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  關(guān)于勵(lì)志英語(yǔ)美文:A Freeman's Worship

  The life of Man, viewed outwardly, is but a small thing in comparison with the forces of Nature. The slave is doomed to worship Time and Fate and Death, because they are greater than anything he finds in himself, and because all his thoughts are of things which they devour. But, great as they are, to think of them greatly, to feel their passionless splendour, is greater still. And such thought makes us free men; we no longer bow before the inevitable in Oriental subjection, but we absorb it, and make it a part of ourselves. To abandon the struggle for private happiness, to expel all eagerness of temporary desire, to burn with passion for eternal things--this is emancipation, and this is the free man's worship. And this liberation is effected by a contemplation of Fate; for Fate itself is subdued by the mind which leaves nothing to be purged by the purifying fire of Time.

  United with his fellow-men by the strongest of all ties, the tie of a common doom, the free man finds that a new vision is with him always, shedding over every daily task the light of love. The life of Man is a long march through the night, surrounded by invisible foes, tortured by weariness and pain, towards a goal that few can hope to reach, and where none may tarry long. One by one, as they march, our comrades vanish from our sight, seized by the silent orders of omnipotent Death. Very brief is the time in which we can help them, in which their happiness or misery is decided. Be it ours to shed sunshine on their path, to lighten their sorrows by the balm of sympathy, to give them the pure joy of a never-tiring affection, to strengthen failing courage, to instil faith in hours of despair. Let us not weigh in grudging scales their merits and demerits, but let us think only of their need--of the sorrows, the difficulties, perhaps the blindnesses, that make the misery of their lives; let us remember that they are fellow-sufferers in the same darkness, actors in the same tragedy as ourselves. And so, when their day is over, when their good and their evil have become eternal by the immortality of the past, be it ours to feel that, where they suffered, where they failed, no deed of ours was the cause; but wherever a spark of the divine fire kindled in their hearts, we were ready with encouragement, with sympathy, with brave words in which high courage glowed.

  Brief and powerless is Man's life; on him and all his race the slow, sure doom falls pitiless and dark. Blind to good and evil, reckless of destruction, omnipotent matter rolls on its relentless way; for Man, condemned to-day to lose his dearest, to-morrow himself to pass through the gate of darkness, it remains only to cherish, ere yet the blow falls, the lofty thoughts that ennoble his little day; disdaining the coward terrors of the slave of Fate, to worship at the shrine that his own hands have built; undismayed by the empire of chance, to preserve a mind free from the wanton tyranny that rules his outward life; proudly defiant of the irresistible forces that tolerate, for a moment, his knowledge and his condemnation, to sustain alone, a weary but unyielding Atlas, the world that his own ideals have fashioned despite the trampling march of unconscious power.






  關(guān)于勵(lì)志英語(yǔ)美文:Increasing Confidence

  Robert Stuberg

  The world is changing rapidly and most people are very anxious about it. In fact, I think it mighteven be stronger and more accurate to say that most people are downright fearful of whatthey see going on around them.

  Technological change and innovation are completely altering many aspects of our lives and itdoesn’t stop there. Economic changes, social changes, scientific changes, political changes…the list is endless. However, the big question we all face is how are we going to respond tothese changes?

  While the specific answers about what to do take time and thought to uncover, the best wayto approach the future and all of the changes it will bring can be summed up in one word:Confidence.

  Personal confidence is one of the greatest assets we all possess. Certainly some people seemto have much more of it than others but I believe that confidence is a skill that we can alldevelop. In some ways, it is undoubtedly the most important skill we can develop.

  With confidence, all things are within the realm of possibility. Without confidence, even thesmallest challenges seem insurmountable.

  What I find fascinating is that people with confidence always seem to end up on top. Theyseem to overcome the obstacles that stand in their way. It’s as if problems and challenges runfrom the person who has confidence.

  I think what’s so difficult for most people is the belief that confidence has to be based onhaving a specific solution at hand but that’s just not true.

  What we all respect and admire is the person who can stand up against overwhelmingdifficulties and persevere without an answer.

  Here’s the secret that most people never get. Life’s challenges are no match for the person withunstoppable confidence. While the problems or challenges might seem too big to beovercome, the person with confidence always finds a way to win regardless of thecircumstances.

  Ultimately, life’s challenges run and hide from the person that maintains confidence.

  This is hard lesson to learn. The problems of life seem so big and scary and we often think ofourselves as so small and fragile. But that’s not the way it is. That’s the illusion that mostpeople by into, but it’s not the truth.

  The truth is that we are bigger than anything that can ever happen to us in life. We have thepower and ability to overcome any obstacle in our path. And the most important tool wepossess is personal confidence, believing in your ability to overcome the current challengejust like we have done so many times in the past.

  Whatever challenge is currently in your life, know that it’s there to help you grow and expand.Use the problems you encounter to help you build your personal confidence. Remember, youwouldn’t have the problem if you didn’t have the power to overcome it. Expanding yourpersonal confidence will allow you to take on whatever you need to in order to fulfill yourpersonal mission.















  關(guān)于勵(lì)志英語(yǔ)美文:A March Snow

  Ella Wheeler Wilcox

  Let the old snow be covered with the new:

  The trampled snow, so soiled, and stained, and sodden.

  Let it be hidden wholly from our view

  By pure white flakes, all trackless and untrodden.

  When Winter dies, low at the sweet Spring's feet

  Let him be mantled in a clean, white sheet.

  Let the old life be covered by the new:

  The old past life so full of sad mistakes,

  Let it be wholly hidden from the view

  By deeds as white and silent as snow-flakes.

  Ere this earth life melts in the eternal Spring

  Let the white mantle of repentance fling

  Soft drapery about it, fold on fold,

  Even as the new snow covers up the old.





















