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  What the cartoon vividly depicts is a convenience servicecenter. which is placed on an antique shelf. with its gatesclosed. The caption reads "decoration". It arms to me thatthe cartoonist satirizes bureaucracy of some governmentofficials.

  By no means is the phenomenon uncommon in our society.Its negative effect is obvious. The indifference of some civilservers to the appeals from tax-payers is eroding citizens'trust,meanwhile. their empty talk and sluhhish work aredisheartening. Although the central government doesformulate some policies for officials at various levels tocome closer to the people. there is still a lag betweenformulation and implementation of these policies.

  Under the current circumstances the crucial issue is:how to make civil servers more responsible for people'sproblems? A feasible solution. as far as I am concerned, liesin a more democratic society in which people can assess andsupervise the government performance more efficiently. Ifirmly believe that it will be an incentive for civil servers tohe better committed to their duty and more concerned aboutthe well-being of the public.


  這幅漫畫生動地描繪了擱置在博古架上的一個大門緊閉的便民服務中心。圖下的說明文字寫的是“擺設”。在我看來.漫畫家諷刺了一些政府官員的官僚作風 。

  這種現(xiàn)象在社會上絕非罕見。它的消極影響顯而易見。一些公務員對納稅人的呼吁充耳不聞.這使公眾對他們的信任度降低。同時.他們的空談和效率低下的 工作也令人沮喪。盡管中央政府的確制定了一些政策,旨在使各級官員與人民群眾走得更近.但政策的制定和實施仍有一定差距。

  當前情況下的關鍵問題在于:如何使公務員對人民群眾的問題更負責任。我認為一個可行的解決措施是使社會更加民主,人們可以更加有效地評價并監(jiān)督政府 的行為。我堅信.這一舉措將促使公務員更加盡職.更加關注民眾的福祉。



  What a thought-provoking picture! Two big hands arewrenching a damp cloth with all their might. tryingdesperately to wring more drops of water. Actually. it is ananalogy to businessmen who attempt to make as much profitas possible from traditional culture.

  Recent years see a tendency that people awake to thebrilliant legacy inherited from our intelligent ancestors.Under the circumstances, shrewd businesses start tohighlight tradition in their products just in order to captivatemore customers and thus make a bigger fortune.Nevertheless. chances are that these people are so obsessedwith profits that they totally disregard the core of ourtradition. They sometimes even distort it. A case in point isthe incredibly expensive moon cakes. a token of the Mid-Autumn Day. which is among the festivals most valued byChinese people. Both elaborate packaging and luxuriousaccessories make the prices soar. Consequently. the cart isput before the horse when noon cakes, which are supposedto be the main component. are reduced to a negligibleingredient.

  How to terminate the alarming signs of twisting theconnotation of the traditional culture? To nn mind. it is,essential that laws and regulations he enacted to prevent so m(money-oriented businessmen from contaminating the sacredrealm.



  近幾年有這樣一種趨勢.人們開始關注我們智慧的祖先留下的優(yōu)秀遺產(chǎn)。在這種情況下.精明的商家開始強調(diào)產(chǎn)品的傳統(tǒng)性.以吸引更多的顧客.賺更多的錢。但這些商人很可能只顧盈利,全然不理會 傳統(tǒng)的精曲之處.有時其至曲解傳統(tǒng)。一個恰當?shù)睦邮翘靸r月餅。中秋節(jié)是中國人重視的節(jié)日之一而月餅是中秋節(jié)的標志.挖空心思的包裝和豪華的附加禮品使月餅價格飛漲。因此.月餅原木是禮品的 主要成分.卻成了無關緊要的東西.這就是本末倒錢了。



  In the modern society. people's material life is muchmore affluent whereas their psychological stress is moresevere. Confronted with increasingly fierce competition fromall aspects. such as entrance for a higher school. mateselection, job hunting, promotion and earning, etc.. moreand more people are in the state of psychological sub- health.As is indicated in the al.we picture. a number of psychologicalproblem, like anxiety. perturbation. boredom. helplessnessand so on. overwhelm many people. simply pushing themto the edge of the cliff.

  There are a lot of factors causing psychological subhealth, such as mental unbalance. interpersonal tension.the lack of external communication and stimulation.irregular life. nutritional insufficiency. inadequate physicalexercise and the like. Pessimism and perfunctoriness arealways ways of people who are in the state of sub- health.The sub-health seriously impedes people's daily life. evenwane. it brings about the tragedy of suicide.

  Fortunately. it has gained great concern of the wholesociety and people are going out of their way to tackle thisproblem. Alone all. we should keep optimistic. independentand confident. Next. we should maintain good interpersonalrelationship and communicate more with others to adjustourselves to different kinds of situations, Finally. weshould live regularly and strengthen physical exercise.onlyin this wav can we shake off psychological sub-health andenjoy a happy life.


  當今社會.人們的物質(zhì)生活越來越豐富.可精神上的壓力卻越來越大.而對著來自升學、擇偶、求職、晉升、賺錢等各方面日益激烈的競爭壓力.越來越多的人出現(xiàn)了心理亞健康狀態(tài)。如圖所示.焦慮、 煩亂、無腳、無助等心理問題已經(jīng)讓很多人不堪重負,將他們推到了懸崖邊緣。

  導致心理亞健康的因未有很多:心理失衡、人際關系緊張、缺少外界溝通與刺激、生活不規(guī)律、簡養(yǎng)不全、鍛煉不足等。悲觀消極以及敷衍了事是處于心理亞健康狀態(tài)人們的一貫作風。心理亞健康嚴 重妨礙了人們的日常生活.更有甚者,自殺的悲劇也會上演。

  幸運的是.心理亞健康問題已經(jīng)得到了全社會的重視.人們正在想盡辦法克服這一心理問題。首先.保持樂觀向上的情緒和獨立自信的心態(tài).其次.保持良好的人際關系.多與他人溝通交流.加強r.身適應 各種環(huán)境的能力。后.我們還要有規(guī)律地生活.加強體育鍛煉。只有這樣。我們才能擺脫心理亞健康狀態(tài).享受快樂的生活。




