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  1. Shall you need an experienced desk clerk for your hotel next summer? 貴酒店明年暑期是否需要一名有經(jīng)驗的柜臺部職員?

  2. Because I am very desirous of receiving actual experience in accounting during July and August, I am writing to inquire whether you will need the services of a young man with three years of educational training and some part-time experience. Perhaps I could fill in for one of your office staff during the vacation period. 因我渴望在七、八月間獲得會計實務經(jīng)驗,特備函問詢你處是否需雇用受過三年訓練略有經(jīng)驗的年輕人?在假期中我或可添補貴公司空缺。

  3. Gentlemen: Attention of Personnel Manager

  I am looking for a postion asassistant shipping clerk. 人事部經(jīng)理勛鑒:本人正在謀求一份助理船務職員的工作。

  4. Perhaps there is a position in your organization for an young, experienced, and conscientious secretary stenographer. 請問貴公司是否需要一名年青、有經(jīng)驗、負責的女秘書兼速記員?

  5. I want a job. Not any job with any company, but a particular job with your company. Here are my reasons. Your organization is more than just a busienss house. It is an institution in the minds of the local public. It has a reputation for fair play and honesty with both employees and customers alike. For the past four years, while specializing in accounting at colege, I have had a secret ambition to work for your organization in the accounting department. I graduate in June. As I write this letter, I do not know that there is an opening at persent, but here are my qualifications which prompt me to make application now. 本人需要一份工作,不是任何公司的任何工作,而是貴公司的一個職位。貴公司不只是商店,而是大眾都知曉的機構。以公正、證實的美譽遠近馳名。在大學主修會計四年來,內(nèi)心早就想到貴公司會計部工作,今年七月即將畢業(yè)。寫此信時,不知貴公司目前是否有空缺,但是下列的資歷促使本人冒昧提出申請。

  6. As it is nearing the Christmas season, it occurs to me that you many need additional assistance in selling gifts in your shop. I have a whole week before Christmas, from December 18-24, when I might assist you. I could aslo work evenings from six o'clock on, before December 18. 圣誕節(jié)將屆,想到貴公司可能需要銷售禮物的助理,本人在圣誕節(jié)前一周(十二月十八日至二十四日)有空,可以幫忙。十八日以前每晚六時后也可以。

  7. Gentlemen: Attention of Personnel Manager

  Like many other young men, I am looking for a position. I want to get stated, at the bottom, perhaps, but started. 人事部主任:本人和很多年青人一樣正在尋找工作。本人想要有個開頭,從基層做起。


  Introducing Oneself: About Age and Experience


  1. I have been for over five years in teh employ of an exporting company. 本人曾經(jīng)前后五年被受雇于出口貿(mào)易公司。

  2. I have been in the business for the last ten years, and worked as the superintendent in the personnel department. 本人在過去十年在商界擔任人事部主任迄今。

  3. i have had five years' experience with a company as a salesman. 本人曾在某一公司擔任推銷員,前后有五年之久。

  4. For the past three years, I have been in the office of the Brothers Trading Co., where I have been ad still am an accountant. 本人曾經(jīng)在兄弟貿(mào)易公司服務三年,擔任會計工作,現(xiàn)仍在職中。

  5. I am twenty years of age, and have been employed for the last two years by the Green Trees Co., in teh general clerical work of the office. 我今年20歲,曾于綠林公司服務兩年,擔任一般文員工作。

  6. I am 25 years of age, and have had two years' experience in my present post, which I am leaving to better myself. 我今年25歲,已在目前的職位工作兩年,茲為尋找更上一層樓,準備離開此職位。

  7. I am nineteen years of age, female and have had two years' experience in a company's delivery office. 我今年19歲,女性。曾在某家公司擔任收發(fā)工作兩年。

  8. I am just leaving school, and am eighteen years of age. 本人18歲,不久即可畢業(yè)。

  9. I am twenty years of age, and am anxious to settle down to office work. 本人20歲,希望能找到一個公司,以便安定下來。

  10. Since my graduation from the school two years ago, I ahve been employed in teh Green Hotel as a cashier. 兩年前,自從離校后,在格蘭酒店擔任出納員。


  About Personal Ability 敘述個人的能力

  1. I am a good accountant and have a thorough knowledge of the English language. 我是一個優(yōu)秀的會計員,同時深信對英文頗為熟練。

  2. For the past five years, I have been engaged as a correspondence clerk. 在過去三年,本人一直擔任對外書信主稿。

  3. I am able to take dictation in English and trancribe them rapidly into Chinese. 我會英文的口授筆記,同時能立即將其改寫成中文。

  4. For the pst three years, I have served as a private secretary to Mr. T. Tang whom you know well, and whose public works have been heralded all over Hong Kong. 在過去三年,本人一直擔任唐悌先生的秘書。對于唐悌先生,閣下必定知悉,同時唐先生的事業(yè)早已為市民所熟知。

  5. Being well acquainted with office works, I could make myself generally useful, should there be any opportunity of your requiring my services. 本人對公司一般業(yè)務非常熟悉。如有機會為貴公司服務,本人相信,對一般事務必能勝任愉快。

  6. I ahve received an English education, and have a slight knowledge of Spanish. I took a Spanish course in college. 本人接受英文教育,同時略通西班牙文。大學時,我選修了一門西班牙文。

  7. I have been at the City Commerical College, where I have acquired a knowledge of English, mathematics and elementary busienss practice. 本人曾在城市商專學英文、數(shù)學以及初級商業(yè)實務。

  8. I have just left school, but have a good knoledge of English. 本人雖剛離開校門,但對英文頗有基礎。

  9. I can write shorthand at the rate of 120 words per minute, and typewriting at 55 words English 本人能速記,每分鐘速度為120字,英文打字則每分鐘55字。

  10. I have received a good education, and know English, Spanish and shorthand. 我曾接受良好的教育,熟悉英語、西班牙語以及速記。

  11. I have a fair knowledge of shorthand, and can write ninety words per minute. 本人熟悉速記,每分鐘速度90字。

  12. At school I won a schoarship and the first prize in speech contest. 求學中,我曾獲得獎學金及演講比賽冠軍。

  13. I am a graduate of Hong Kong University, and have in addition the M. A. degree from UCLA. 本人畢業(yè)于香港大學,并在加州大學獲得文學碩士學位。

  14. I am just over twenty-four years ofage and have left school about two months ago, during which time I have been striving to make myself proficient in shorthand, and typewriting, and have attained a speed of ninety and sixty words a minute respectively. 本人剛滿24歲,兩個月前離開校門,求學期間努力于速記與打字,現(xiàn)在速記及打字各為每分鐘90字與60字。

  15. Since leaving school, I have attended the Typewriting and Shorthand classes, and hve now attained a speed of fifty and ninety words respectvely. 離開學校后,我參加速記與打字班,而今已達到打字50字,速記90字的速度。

  16. I am at present a trainee in the Liner Shipping Company. 我現(xiàn)在大丸船運公司服務,任見習員。

  17. I am a graduate of Yu Da Commercial School, and hve recently completed the business course at the T. Unviersity of Commerce. 本人畢業(yè)于玉達商校,日前即修完T大商業(yè)科。

  18. My education is as follows: A full, three year commercial course in the U-D High School. From this school I graducated with honour in June, 1975. 我的學歷如下:育達高中畢業(yè),修完三年課程,商科,1975年6月從這個學校的商科畢業(yè),成績優(yōu)等。

  19. I have a good knowledge of bookkeeping by double-entry. 本人對聯(lián)單記帳十分熟練。

  20. For all the time I was in their employ, I had the sole charge of their correspondence. 在該公司服務時,本人負責全部對外通信。








面試需要的,是一種雙贏的局面;在這過程中,求職者應該更多關注的,是用人單位的買點,而非自己的賣點。學習啦小編分享關于英語作文求職信句子,僅供參考! 最新的關于英語作文求職信句子 自薦函用語:起頭 1. Shall you need an experie