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  Movie Music

  Accustomed though we are to speaking of the films made before 1927 as "silent", the film hasnever been, in the full sense of the word, silent.From the very beginning, music was regarded asan indispensable accompaniment; when the Lumiere films were shown at the first public filmexhibition in the United States in February 1896, they were accompanied by pianoimprovisations on popular tunes. At first, the music played bore no special relationship to thefilms; an accompaniment of any kind was sufficient.Within a very short time,however,theincongruity of playing lively music to a solemn film became apparent, and film pianists beganto take some care in matching their pieces to the mood of the film.

  As movie theaters grew in number and importance, a violinist, and perhaps a cellist, would beadded to the pianist in certain cases, and in the larger movie theaters small orchestras wereformed. For a number of years the selection of music for each film program rested entirely inthe hands of the conductor or leader of the orchestra, and very often the principalqualification for holding such a position was not skill or taste so much as the ownership of alarge personal library of musical pieces. Since the conductor seldom saw the films until thenight before they were to be shown (if indeed, the conductor was lucky enough to see themthen), the musical arrangement was normally improvised in the greatest hurry.

  To help meet this difficulty,film distributing companies started the practice of publishingsuggestions for musical accompaniments. In 1909,for example, the Edison Company beganissuing with their films such indications of mood as "pleasant", "sad", "lively". The suggestionsbecame more explicit, and so emerged the musical cue sheet containing indications of mood,the titles of suitable pieces of music, and precise directions to show where one piece led intothe next.

  Certain films had music especially composed for them. The most famous of these early specialscores was that composed and arranged for D. W. Griffith's film Birth of a Nation, which wasreleased in 1915.


  盡管我們習慣于將 1927 年以前的電影稱為"無聲電影",但是就無聲這個詞完整的意義上來說,電影從未真正的無聲過,從最初開始音樂就被視為必不可少的伴奏。 當盧米埃爾的電影在 1896 年2 月美國首屆影片公映展覽上放映的時候,影片便用當時的流行曲臨場鋼琴伴奏。 最初,這些音樂伴奏與電影沒有什么特別的關系,用什么曲子伴奏都行。 但在很短的時間內,為一部莊重的影片演奏快活的音樂所產生的不協調感變得顯而易見,因此鋼琴家們開始注意將自己的作品與影片的情調結合起來。 隨著影劇院在數量上與重要性上的不斷增長,在一些場合,除了鋼琴師外,還要加上小提琴師,或許還有一位大提琴師。 較大的影劇院里還組成了小型的管弦樂隊。 在很長的時間內,為各部影片選擇配樂完全掌握在樂隊指揮或隊長手中,而通常把持這種職位的資格不是技巧或鑒賞品味,而是擁有一個大的音樂作品的個人收藏。 因為直到電影上映的前一天晚上樂隊指揮才能看到影片(如果這個指揮真正有幸能夠看到影片的話),音樂安排通常是在非常匆忙的情況下臨場進行的。為了解決以上的困難,電影發(fā)行公司開辦了為音樂伴奏印制提示單的業(yè)務。例如 1909 年愛迪生公司開始將一些諸如"喜悅的"、"悲傷的"、"活潑的"之類表明影片情調特征的提示與影片一起發(fā)行。 這些提示逐漸變得更加具體,并且出現了包括影片情調說明、適用樂曲名稱和樂曲轉換點等內容的配樂說明單。 某些影片擁有專門為其創(chuàng)作的音樂。 這些早期特創(chuàng)樂譜中最著名的便是為D. W. 格雷夫斯 1915 年上映的影片《一個國家的誕生》所創(chuàng)作的音樂。


  Mimicry in Plants

  Plant adaptations can be remarkably complex. Certain species of orchids, for instance, imitatefemale bees, other plants look and smell like dead animals, and still others have theappearance of stones. These strange adaptations to life represent just a few of thesophisticated means by which plants enhance their chances of survival. Mimicry in plants oranimals is a three part system. There is a model: the animal, plant or substrate being initiated.There is a mimic: the organism that imitates the model. And there is a signal receiver ordupe: the animal that cannot effectively distinguish between the model and the mimic.Mimetic traits may include morphological structures, color patterns, behaviors or otherattributes of the mimic that promote its resemblance to a model.That model may be either anunrelated species or an inanimate object, such as the background against which an organismspends most of its time. Mimicry is not an active strategy on the part of an individual plant;flowers do not deliberately trick or deceive animals into visiting them.Mimicry arises as theresult of evolution through natural selection and the occurrence of random geneticmutations that lead over many generations to the appearance of favorable characteristics. Ifsuch traits help to camouflage a plant, for example, the plant is likely to have a survivaladvantage over other plants that are less well camouflaged.The plant will leave moredescendants, thereby passing the advantage to the next generation. For natural selection tofavor the evolution of mimicry, the mimicry must derive a reproductive advantage frommodeling itself after another organism or object: its fitness, measured as the number ofoffspring produced that survive into the next generation, must be increased as the result ofdeception.


  植物的適應性極為復雜。 某種蘭花模仿雌蜂,還有些植物看上去或嗅起來象死去的動物,更有些植物具有石頭的外表。 這些稀奇古怪的適應性不過是植物的眾多求生手段中的一小部分罷了。 動植物的擬態(tài)包括三方面的內容:一是被模仿者,動物,植物或是生態(tài)基層,二是模仿者,即那些去模擬其它東西的生物,三是上當受騙者,即不能分辨模仿者與被模仿者的動物。 被模仿特征包括形態(tài)結構,色彩花紋,動作習性或其它模仿者實現它與被模仿者相似的特點。 被模仿者可以是其它種類的生物或非生命物,如棲居地的環(huán)境。 擬態(tài)并非某個植物主動的策略。 花朵并非故意誘騙動物來訪。 擬態(tài)是無數代自然選擇和遺傳變異的進化而獲得的有利特征的結果。 比如,有些特征有利于偽裝,那么具有這些特征的植物就比不具有的易于生存。 這種植物就會有更多的后代,并把這些特征代代相傳。 要讓自然選擇惠顧模仿者的進化,模仿者必須在模仿其它生物或物體中得到繁殖優(yōu)勢:它的適應能力,以存活至下一代的幼獸的數目來衡量,必定因為欺騙而加強了。


  Marine Mammals

  Since there is such an abundance of food in the sea,it is understandable that some of theefficient, highly adaptable, warm-blooded mammals that evolved on land should have returnedto the sea.Those that did have flourished. Within about 50 million years -- no time at all,geologically speaking -- one of the four kinds of mammals that has returned to a marineenvironment has developed into the largest of all animal forms, the whale. A second kind, theseal,has produced what is probably the greatest population of large carnivorous mammals onEarth.

  This suggests that these "top dogs" of the ocean are prospering and multiplying. However,such has not been the case,at least not for the last 150 years.Trouble has closed in on thesemammals in the form of equally warm-blooded and even more efficient and adaptablepredators, humans. At sea, as on land, humans have now positioned themselves on the top ofthe whole great pyramid of life, and they have caused serious problems for the mammals ofthe sea. There is a simple reason for this. Marine mammals have the misfortune to beswimming aggregates of commodities that humans want: fur, oil and meat. Even so, they mightnot be so vulnerable to human depredation if they did not,like humans, reproduce so slowly.Every year humans take more than 50 million tons of fish from the oceans without criticallydepleting the population of any species. But the slow-breeding mammals of the sea have beenall but wiped out by humans seeking to satisfy their wants and whims.


  既然海洋中有如此豐富的食物,一些原本在陸地生存的高效率的,適應性強的暖血型動物返回海洋生存是不難理解的。 那些已經返回海洋的哺乳動物種族繁榮。 在大約 5 千萬年間(這在地質學上不過是彈指一揮間),返回海洋的4 種浦乳動物之一的鯨已成為體積最龐大的動物。 而另一種哺乳動物海豹,它的數量恐怕是地球上大型食肉哺乳動物中最大的。 這似乎表明這些海洋中的"大哥大"們人丁興旺,一派繁榮景象。但至少在近 150 年以來,事實并非如此。 同樣是暖血動物而且效率更高、適應性更強的捕食者,人類,成為這些哺乳動物的日益迫近的威脅。 在陸地和海洋,人類都已處在巨大的生物金字塔的最頂端,成為所有生物的主宰,并給海洋哺乳動物帶來巨大的危脅。 原因很簡單。 這些哺乳動物不幸成為人類所需要的一堆游動著的商品,如皮毛、油和肉。 盡管如此,如果它們不象人類一樣繁殖如此緩慢,它們對人類的掠奪也不會如此無能為力。 每年人類從海洋中捕撈約 5 千萬噸的魚類,但這并未導致任何魚種的滅絕。但繁殖緩慢的海洋哺乳動物卻因為有了一心只想滿足一已私欲的人類而瀕臨。









誦讀經典美文,是一種熏陶,也是一種積累,能有效提高學生的文學素養(yǎng),培養(yǎng)學生的語言能力和寫作能力。學習啦小編整理了100詞初一英語美文,歡迎閱讀! 100詞初一英語美文篇一 Movie Music Accustomed though we are to speaking of the film