
學(xué)習(xí)啦 > 學(xué)習(xí)英語 > 英語寫作 > 英語應(yīng)用寫作 > 初中英語書信寫作教學(xué)試講


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  我是來應(yīng)聘初中英語的一號考生,今天我抽到的試講題目是《What’s the matter》。 導(dǎo)入

  Step1 Lead in(5’)

  Hello, boys and girls, nice to see you again. How are you today? You are fine. You feel bad ! What’s wrong with you, Sarah? You looks pale. Oh, I am sorry to hear that. You’d better go to the see the doctor. You guys should look after yourselves well. Don’t catch cold. As we all know, we may go to doctor’s from time to time. In what condition will you go to see the doctor? Have a talk with your partner and get as much as possible conditions, Ok? Keep your outcome in mind, now let’s come to study Unit2 What’s the matter?


  Step2 Presentation(20’)

  Please turn to Page7 and finish 1a according to the picture, I will give you 2 minutes. Time’s up. Please tell me your answer. Great. You all get the correct answer. Now, I will teach you the pronunciation of these words, please read follow me. Arm, back, ear, eye, foot, hand, head, leg, mouth, neck, nose, stomach, tooth. Ok, guys, this time please point to your body while reading, let’s read them again. Arm, back, ear, eye, foot, hand, head, leg, mouth, neck, nose, stomach, tooth. Good job! I have an activity for you. Two students a group, one to read and the other to point to the body. Try to remember these words in this process, Ok? If you have any difficulty, ask your partner or put up your hand and ask me. Which one? It’s stomach. Stomach. That’s it. Ok,guys, stop here. It seems that you enjoyed this activity. Very good, I will plan more activities for you in future. Now, please at the PPT. I want to check how many words you have grasped. What’s this? how about this? And this one?Ear or eye? Yeah, it’s eye. Pay attention to them.

  Guys, look at the pictures here,and tell me what are the students’ problems? How about this one? Yes, he has a headache. And, this one? He has a sore throat. That’s it. But, what would you do if you feel ill? Any advices? Yes, sb. should go to the doctor. As far as I am concerned, sb. should not eat

  something excitant food. Guys, please turn to page8 and look at Grammar focus. There is something I need to point out. First, the word “should” is like

  “can”, and you can use “do” following it, understand? Good! Second,

  “shouldn’t” has the same meaning with “should not”,and we can exchange them in sentences, clear? Now, let’s do some reading to memorize them. I have a headache. You should go to bed. He has a stomach. He shouldn’t eat anything. She has a toothache. She should see a dentist. Once again.I have a headache. You should go to bed. He has a stomach. He shouldn’t eat anything. She has a toothache. She should see a dentist.


  Step3 Practice(7’)

  Boys and grils, now we have learned the main words and sentence patterns of this part, how much have you got? Let’s do practice.

  First, look at 2a. I will play the record for you, please listen carefully and try to match the problem with the advice. Now, let’s start. OK, what’s your result. How about boys saying the problems and girls answering the advice, begin please. Very good, you guys have gotten all the correct answers. Now, please listen again and finish 2b. Have you finished? Aha, it is easy, right? Cause you can take a reference to 2a. Now, it’s the role play time. I will give you three minutes and you are asked to play the conversations in 2b according to the example in 3c. If you meet any difficulty, please put up your hand. Go! Time is up. You guys have done a good job. It seems that you enjoy being ill. It’s just a joke.


  Step 4 Consolidation(8’)

  Now, let’s come to the real role play. You are ill and you go to the doctors.

  What would you say? Two students a group, one to be the doctor and the other patient. I’d like to give you 5 minutes to prepare and then invite some of you to perform for us. Remember, performance not conversation. You can consult to 3a if necessary. OK, begin. Time is up. How about your preparation? Any

  volunteers to perform for us. Great, let’s welcome Mike and Sarah. Marvelous, let’s give them a big hand.


  Step 5 Summary(3’)

  Now, we have learned the main content of Part A. Can you make a summary? Yeah, just as you said, we have learned the organs of our body. Arm, back, ear, eye, foot, hand, head, leg, mouth, neck, nose, stomach, tooth. Anything else? Exactly. We have also learned some expressions about asking the illness and giving advices. Such as, what’s the matter with you? I have a headache. You should go to bed. Well, in daily life, we should take ourselves well and get rid of the illness as much as possible.


  Step 5 Homework(2’)

  In the end, I have to say you have homework to do. Try to find more illnesses and then give advices. You have to find at least five except those in the textbook, clear? OK, let’s call it a day. See you next time!





  我抽到的是詞匯題,給一個(gè)片段,六個(gè)單詞,要求是讀對話,然后講單詞,其他的兩個(gè)英語試講是語法,我看了一眼是一般將來時(shí)的時(shí)態(tài),另一個(gè)是作文類題目。 之后去備考室,這里給你也就是15分鐘的準(zhǔn)備時(shí)間,可以把自己的資料帶進(jìn)去,也可以手機(jī)百度,低調(diào)點(diǎn),別被老師看到都是可以的。不是很嚴(yán)。

  首先,進(jìn)入考場,有三個(gè)老師,先問兩個(gè)結(jié)構(gòu)化的面試題目,問到的有:1,家長工作忙,認(rèn)為教育學(xué)生完全是學(xué)校的責(zé)任,你怎么看?2,你怎么看待“綠領(lǐng)巾”事件。3,請問你對陶行知的“千教萬教,教人求真; 千學(xué)萬學(xué),學(xué)做真人”怎么理解?4,同學(xué)上課一直開小差做小動(dòng)作,你怎么辦?恩,我知道的就是這些了。。然后就是英語試講,試講之后會問你1-2個(gè)關(guān)于你試講的問題,有的可能不問,之后就結(jié)束了。記得擦黑板。。



  這里給大家模板作為參考,在備考室的時(shí)候你就可以這么準(zhǔn)備了,什么教學(xué)目標(biāo),難點(diǎn)和重點(diǎn),教學(xué)手段這些完全沒必要寫啊,直接切入你開講就行了。。 試講情態(tài)動(dòng)詞的語法類試講稿:

  Step 1 warming up

  As we know, the 2008 Olympics is coming. Show two pictures: Liuxiang and Yaoming. Say something

  about them using modal verbs.

  教師展示兩幅圖片:劉翔和姚明,通過用modal verbs 來描述這兩幅圖片。 Step 2 Lead‐in

  T: Look at the picture, the man is carrying a pile of books. So he can carry heavy books. He wants to

  enter the room, but he couldn’t open the door by himself. So he is making a request to ask for help

  from the woman by saying “Could you open the door, please?” (The teacher writes the three sentences on the blackboard.

  1.So he can carry heavy books.

  2. He couldn’t open the door by himself.

  3. Could you open the door, please?)

  T: Look at the three modal verbs in each sentence and try to get their meanings.

  Step 3 Explanation

   can & could

   may & might

   will & would

   shall & should

   must & can’t

  e.g. can and could


  could 是can 的過去式

  e.g. The girl can dance very well.

  We all knew that the young man couldn’t be a doctor.

  2)表示請求(request)或允許(permission)。意為“可否”、“可以”。比can 更有禮貌,

  在此不是can 的過去式。

  e.g. Can you wait a moment please?

  Excuse me, could you tell me the way to the station?

  3)表示可能性(possibility) Could

  a. can 表示泛指的“可能”, 并非說話者主觀認(rèn)為的可能性,即并非說話者的主觀猜測。

  e.g. Accident can happen to any drunken driver.


  e.g. It can’t be my father. He is now in England.

  Step 4 Summing up

  From the demonstration of the modal verbs above, we can find most of them can be used to

  express certainty, but the degree of them is different.

  Step 5 practice

  1)Find all the sentences with modal verbs and explain the meaning.

  1. Other celebrations were held when hunters could catch animals.

  2. They lit fires and made music because they thought these festivals would bring a year of plenty.

  3.„or satisfy and please the ancestors, who could return either to help or to do harm.

  2)Complete the following sentences with proper modal verbs.You’ve been working all day. You ___be very tired.

  (The door bell rings) I wonder who that is, it___be Lisa. She’s still in the library at this time.

  It is a long time since we met last time. You ___come and see us more often. ...

  3) Make a dialogue using modal verbs according to the given situation. You have to go to buy food and gifts for Spring Festival. In pairs, one as the shop keeper and the

  other as the customer, offer and request the items you need. Use these expressions to help you.

  Would you like „? Could I have „?

  Might I suggest „? May I see „?

  You should try „? Could we look at „?

  Can you see „? We might take „?

  Step 6. Homework

  Choose one of the following situations to create a short dialogue using modal verbs.

  Situation A: In a library. Ask the librarian if he can help to find a book relating to some specific

  topics, whether they can be renewed or not, and how to do if the books are lost. (“Could you

  please find„?” “May I „?” “You mustn’t„”)

  Situation B: A doctor gives a patient some advice. (“You should„”) 這一個(gè)就是完整的試講模板了。。

  In Search of the Amber Room

  Lead-in: free talk

  Class begins. Good morning, boys and girls. Today we will learn a new unit together. That is Unit 2.

  First of all, I’d like to share one of my experiences with you. Last summer, I visited terra-cotta warriors which are located in Shaanxi Province. It is known as the eighth wonder of the world. In other words, it is among Chinese cultural relics. Right? The scene was very magnificent. I could see thousands of life-size terra-cotta warriors and each of them had different facial expressions. As a result, I learned a lot about the history of Qin Dynasty.

  Q1: Boys and girls, have you ever visited any cultural relics before? Tom, would you please have a try?

  A: Oh, you have visited the Great Wall in Beijing.

  Very good. Can you describe your feeling when you saw it?

  A: You felt impressive and you admired the wisdom and diligence of our ancestors. Very good.

  Pre-reading: predict

  Yes. I totally agree with you. We can learn a lot from cultural relics. This is also our topic today. We will learn a passage about cultural relics. The title of this passage is in search of the amber room. Do you know the meaning of amber? It is a kind of jewels and it has a beautiful yellow-brown color. It is called 琥珀 in Chinese. Boys and girls, with the help of this

  title, could you please tell me what will be talked about in this passage. Bob, can we have your prediction?

  A: You think this passage will talk about the history of the amber room. Good. Do you agree with him? Some yes and some say no. Next, please listen to the tape carefully. After listening, please tell me whether this prediction is correct. Ready, let’s begin.

  While-reading: listening----close reading

  Ok. Is there any volunteer who can tell me whether Bob’s prediction is right? Lily, would you please have a try?

  A: You think this passage mainly talks about how this amber room was built. Do you agree with her? Yes, well done, please sit down.

  Next, let’s read this passage quickly. This time please pay more attention to the details. After reading, you are expected to answer the following question. Q1, Q2, Q3. You only have two minutes. Ready? Go!

  Time is up. Have you finished? Let share answers together.