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  Tsai Ing-wen has officially apologised to the island's indigenous population for centuries of mistreatment, the first time a leader has done so.


  Speaking to representatives from 16 recognised native tribes, she said Taiwan had to face "the truth" to move forward.


  Immigrants from mainland China arrived in Taiwan about 400 years ago. Indigenous people lost ancestral land rights and had their traditional lifestyles, languages and cultures restricted under harsh policies of assimilation.


  They remain disadvantaged compared to other Taiwanese, with higher levels of unemployment and lower average wages. They now make up about two percent of Taiwan's more than 23 million people.


  "For the past 400 years, each regime that came to Taiwan has brutally violated indigenous people's existing rights through military might and land looting," Ms Tsai said, adding that a "simple verbal apology" was not enough.


  She promised the government would give indigenous communities greater autonomy, improve their land rights and work to preserve native languages, AFP news agency reported.


  Capen Nganen, an 80-year-old representative of the Yami people, said he hoped the government "will truly deliver on the promises made in this apology". Other indigenous activists said they had expected more in terms of policy.

  Capen Nganen是一名80歲的雅美族代表,他表示,希望政府“能夠真正兌現(xiàn)在這次道歉中所作出的承諾”。其他土著人士則表示,他們在政策方面的期望更大。

  關(guān)于道歉的英語美文:心靈導(dǎo)師告訴你 道歉的時候要這樣做

  Chances are, you've had to apologize plenty of times in your life. And there's a good chanceyou've also uttered the phrase, "I never meant to hurt you."


  Stop doing that, says author Caroline Myss.


  In a talk Myss ― a spiritual seeker, researcher ― took on the topic of forgiveness and healing,and explained in no uncertain terms why "I never meant to hurt you" is never a sufficientapology, no matter who it comes from.


  "Picture that person coming up to you and saying, 'Wow, bummer. I'm sorry I did this, but, youknow, I never meant to hurt you. And, hey, can we just call it a day?'" Myss says.


  As tempting as it can be to move on and bury the hatchet, that type of apology won’t sit wellwith the person on the receiving end. "That whole little thing ― 'I never meant to hurt you' ―that's the thing you can't forgive," she says. "It goes right to your soul, that toxic, sickfeeling."


  Instead, Myss says it's important to approach the conversation differently. Ultimately, it'sabout offering more than an apology. It's about sharing a soul-to-soul confession. "Let's redothe scene," Myss says. "[The person] comes up to you and says... 'I need to tell yousomething. I consciously knew what I was doing. I consciously knew it, and I have to call itsomething else: I sinned against you. It was a sin. I heard my conscience tell me not to dothis and I didn't listen. It didn't matter to me. And I know that my actions redirected the courseof your life. It was conscious. It was a sin, because it was conscious. And how much it hurtyou did not stop me. This is not a boo-boo. This is not an apology. I am confessing my soul toyou, and I'm asking now for your forgiveness.'"


  Even saying those words on stages makes Myss visibly emotional, and she points out that thisis how deeply within the soul apologies are supposed to resonate.


  "That's what heals," she says.



  1、The phrase is, regarded as enemies, so changing mood, my heart how can it? - casual, not much, more do not think ill of! I really love you.一語不合,視若仇敵,情緒如此多變,我心怎堪煎熬?語不經(jīng)意,勿要多想,更忌往壞里想!我是真的愛你。

  2、I silence, because I am guilty; I am blind, but also because of my guilt; I trance, also because of my guilt; MY DEAR, I AM SORRY!我沉默,因為我內(nèi)疚;我盲然,也因為我內(nèi)疚;我恍惚,還因為我內(nèi)疚;MY DEAR,I AM SORRY!

  3、We start from a friend, I would like to before headstrong crazy.我們從朋友做起吧,我不會再向以前那樣任性癡纏。

  4、My mobile phone will always open for you, if you are willing to forgive me, please contact me.我的手機會一直為你開著,如果你肯原諒我,隨時可以聯(lián)系我。

  5、A I have a crazy heart, waiting for you to forgive! If you don't angry words can you give me a call to let me explain, okay?一個傻傻的我有一顆癡癡的心,在期待你的原諒!如果你不生氣了的話能不能給我打個電話讓我解釋一下,好嗎?

  6、Remember we used to have a sweet, all disappear in smoke gas. This is truly close, nothing could break our love for each other.想起我們曾經(jīng)有過的甜蜜,所有的氣都煙消云散了。這就是真正的親密無間,任何東西都無法割斷我們彼此的愛。

  7、The goddess in my heart: sorry! I do it because I love you, love you! I want to stay with you! Please give me a second chance?我心中的女神:對不起!我這樣做是因為我喜歡你,愛你!很想和你在一起!請再給我一次機會好嗎?

  8、A small woman, but I like it. Never to offend you, miss you, miss you, hate you not to chew!小女人一個,但我很喜歡。以后再也不惹你生氣了,想你,念你,恨不得啃啃你!

  9、Always drunk to call you, let you sad, I was not good. Forgive me?總是在喝醉后給你打電話,讓你傷心難過,是我不好。原諒我好嗎?

  10、Not let me hurt you. I was sorry! I regret! I hope you can give me a chance! Love you forever!無心讓我傷害了你。我的心里也不好受!我悔恨萬分!希望你能給我一個改過的機會!永遠愛你!

  11、Perhaps fate, we wouldn't hurt the most reluctant to hurt people, but, believe me, because I love you, let us cherish!也許是緣分,我們都不愿傷害最不愿傷害的人,但還是發(fā)生了,相信我,因為我愛你,讓我們彼此好好珍惜!

  12、Are you happy about your worry, crazy heart, for you to worry about distressed, also once sad heart, can not change heart, do not oversensitive suspicion, most be afraid that you are careless!有你開心省心,對你真心癡心,為你擔(dān)心痛心,也曾傷心碎心,不敢變心花心,不要多心疑心,最怕你是無心!

  13、Everything is my fault, I hurt your heart, I expect you to forgive! I'll love you forever, regardless of past, present and future!一切都是我的錯,是我傷了你的心,我期待你的原諒!我永遠愛你,不論過去現(xiàn)在和將來!

  14、My fault you can forgive? I really involuntarily ah, I hope you understand?我的過錯你能夠原諒嗎?我真的身不由己啊,希望你諒解?

  15、Not let me hurt you. I was sorry! I hope you can understand, can give me a chance! To begin to accept me!無心讓我傷害了你。我的心里也不好受!希望你能理解,可以給我一個改過的機會!重新開始接受我!









道歉言語行為的研究是在言語行為理論、禮貌原則、面子理論等語用學(xué)理論的發(fā)展進程中,是交往規(guī)則和言語行為文化差異的跨文化對比研究中不可忽視的一部分。本文是關(guān)于道歉的英語美文,希望對大家有幫助! 關(guān)于道歉的英語美文:蔡英文正式向