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  喜馬拉雅山(The Himalayas)被稱為“雪的故鄉(xiāng)”,位于青藏髙原(Qinghai-Tibet Plateau)的南面,西起帕米爾高原(thePamirs),東到雅魯藏布江(Yariung Zangbo River)大拐彎處。東西長2450多千米,南北寬200~350千米,平均海拔6000多米。喜馬拉雅山由110多座海拔7000米以上的山峰組成。其中,珠穆朗瑪峰(Mount Qomolangma)海拔8848米,是世界第一高峰,位于中國與尼泊爾的邊界處。喜馬拉雅山脈是世界上最年輕的山脈,因為它真正出現(xiàn)也就只有幾十萬年的時間,現(xiàn)在它還在不斷地增長。


  The Himalayas, also known as “the Hometown of Snow”,lie to the south of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and and start from the Pamirs in the west to the great turning point of the Yarlung Zangbo River in the east. From east to west, the mountains are over 2,450 kilometers long and from south to north, they are 200-350 kilometers wide, with an average altitude of over 6,000 meters. The Himalayas consist of more than 110 mountains which are over 7,000 meters high. Among them, Mount Qomolangma is the highest mountain in the world, with an altitude of 8,848 meters, located on the border of China and Nepal.The Himalayan range is the youngest mountain range in the world because it has only been in existence for several hundred thousand years, and it is still growing!

  1.雪的故鄉(xiāng):可譯為the Hometown of Snow。

  2.位于:即lie to,還可以用lie in或be located in表達。

  3.招彎處:可譯為turning point。

  4.平均海拔:可譯為average altitude。altitude即“海拔”。

  5.位于...的邊界處:可使用詞組be located on the borderof...來表達。


  中國水運歷史悠久。早在商朝就有了帆船。隋朝大運河(TheGrand Canal)為南北水運帶來了很大便利。明朝時期,鄭和七次下西洋,在其中一次航行中,他到達了非洲東海岸。中國河流眾多,海岸線長,水運條件優(yōu)越。長江是最重要的內(nèi)陸航運(inland shipping)通道,其主流從四川宜賓到海洋,全長超過3000公里。重慶、武漢和南京是長江沿岸的重要港口。中國港口很多,適宜海運,如上海、大連、秦皇島、天津、青島、寧波、廈門、廣州等。這些港口的航線能通往世界上150多個國家和地區(qū)。


  China's water transport has a long history.Early inthe Shang Dynasty,there were sailing boats.TheGrand Canal in the Sui Dynasty provided greatconvenience for south-north water transport.Inthe Ming Dynasty,Zheng He sailed across seas seventimes and reached the east coast of Africa during one of his voyages.China has plenty of rivers,along coastline and advantageous water transport conditions.The Yangtze River is the mostimportant inland shipping channel.Its mainstream,from Yibin in Sichuan Province to thesea,has a total length of over 3,000 kilometers.Chongqing,Wuhan and Nanjing are importantports along the river.China has fevorable conditions for maritime transport with manyharbors,such as Shanghai,Dalian,Qinhuangdao,Tianjin,Qingdao,Ningbo,Xiamen,Guangzhou andso on.There are shipping routes from these ports to over 150 countries and regions all over theworld.

  1.歷史悠久:即“有著悠久的歷史”,可譯為has a longhistory。

  2.隋朝大運河:即the Grand Canal in the Sui Dynasty。

  3.南北水運:可譯為south-north water transport。

  4.鄭和七次下西洋:可譯為Zheng He sailed across seasseven times。

  5.河流很多:可譯為has plenty of rivers,或has a lot ofrivers,has lots of rivers。plenty of相當(dāng)于a lot of或lots of,意為“很多的”。

  6.適宜海運:“適宜”理解為“有著有利的條件”,可譯為has fovorable conditions。“海運”即“海上運輸”,可譯為maritime transport。其中maritime意為“海上的,航海的”。


  裸婚(naked wedding)指沒有房子、車子或大量存款的婚姻。新人竭力簡化全過程。許多情況下,甚至連婚禮都省去了,以降低成本。要父母同意裸婚是很困難的。在20世紀(jì)90年代,如果你擁有電視機、摩托車、洗衣機,計劃結(jié)婚時你會更有信心。近來,婚禮花銷也迅速上漲。作為適婚年齡的年輕人,求婚之前,你應(yīng)該有一輛汽車、一套公寓和一顆鉆石。否則新娘父母的極大阻礙會打敗你,讓你感到失望。更多年輕的戀人不得不選擇不經(jīng)父母同意裸婚。


  Naked wedding refers to a marriage without a house,a car or considerable deposit.The new couple triestheir best to simplify the whole process.In manycases, even a wedding ceremony is omitted to cutdown the cost.It's hard work to ask for parents'permission to agree on naked wedding.In the 1990s, you would have more confidence if youpossessed a TV, a motorcycle and a washing machine when planning for marriage.Recently, thecost of wedding has risen rapidly.As young people of marriage age, you should have a car, anapartment and a diamond before proposal.Otherwise, many obstacles from the bride'sparents will defeat you with despair.More young lovers have to choose naked wedding withoutparents' approval.

  1.大量存款:可譯為considerable deposit。其中considerable意為“很多的,大量的”,還可以用詞組agreat deal of來表達。

  2.降低成本:可譯為cut down the cost。

  3.要父母同意裸婚是很困難的:該句翻譯時采用了“it is+名詞+to do”的句型,使句子結(jié)構(gòu)更加緊湊。

  4.作為適婚年齡的年輕人:可譯為as young people ofmarriage age。其中marriage age意為“適婚年齡”。

  5.新娘父母的極大阻礙:可譯為many obstacles from the bride's parents。

  6.打敗你,讓你感到失望:可合并譯為defeat you with despair。這里用with despair作狀語表示“讓你感到失望”,句子更顯簡潔。

  7.不經(jīng)父母同意:可譯為without parents'approval。





