1、We are so busy watching out for what's just ahead of us that we don't take time to enjoy where we are. 我們是如此的擔(dān)心著未來可能會發(fā)生的事情,因此,忘記了慢下來享受現(xiàn)在。
2、Nobody can go back and start a new begining, but anyone can start now and make a new ending. 沒有人可以回到過去重新開始,但誰都可以從現(xiàn)在開始,書寫一個全然不同的結(jié)局。
3、In front of the person you love, winter seems like Opening a window for others is also to help ourselves see the sky more completely.幫別人開啟一扇窗,也就是讓自己看到更完整的天空。
4、How tough life is, how strong you should be.人生有多殘酷,你就該有多堅強。
5、If you want something you've never had, then you've got to do something you've never Done. 如果你想擁有你從未有過的東西,那么你必須去做你從未做過的事情。
6、If you know how to cherish what you've got,you'd find you are having more;whereas if you keep pursuing,you'd find you are losing faster and faster. 如果你懂得珍惜,你會發(fā)現(xiàn)你獲得的越來越多,如果你一昧追求,你會發(fā)現(xiàn)你失去的越來越快。
7、Real strong men are not those without tears,but those running in tears. 真正的強者,不是沒有眼淚的人,而是含著眼淚奔跑的人。
8、You can't just sit there and wait for people to give you that golden dream. You 've got to get out there and make it happen for yourself. 你不能坐在那里,等著別人給你那金色的夢想,你必須得走出去,為自己爭取。
9、Happiness, always looks small while you hold it in your hands,but let it go,and you learn at once how big and precious it is.你把幸福捧在手里,看似微不足道,一旦放手,你便立刻感覺到他的重要與珍貴。
10、Do not try to give yourself any excuse, an excuse for the error before the unloved ones.不要試圖給自己找任何借口,錯誤面前沒人愛聽那些借口。
11、It's not whether or not you'll make a difference, it's what kind of different you'll make.不是在于你有沒有作為,而是在于你作了怎么樣的作為。
12、Don't let the sadness of your past and the fear of your future ruin the happiness of your present. 別讓過去的悲催,或者未來的憂慮,毀掉自己當(dāng)下的快樂。
13、Life only comes around once. So make sure you're spending it the right way, with the right ones. 生命只有一次,我們要以正確的方式,和正確的人一起度過。
14、You may doubt others, but never yourself. 你可懷疑任何人,但絕不要懷疑你自己。
15、Don't waste your time on a man/woman, who isn't willing to waste their time on you. 不要為那些不愿在你身上花費時間的人而浪費你的時間。
1、 love makes people forget about time, while time makes people forget about love. don’t let yesterday take up more of today. 愛情使人忘記時間,時間也使人忘記愛情。不要讓太多昨天占據(jù)你的今天!
2、“a careless word may kindle strife; a cruel word may wreck a life, a timely word may level stress, a loving word may heal and bless.” 一句無心之失可以觸發(fā)爭端,一句狠心話可以摧毀一生;一句適當(dāng)?shù)恼f話可以減輕壓力,一句情話可以替人療傷,撫慰心靈
3、“be who you are and say what you feel, because those who matter don’t mind, and those that mind, don’t matter.” - dr. seuss (theodor seuss geisel) “做你自己,說你所想。因為那些當(dāng)事人,他們并不關(guān)心;而那些關(guān)心的人,又往往不是當(dāng)事人。”(西奧多)
4、“it hurts to love someone and not be loved in return,but what is the most painful is to love someone and never finding the courage to let the person know how you feel.” 愛上一個不愛自己的人是痛苦的.但最痛苦的,莫過於你所愛的那個人并不知道你愛他,而你也沒有勇氣讓他知道。
5、“live as if your were to die tomorrow. learn as if you were to live forever.” - mahatma gandhi “像知道你明天就要死一樣的生活,像你將永遠活著一樣的學(xué)習(xí)。”(圣雄甘地)
6、“love is when you take away the feeling, the passion, the romance, and you find out you still care for that person.” 愛情是:當(dāng)感覺、熱情和浪漫統(tǒng)統(tǒng)拿掉之後,你仍然珍惜對方。
7、“the brightest future will always be based on a forgotten past, you can’t go on well in life until you let go of your past failures and heartaches.” 人若沒法忘記對過去的失敗和痛苦,便不能活得精彩。一個美好的未來永遠在於你能否忘記過去。
8、“the happiest of people don’t necessarily have the best of everything, they just make the most of everything that comes along their way.” 世上最快樂的人未必擁有最好的東西,他們只是隨心所欲,使身邊的一切跟隨自己的意愿。
9、“there are moments in life when you really miss someone that you want to pick them from your dreams and hug them for real. hope you dream of that someone. 人總有思念別人的時候,你渴望他在你夢境里出現(xiàn),與你實實在在的擁抱!希望你能夢見這個人。
10、“when one door of happiness closes, another opens but often we look so long at the closed door that we don’t see the one which has been opened for us.” 當(dāng)一道快樂之門關(guān)上了,另一道門會隨之打開。但是,我們常常眷戀著那道關(guān)上了的門,而看不見另一道門已經(jīng)打開了。
11、a pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity. an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty. 悲觀主義者在每一次機遇中看到困難,樂觀主義者在每一次困難中看到機遇。(溫斯頓丘吉爾)
12、being single doesn’t mean no one wants you. it means you’re taking your time deciding about your life and who you want to spend it with. 單身并不意味著沒有人愛,而是需要更多的時間去找尋真正能夠與我們共度一生的人。
13、don't be disappointed on the journey of life. there are friends in the world. seize your chance and value your opportunities. may our friendship be everlasting. 人生路上何須惆悵,天涯海角總有知音。把握機會珍惜緣分,祝愿我們友誼長存。
14、for we lose not only by death, but also by leaving and being left, by changing and letting go and moving on..讓我們失去所擁有的不僅僅是死亡,還有離別和離去,還有改變,放棄和前行..
15、He is a fool that forgets himself. 愚者忘乎所以。
1、Acknowledge what you’re grateful for. 學(xué)會對生活感恩。
2、Be mindful of your surroundings. 將注意力集中在你的生活中正在發(fā)生的事上,別為過去憂傷,也別為將來擔(dān)心。
3、Counter every negative with apositive. 不順的時候多想想生活中的好時光。
4、Decide to be happy every day. 下定決心開心度過每一天。
5、Evaluate the good in your life. 每天寫幾件你生活中的樂事。
6、Everything will be fine./Things will turn out all right./Things will work out all right.一切都會好起來的。
7、Everything will come up roses.一切都會圓滿結(jié)束的。
8、Fake happiness until you feel it. 在失意的時候偽裝快樂。
9、Focus on small goals instead of big ones. 多為自己制定一些易實現(xiàn)的短期目標(biāo),努力實現(xiàn)它們。
10、Help someone in need. 幫助需要幫助的人。
11、I anticipate your success.我期待著你的成功。
12、I can do it blindfolded.我閉著眼睛都能做到。