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  You want to know whether your relationship will last, don’t listen to those sweet nothings. But do pay close attention to the rest of your partner’s language.


  According to scientists, it is possible to predict whether a couple will break up by using a word association test—and it’s much more accurate than simply asking them how they feel about each other.

  科學(xué)家近日指出,通過一項 “文字關(guān)聯(lián)測試”就有可能預(yù)測出兩人是否會分手——這種測試結(jié)果的準確率要比直接詢問雙方感受高。

  In a study, volunteers were shown positive words, such as “peace” and “sharing”, and negative words, such as “grief”and “hostile”, alongside words they had supplied to describe their partner. In the first test, they were asked to press a button whenever they saw either positive words or partner-related words, and in the second, to do it whenever they saw negative words or partner-related words. The test had a time limit.


  Study author Ronald Rogge said: “What really excited me in our results was that our measure seemed to do a better job of predicting outcomes than what the people told us about their relationships. People who exhibited negative feelings to their partners were about seven times more likely to break up over the next year.”

  這項研究的作者羅納德.羅格稱:“令我感到興奮的是,我們的測量方法在預(yù)測二人關(guān)系方面似乎要比聽人們講述他們的關(guān)系得到的效果好一些。那些在實驗中表示出對另一半消極感受的志愿者在第二年分手的可能性要比普通情況高出7 倍還多。”

  “It really is giving us a unique glimpse into how people were feeling about their partners-giving us information that they were unable or unwilling to report. A lot of people don’t want to tell you if they’re starting to feel less happy in their relationship,” Rogge said.



  if you want to boost your child’s results at school, you could do a lot worse than ensuring that they do plenty of exercise. Scientists have already shown that physical activity can make you brainier. But a team in America has used scans to show that an important part of the brain actually grows in children who are fit. These youngsters tend to be more intelligent and have better memories than those who are inactive.


  Scientists also found that one of the most important parts of their brains was 12 percent larger than those of unfit youngsters. They believe that encouraging children to take exercise from a very young age could help them do better at school later. Researchers from the University of Illinois, in the U.S., studied the brains of 49 children aged nine and ten using a magnetic resonance imaging scan, a technique which provides very detailed pictures of organs and tissues in the body.

  實驗證明,聰明孩子的大腦中重要部分的體積要比身材過胖、或者不健康的孩子大12%。研究者相信,從小就鼓勵孩子們運動可以幫助他們在學(xué)校生活中發(fā)展得更好。美國一所大學(xué)運用“磁共振”來進行實驗,實驗對象為49 名9—10 歲的兒童,這種技術(shù)可以精確的顯示出人體器官以及各個組織的具體情況。

  They also tested the fitness levels of the children by making them run on a treadmill. The scientists found that the hippocampus, a part of the brain responsible for memory and learning, was around 12 percent larger in the fitter youngsters.


  Professor who led the study said the findings had important implications for encouraging individuals to take part in sport from a young age. “We knew that experience and environmental factors and socioeconomic status all impact brain development,” he said. “If you get some lousy genes from your parents, you can’t really fix that, and it’s not easy to do something about your economic status. But here ’s something that we can do something about.”



  Teenagers on social networking site Bebo have created a secret language to stop adults knowing what they are up to, researchers say. Youngsters are using slang words to keep parents and employers in the dark about their social activities such as partying and drinking.

  研究人員表示,青少年在社交網(wǎng)站Bebo 上創(chuàng)造出了一種秘密語言,只有他們自己能看懂這種語言,大人卻搞不懂。青少年創(chuàng)造出這些新的俚語,是為了不讓父母和雇主知道他們舉辦的一些活動,例如聚會和喝酒。

  Instead of writing they are drunk, teens post “ Getting MWI ” -or mad with it. Being in a relationship is known as “taken” or “Ownageeee”, and “ Ridneck ” , a corruption of redneck, means to feel embarrassed. Meanwhile, girls posting “Legal” are indicating that they are above 16 and legally allowed to have sex.

  如果想說喝醉了,青少年不會直接說"getting drunk",而是說"getting MWI",或者"mad with it"。如果要表述自己正在談戀愛,青少年會用"taken","ownageeee"這兩個詞。而"ridneck"則是故意用來替代"redneck",用來表達感到困窘或難堪。如果有女孩子以"legal"來描述自己的狀況,意思是說她已經(jīng)年滿16 歲,可以合法進行性行為。

  Lisa Whittaker, a postgraduate student at the University of Stirling, who studied teens aged 16-18 in Scotland, said the slang had been created to keep their activities private, and cited the example of one young girl who was sacked after bosses found pictures of her drinking on the website. She said: “ Young people often distort the languages they use by making the pages difficult for those unfamiliar with the distortions and colloquialisms.②The language used on Bebo seems to go beyond abbreviations that are commonly used in text messaging, such as removing all the vowels. This is not just bad spelling, but a deliberate attempt to creatively misspell words. By doing this they are able to communicate with their in-group and conceal the content from the out-group.”

  斯特靈大學(xué)的研究生麗莎·惠特克對愛爾蘭16 至18 歲的青少年進行了研究。她表示,現(xiàn)在的青少年創(chuàng)造這種新的秘密語言是為了保護自己網(wǎng)上活動的隱私,曾經(jīng)有一個年輕女孩在社交網(wǎng)站上張貼自己喝酒的照片而被雇主開除,所以。她說,“青少年扭曲語言的用法,這使得不熟悉這種語言的人在看到這些扭曲了的詞匯或口語表達時丈二和尚摸不著頭腦。”“Bebo 網(wǎng)站上的這些新詞已經(jīng)不再是以前常出現(xiàn)在短信里面的縮寫詞,比如略去原音字母的詞。”“這些新詞并不是拼寫錯誤,而是刻意的,創(chuàng)造性的誤拼。”“使用這些新詞,青少年可以和自己團體里面的人交流,非自己團體里面的人就看不懂。”








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