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  下面學(xué)習(xí)啦小編為大家?guī)碜鎳谖倚闹懈咧?a href='http://www.rzpgrj.com/fwn/yanjianggaoenglish/' target='_blank'>英語演講稿帶翻譯,歡迎大家學(xué)習(xí)!


  Dear teacher, dear students:

  Everybody is good!

  I'm going to lecture on the topic of today: the motherland in my heart.

  You ask my country where I can proudly tell you: east of the world have a cock, that is my motherland; East of the world is a giant, that is my motherland. East of the world has a long dragon, that is my motherland. My country is humongous, vast land, the beautiful and rich, she is - China.

  When in August 1945, the Japanese have been out of China, the national people's shout: "we won!" ; When in 2008 China's Olympic bid success, we prove to the world that we are strong; When god ten flew into space in 2013, the national people's heart lit a Miami heat...

  Speaking of our country, there are a lot of historic celebrities made many contributions to the motherland, from national hero yue fei, wen tianxiang to "everyone must die", the struggle for the construction of democracy and sun yat-sen, create a new era of socialism generation great man MAO zedong, awaken the dragon China economy, deng xiaoping, to promote the "three represents" of jiang zemin, implement the "eight honors, eight disgraces" hu, light up the "China dream" xi... Every name flashing dazzling light. Yeah! Is such a nation has always been indomitable, has nurtured generation after generation of Chinese people; Is such a indomitable people, wake up the proud people sleeping in the bottom of my heart!

  Liang qichao once said: the young strong a country is strong, young rich or national wealth, the boy standing in the world is standing in the world! I deeply believe that as long as we work hard, for the motherland to create a better tomorrow!









  Dear teacher, dear students:

  Today I stand here with the feelings of excitement and speech for everyone, the title of my speech is "the motherland in my heart, hope you like them, more criticism to correct.

  "Up and unwilling to be slaves people, our flesh and blood build our new Great Wall, the Chinese nation to most dangerous time, were forced to send to each of the final roar." This is the forte of The Times, is from the People's Republic of clank oath. To go forward, forward, forward. The people crying out again. This is from the strong rhythm of the earth.

  "The motherland in my heart" simple six words, say how many Chinese people It is because there is such a Chinese heart, revolutionary martyrs shed, their Olympic athletes struggle, repeated, and every Chinese people see the five-star red flag flies will great excitement.

  Turn over thousands of years of history, I found that country life essence of the Great Wall - the scar, recorded how many vicissitudes of life, and behave so tough; The Yangtze river, which is the pulse of the motherland! Jumping the inexhaustible throb, aspersing endless love. The Yellow River - it is the blood of the motherland, boiled, rush! Yue - that was your finger, pointing to the blue sky, through the vicissitudes of life.

  The motherland is the pearl of the east, is an eagle on the horizon, the motherland in my heart, in your heart, in the heart of all of us!




  “祖國在我心中”簡簡單單的六個字,道盡了多少中華兒女的心聲 正是因為有這樣一顆中國心,革命先烈拋頭顱,灑熱血,奧運健兒奮勇拼搏,屢創(chuàng)輝煌,而每一個炎黃子孫看到迎風(fēng)飄揚的五星紅旗都會壯志激昂。

  翻開幾千年的歷史,我發(fā)現(xiàn)祖國的生命精髓長城——那道傷痕,記載了多少滄桑,又表現(xiàn) 得如此頑強;長江——那是祖國的脈搏吧!跳躍著永不枯竭的悸動,揮灑著無邊無際的情傷。黃河——那是祖國的血液,沸騰著,奔涌著!五岳——那是你的手指,指著藍天,顯出歷經(jīng)的滄桑。






