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  Ogden Nash to His Daughters


  February 6, 1939


  My sweet girls,


  I wish so that you were here with us. the next time we must surely bring you along. so remember to practice your manners and (learn to eat all sorts of food. Paris is full of children. There are lots of parks, and every park is full of boys and girls on bicycles and roller skates, or playing football and other games all day long. Also, I think everybody in Paris has a dog, but none of them are as pretty as Spangle. A beautifu1 river, the Scine, runs right through the middle of the city, and Mummy and I have already counted 22 bridges that cross it. Don't you think that you could have fun here? The French children are very polite, as everyone is in France, and I am sure you would enjoy playing with them; so, Linell, you must pay great attention to your French teacher and learn very fast, in order to be able to understand well when you come here. You might teach Isabel some of what you learn, too.

  真希望你們能和我們一起在這里,下次我們一定會(huì)帶上你們的,所以記住要做到有禮有節(jié),還要學(xué)會(huì)吃各種各樣的食物。巴黎到處都是孩子,公園眾多,而且每個(gè)公園里整天都有許多男孩和女孩在騎自行車、滑旱冰,或者踢足球和玩其他的游戲。我還覺得巴黎的每個(gè)人都有一條狗,不過(guò)沒(méi)有一條狗像斯潘格那樣漂亮。美麗的塞納河正好從城市中間穿過(guò)。我和媽媽已經(jīng)數(shù)過(guò)了,河上橫跨著22座橋。你們難道不覺得你們?cè)谶@里會(huì)感到非常有趣嗎? 就像每個(gè)法國(guó)人一樣,法國(guó)孩子非常有禮貌,我相信你們會(huì)非常喜歡和他們一起玩耍的; 所以,利內(nèi)爾,你必須全神貫注地傾聽法語(yǔ)教師講課,快快地學(xué)習(xí)法語(yǔ)知識(shí),以便你來(lái)這里后能更好地理解法文,你也可以教伊莎貝爾一些你所學(xué)到的內(nèi)容。

  There are many, many interesting things to see here. Paris is a very old city, and today Mummy and I saw a beautiful building, that was started by the Romans more than 1600 years ago. It is called Cluny. We have also been to the Louvre,a museum now full of the most beautiful paintings and statues; but years ago the kinds and queens of France used to live there, until the French people got angry with them and chopped off their heads.


  This afternoon we went to a beautiful cathedral on an island in the middle of the river. It is called the Cathedral of tre Dame, which means the cathedral of Our Lady the Virgin. It is more than 900 years old, and so high that you can hardly see the top. The windows are of gorgeous stained glass, red and blue and yellow and green and purple, so that they cast light like a rainbow on the walls. A very good king of France who lived 700 years ago and later became Saint Louis was buried there. Tell Delia that we offered a candle to the Virgin Mary for each of you there, and that we are bringing her back a rosary from there also. Mummy and I climbed the tower later. We were very tired when we got to the top, but it was interesting. Some hideous stone gargoyles were looking right into our faces, so we looked down at Paris lying at our feet, and it was beautiful. We could see miles of river, at the bridges and the lovely old buildings.


  I think you would like the French trains. We rode on one from Le Havre to Paris just like the one that Gaston et Josephine took when they were leaving for America. When the engine whistles it says "tweet tweet" instead of "toot toot", and the porters are very polite. You would like the boat, too. There is a little theatre where there are puppet shows for children every afternoon, and there is plenty of room to run and play on the decks. Sometimes, when the wind blows hard and the sea is rough, the boat joggles a little bit, but that is good fun, like being in a swing.


  I must tell you that whenever you walk along the banks of the Seine you see dozens of old men fishing with long, long poles. I don't think they ever catch anything, but they have a lovely time thinking about what they might catch just supposing there were any fish there. We'll try it when you come here with us; perhaps we'11 catch the first fish ever to be caught there.


  I adore you both, my darlings, and don't forget me






  These well-informed young people had a very modest interest in the print media. Unlike me,they didn't feel their day was incomplete without reading a newspaper.Total newspapercirculation has been declining by roughly a million copies each year. And yet a review of themain stories in the national papers continues to be a regular feature of this programme. Itemsin broadcast news frequently take their cue from reports in the press. I wonder how lowcirculations will have to fall before such regard for the print media disappears.My guess is it maytake a long time. We all seem to give greater authority to what is written than what is spoken.We know we can say things unthinkingly and stupidly. As the letter of James in the NewTestament says "the tongue is an unruly member". But cruel words spoken in an outburst oftemper are less hurtful than the same words written in a letter and sent by post. The writtenword has a very deliberate intention behind it. We speak about seeing things in black andwhite. On receiving a helpful letter we may say of someone "she's taken the trouble to write".



  Susan Brownnell Anthony to Elizabeth Cady Stanton




  My dear Mrs. Stanton,


  I shall indeed be happy to spend with you November 12, the day on which you round out yourfour-score and seven, over four years ahead of me, but in age as in all else I follow you closely.It is fifty-one years since first we met and we have been busy through every one of them,stirring up the world to recognize the rights of women. The older we grow, the more keenlywe feel the humiliation of disfranchisement and the more vividly we realize its disadvantages inevery department of life and most of all in the labor market.


  We little dreamed when we began this contest, optimistic with the hope and buoyancy ofyouth, that half a century later we would be compelled to leave the finish of the battle toanother generation of women. But our hearts are filled with joy to know that they enter uponthis task equipped with a college education, with business experience with the fully admittedright to speak in public-all of which were denied to women fifty years ago. They have practicallybut one point to gain一the suffrage; we had all. These strong, courageous, capable youngwomen will take our place and complete our work. There is an army of them where we were buta handful. Ancient prejudice has become so softened, public sentiment so liberalized andwomen have so thoroughly demonstrated their ability as to leave not a shadow of doubt thatthey will carry our cause to victory.


  And we, dear old friend, shall move on to the next sphere of existence-higher and larger, wecannot fail to believe, and one where women will not be placed in an inferior position but will bewelcomed on a plane of perfect intellectual and spiritual equality.


  Ever lovingly yours


  Susan Brownnell Anthony
