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  Honey has been around for a very long time. Cave paintings in Spain from over ten thousand years ago show people harvesting honey. Today honey is mostly used for its distinctive flavor, but for baking it has another advantage as well: baked goods made with honey take longer to get stale.

  Honey helps baked goods stay fresh longer because, unlike common table sugar(蔗糖;食糖), honey is made of two so-called “simple” sugars: glucose(葡萄糖) and fructose(果糖). Table sugar also has glucose and fructose, but they’re chemically bonded together in a double sugar(【生物化學(xué)】雙糖) called “sucrose(蔗糖).” Having two single sugars instead of one double sugar means that ounce-for-ounce honey contains more sugar molecules, which is why honey is also a little sweeter than table sugar.

  But the reason honey helps keep baked goods fresh has to do with the ability of sugar to attract and hold onto water molecules. All these sugars are “hygroscopic,” that is they attract and hold onto water, each sugar molecule holding several water molecules. By holding onto water, the sugar helps keep moisture from escaping from the food and so keeps it tasting fresher longer.

  But when two sugars, like fructose and glucose, bond to each other, they lose some of their ability to bond to water molecules. And that means your bread or cake will lose water faster. Honey’s attraction to water is also why candy made from honey tends to get stickier than candy made from sucrose, or table sugar.

  Commercial bakeries use chemicals like Polysorbate(聚山梨醇酯) to keep baked goods fresh, but with honey you can do it naturally. Incidentally, if you’re worried that honey will make your cake too heavy, try beating the honey until it’s frothy before adding the other ingredients.



  Maybe you only know the benefits of a warm glass of water in the morning or maybe you have only heard about how honey is great for your skin, but have you heard what wonders combining warm water and honey can do for you overall? Read on and let me tell you the wonders of honey and warm water.


  1. Watch Your Weight Melt Away


  Yes, drinking water and honey can help you lose weight. Get the plaguing thoughts about the sugar aspect of honey out of your head, as that is one of its benefits. I know, I know, it sounds crazy and too good to be true, but it isn’t. The sugar in honey is a natural sugar (or read: good for you), which provides a healthy source of calories. Not only that, it can help to ward off any sugary sweet beverage cravings you may have. By cutting back on the amount of pop you drink, your calorie intake drops and with that so do the pounds.


  2. Gives Your Immune System A Helping Hand


  Have I stressed just how good honey is for you yet? Honey has amazing bacteria-killing properties. If you go for raw, organic honey it is full of enzymes, vitamins and minerals that lead the front line against protecting against bacteria. One study presented, UK found that Manuka honey may even help reverse bacterial resistance to antibiotics. Honey is also an antioxidant, which helps fight those bad free radicals that reek havoc in our body and on our skin.


  3. Reduce Your Allergies


  And no, I’m not suggesting to take a Claritin or something like that with the glass of honey water. By using raw, local honey you help to acclimate your body to the pollens of your area. In turn, this helps to reduce your susceptibility to environmental allergies. If you really think about what bees do in the grand scheme of things, this makes perfect sense. Now I know the warm water isn’t necessarily crucial to helping with allergies, but being hydrated is never a bad thing.


  4. Soothe That Sore Throat And Cut That Cough


  According to the Mayo Clinic, hot water with honey can help reduce the soreness and irritation of a sore throat. Honey helps to coat the throat while the warm water soothes. This soothing and coating action also helps to reduce your cough, as coughing is sometimes caused by irritation from a sore throat.


  5. Detox, Detox, Detox!


  Honey and warm water helps to flush out the toxins from your body. By helping you to get regular, it helps you to regularly rid your body of toxins that can build up and cause disease. Adding lemon to the mix increases the benefits, as lemons help to increase urination, dispelling toxins more frequently and keeping your urinary tract healthy. Lemon contains citric acid, which helps to maximize enzyme function and in turn stimulate the liver and help with detoxification.


  6. Gassy? It Helps With That.


  Feeling a little uncomfortable and gassy? Drinking a glass of warm water and honey will help! Honey helps to neutralize gas.


  7. Increase Your Health


  Not only will drinking warm water and honey increase your hydration (plus everything else I’ve listed), it also helps to increase the levels of “good” cholesterol in your body and reduce cardiovascular strain.



  It's commonly accepted that honey is better for us, but is that really the case? The short answer is because it is made of 55 per cent fructose (fruit sugar), eating honey is little more beneficial for our bodies than eating granulated sugar. And here's why.


  Refined table sugar (sucrose) is processed in our bodies by insulin, which is produced by the pancreas. Honey is about 55 per cent fructose, a fruit sugar that's processed by the liver. Despite the chemical difference, our bodies still react to honey in much same way as it reacts to refined sugar - with a blood-sugar spike.


  This encourages the pancreas to produce insulin, which leads the body to store fat and gain weight. When eaten to excess, products containing fructose contribute to obesity, heart problems and liver disease, just like products with granulated sugar. Other research has shown fructose drains minerals from your body.

  這會(huì)刺激胰腺分泌胰島素,進(jìn)而導(dǎo)致身體儲(chǔ)備更多脂肪和體重上升。如果過量食用包含果糖的制品,那么就和食用含砂糖的制品一樣,會(huì)導(dǎo)致肥胖、心臟病、肝病等問題。還有研究顯示果糖還會(huì)消耗體內(nèi)的礦物質(zhì)。 'There's an idea that sugar is a pantomime villain and honey is the pantomime hero,' says nutritional therapist Ian Marber. 'It's not accurate. Loading honey onto a bowl of porridge or breakfast cereal isn't much better for our bodies than layering that cereal up with granulated sugar.


  Honey is also high in calories - more than table sugar. A teaspoon of commercial natural honey contains about 22 calories, a teaspoon of sugar around 16 calories. Many people who swapped honey for sugar found they liberally poured it into yoghurts, herbal teas and the like imagining honey to be superior to other sugars. 'When people think something is low fat, they eat more,' says Ian Marber.


  'Companies use the word 'honey' instead of saying something is 'sweet' because they know it has an implied health benefit,' says Ian Marber.

  伊恩還說:“很多生產(chǎn)商都會(huì)用‘蜂蜜’這個(gè)詞來代替‘甜’這個(gè)詞,因?yàn)樗麄冇X得這樣會(huì)顯得更健康。” While raw, unrefined varieties of honey - from farms and health food stores - do contain trace vitamins and minerals; niacin, riboflavin, thiamine and vitamin B6, they only make up about two per cent of honey's total content.


  Many big-brand honeys and other 'natural' sweeteners in supermarkets have been processed - heated and filtered - to rid them of pollen and naturally-occurring bacteria in raw, varieties. But it also removes these vitamins and minerals.


  Dr Mica Engel, aesthetic doctor at London's Waterhouse Young Clinic says glucose, fructose and carbs in honey will cause collagen damage - just like sugar. 'Benefits from the few extra vitamins some honey contains won't help to repair damage done to your collagen.'


  Added sugar (refined white sugar or honey) has no nutritional benefit. The NHS says added sugar can safely make up 10 per cent of a daily calorie intake.


  But earlier this year I spoke to cardiologist Dr Aseem Malhotra, who is also science director of Action On Sugar, a body campaigning to reduce levels of sugar in our foods, who said the World Health Organisation recommends limiting all added sugars (including honey) to six teaspoons a day.


  'Contrary to what the food industry wants you to believe, the body doesn't need any carbohydrate from added sugar,' he said.



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