerns.

  BBC新聞 – 組織說(shuō),中國(guó)開(kāi)始拆除喇榮噶地區(qū)的建筑。喇榮噶是西藏最大的佛學(xué)中心之一。這是繼地方當(dāng)局上月發(fā)布命令將喇榮噶地區(qū)居民減少一半至5000人之后采取的行動(dòng)。據(jù)報(bào)道中國(guó)官員說(shuō)是出于對(duì)過(guò)度擁擠的擔(dān)憂(yōu)。

  Larung Gar is said to be the biggest Tibetan Buddhist institute in the world. The academy and monastery, founded in 1980, sprawls over a mountainside in Sertar county in eastern Tibet, and attracts thousands of Buddhist monks and nuns who wish to study there.


  The students commonly stay in log cabins and correspondents say the site has grown considerably in recent years.


  Campaign groups published several pictures on Twitter and video footage on YouTube that appeared to show wooden buildings razed to the ground. Heavy equipment that could have been used for demolition was seen in some of the images.


  There has been no formal comment by Chinese authorities. A Sertar county government official contacted by Associated Press said the purpose of the work was to renovate rather than remove the buildings.



  With a land surface area of 790 square kilometers (305 mi2) and a metropolitan areapopulation of over 20 million, New York is considered one of the largest cities on Earth. Jing-Jin-Ji in China laughs in the face of such paltry numbers. A planned project to link Beijing,Tianjin, and Hebei (Jing-Jin-Ji is a play on their Chinese names) into one giant megacity, it wouldhouse approximately 130 million people and be bigger than nearly half the world's countries.

  憑借占地790平方千米的面積(305平方英里)以及超過(guò)2000 萬(wàn)的城市人口,紐約被認(rèn)為是世界上最大的城市之一。面對(duì)這樣微不足道的數(shù)字,京津冀笑了。中國(guó)已有計(jì)劃連接北京、天津以及河北(京津冀為簡(jiǎn)稱(chēng)),實(shí)現(xiàn)京津冀一體化,將其打造成世界級(jí)城市群,將容納約1.3億人口,比世界上幾乎一半的國(guó)家還大。

  Everything about the project is enormous. At an estimated size of 212,000 square kilometers(82,000 mi2), Jing-Jin-Ji will be about the size of Kansas. Or, to put it another way, it will covera larger surface area and house more people than Austria and Greece combined. It will alsorequire an unprecedented amount of planning. President Xi Jinping has declared that each citywithin Jing-Jin-Ji will have a special role, with Beijing becoming its cultural and tech district, whileTianjin will be devoted to manufacturing. Hebei will hoover up the remaining smaller industries.High-speed rail networks are already being built to link each of these parts of the supercity inunder an hour.Although it sounds like science fiction, Jing-Jin-Ji is well on its way to becomingfact. Work started in 2013. By 2020, the high-speed railways should already be in place. Howfar this behemoth will grow beyond that point is anybody's guess.

  關(guān)于這個(gè)項(xiàng)目的一切都可以用"巨大"來(lái)形容。預(yù)計(jì)占地 212000平方千米(82000平方英里),京津冀將和堪薩斯州一樣大?;蛘邠Q一種說(shuō)法,這座城市的占地面積和所能容納的人口是奧地利和希臘的總和還多。如此大規(guī)模的建設(shè)需要史無(wú)前例的大量規(guī)劃。主席稱(chēng),京津冀的每座城市都有各自特殊的作用:北京作為文化、科技中心,那么天津主營(yíng)制造業(yè),而河北則會(huì)是中小企業(yè)的孕育地。高鐵網(wǎng)絡(luò)已經(jīng)在建造當(dāng)中,今后三個(gè)城市之間的路程將不會(huì)超過(guò)一小時(shí)。雖然聽(tīng)起來(lái)就像科幻小說(shuō),但京津冀一體化正在逐漸趨于現(xiàn)實(shí)。項(xiàng)目從2013年開(kāi)始實(shí)施,到2020年,高鐵網(wǎng)應(yīng)該已經(jīng)建造完成。這只巨獸最終會(huì)變成什么樣,恐怕沒(méi)人能猜到。


  he San Francisco–Los Angeles Hyperloop


  Before he became famous for trying to single-handedly conquer space, billionaire CEO ElonMusk was making waves with his proposal for a "hyperloop." A system of pressurized tubesthat would propel commuters between San Francisco and Los Angeles at super-high speeds,the idea was initially dismissed as impossible. Reality would beg to differ. In May 2015, aCalifornian transportation company received the go-ahead to start building the world's firsthyperloop test track.


  Although it's in its early days yet, the goal is absolutely to get a track installed between thetwo cities in the near future. The company has already reached a deal with landowners alongInterstate 5 to start construction, and successful tests could result in the thing actually beingbuilt. That would revolutionize travel. Moving at just under the speed of sound, the hyperloopwould be able to get you from Los Angeles to San Francisco in 35 minutes. For our Europeanreaders, that's like getting from Prague to Strasbourg in less time than your lunch normallytakes. Construction on the test track begins in 2016. If it receives the go-ahead, the LA-SFhyperloop could be ready by as early as 2025.
