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  以下是小編整理的英語文章:SARS病毒可能直接從蝙蝠傳給人類, 希望能對大家的英語學習有幫助。

  A decade after SARS swept through the world and killed more than 750 people, scientists have made a troubling discovery: A very close cousin of the SARS virus lives in bats and it can likely jump directly to people.

  The findings create new fears about the emergence of diseases like SARS, or severe acute respiratorysyndrome. The virus spread quickly from person to person in 2003 and had a mortality rate of at least 9%. Worries of a severe pandemic led the World Health Organization to issue an emergency travel advisory.


  這一發(fā)現(xiàn)引起了人們對類似SARS(嚴重急性呼吸綜合征)的傳染病再次爆發(fā)的擔憂。2003年,SARS病毒在人際間快速傳播,致死率不低于9%。出于對疫情惡化的擔憂,世界衛(wèi)生組織(World Health Organization)發(fā)布了緊急旅游警告。

  While bats have previously been fingered as a host for SARS, it was believed that the virus jumped from there to weasel-like mammals known as civets, where it went through genetic changes before infecting people. Operating on that belief, China cracked down on markets where bats, civets and other wildlife were sold for food.


  The new bat-to-human discovery suggests that the control tactic may have limited effectiveness because a SARS-like virus remains loose in the wild and could potentially spark another outbreak.


  'It changes the equation' for public health, said Peter Daszak, a senior author of the study and president of EcoHealth Alliance, a group involved in conservation and global health. 'We can close all the markets in China and still have a pandemic.'

  生態(tài)健康聯(lián)盟(EcoHealth Alliance)主席、這項研究報告的撰稿人之一彼得·達薩克(Peter Daszak)稱,這一發(fā)現(xiàn)改變了公共衛(wèi)生的局勢,即使關(guān)閉中國所有市場,病情仍可能蔓延開來。生態(tài)健康聯(lián)盟致力于病情防護和全球衛(wèi)生。

  The latest findings, published in the journal Nature on Wednesday, may also help scientists grapple with a more immediate worry. About a year ago, a novel SARS-like virus was reported in the Middle East. It has since killed more than 50 people and some preliminary research suggests that it also may have originated in bats.


  SARS is caused by a germ known as a coronavirus. First discovered in 2003 in southern China, SARS went on to sicken more than 8,000 people in more than two dozen countries in North America, South America, Europe and Asia, before it was contained. No known cases have been reported anywhere since 2004.


  But a key puzzle remained. No one ever found a live SARS virus in bats found in southern China's wildlife markets, making it unclear that those bats were the source. So where did it come from?


  Dr. Daszak and his colleagues chose to study a horseshoe bat colony in Yunnan province in southwest China-hundreds of miles from the big wildlife-for-food markets of Guangdong province, where SARS was first reported.

  達薩克博士和同事們在中國西南部云南省的菊頭蝠(horseshoe bat)棲息地進行研究,這里距離SARS首次被發(fā)現(xiàn)的廣東省的大型野生動物市場相距數(shù)百英里。

  The researchers took hundreds of samples from the horseshoe bats. A genetic analysis revealed at least seven different strains of SARS-like coronaviruses circulating in that single group of animals.


  Crucially, the scientists were also able to isolate and culture a live virus that binds to a receptor on a human cell. That suggests that direct bat-to-human infection would likely occur.


  'This paper indicates that the bat is the origin and that the virus can be directly transmitted to humans,' said Charles Calisher, a virologist at Colorado State University, who wasn't involved in the study. 'It practically rules out the possibility' of an intermediate host.

  沒有參與這次研究的科羅拉多州立大學(Colorado State University)病毒學家查爾斯·卡利舍(Charles Calisher)說,這篇報告說明病毒源自于蝙蝠并且可以直接感染人類,基本上排除了中間宿主的可能性。

  Dr. Daszak described a potential scenario where close contact between bats and humans-such as when the animals are captured for food-could increase the risk of viral transmission. 'They are bringing wildlife in from new areas. They are going to Yunnan where bats are still common.'


  Dr. Calisher said the finding was important because researchers will now be able to get important clues about the danger these novel SARS-like coronaviruses pose. For example, if a bat carries a high load of the virus, it indicates that the potential for transmission to humans is also high.
