


時間: 楚欣650 分享



  The fast increase in the number of cars have broughtalong many related problems which are well worthour greatest attention.

  First of all, urban traffic is getting from bad to worse. I’d like to cite my own experience as anexample. Five years ago, it took me about 30 minutes to drive from home to office. One yearlater, I needed to spend about 40 minutes on the way. Then two years later, I had to start outfrom home at least 1 hour earlier in order to get to my office on good time for work. And then,since last year, it has just been too normal for me to spend about one and half hours to makeit. The traffic just moves like a worm!

  Second, with the ever growing number of cars, air quality in urban areas is deteriorating witheach passing day. We used to see clear blue sky and breathe fresh air, but now this would be areal luxury. Car exhaust has seriously polluted the air and people’s health is greatlyendangered. It seems certain that we human beings have already made a fatal mistake thatcould only be remedied by bringing down the number of cars hugely.

  Sure, we can not deny the fact that cars have brought us speed, comfort and greatermobility. However, these have already been history. We are suffering much more from carsthan benefiting from them. Our health conditions are going down rapidly both due to thepolluted air that we have to breathe every second and our lack of exercise as a result of theever increasing amount of time we have to spend behind the wheel!

  What can we do? From the foregoing discussion, I’m sure we have already found a solution: todiscourage people to use cars! I know very well that science and technology are alsodeveloping very fast and there might be better solutions coming up in the future, but, beforethat, let’s first salvage ourselves in such a passive way!


  People’s views on the advantages and disadvantages of learning from computers and fromhuman teachers vary from person to person. While some people believe that learning fromcomputers is more convenient and more economical than learning from human teachers,there are others who hold that learning with the help of human teachers can ensure betterlearning effect. On a personal note, I argue that these two approaches both have positive andnegative aspects and thereby a combination of these two approaches of learning is the bestpolicy.

  First, nowadays with the development of computer science, we use computers almost in everyaspect of our life, especially in education. Some people predict that one day computers will takethe place of human teachers. Is that true? It is true that it is both convenient and economicalto learn this way. For example, we can listen to online lectures without leaving our homes andcan stop at any time we want. We can also take free courses on the Internet. But we also haveto admit that if we have doubts and problems while we are listening to the on-line lecture, whichis sure to happen from time to time, no one can help us out right away. To solve this problem,what we need to do is perhaps to send e-mails and then wait for the reply for days or even forweeks. However, we don’t have to face such problems if we learn from human teachers as theycan help us out all at once. Also, they can adjust their teaching process according to how wellwe can follow them, that is, they can adapt their teaching methods to suit our actual levels.

  While learning from human teachers does possess many an advantage, it is also a fact that wewill have to go to school everyday and in so doing, we will have to spend a lot of time travelingto and from schools, thus suffering from traffic jams and all the other kinds of inconveniences.

  As a whole, both computer teachers and human teachers have their advantages anddisadvantages in their own special and unique way. Therefore, I’m sure they will exist side byside in the future. This means that it is most advisable for us to combine these two ways oflearning.


  Different people might choose to visit different places due to their different places of birth,family conditions, relevant experiences, and even different levels of education. People who wereborn in New York are less likely to be interested in New York any more for the simple reasonthat everything is just too familiar already. Children from less well-off families might find itdifficult to afford a visit to a faraway place. Those who have been working in Tokyo for years aresurely looking forward to touring around places out of town. Places with numerous sites ofhistorical interest may not be so appealing to people with only a primary school education.Things are just like this in our real life. With all aspects considered, the most desirable placethat I can think of going to at present is Xi'an in China for the simple reason that I have neverbeen yet.

  Firstly, I would like to visit places where I have never been to. Xi'an, as a famous city withprofound historical and cultural significance in China, enjoys a history that can be dated backto several thousand years ago. From the first dynasty when China became a unified country,namely the Qin Dynasty, this place was the capital of successive dynasties, thus it has many asite of historical and cultural heritage. As the saying goes: If you want to acquire a sense ofhistory about China, visit Xi'an. A visit to these heritages, I am sure, will let me learn aboutwhat China was like in the past and how people lived at ancient times. I've long heard of thefamous Terra Cotta Warriors and Horses of the First Emperor—Qin Shihuang, and have seenrelevant pictures of it: really grand and exquisite, next to none in the world. However, I havenever seen it on site with my own eyes, which could be a kind of regret. Therefore, I want tohave this dream of mine realized at the earliest possible time.

  Secondly, I would like to try the local delicacies of Xi'an. I was long told about the uniqueflavor of the local cuisine there, which is so different from the food cooked in my hometown.Moreover, many people who were back from Xi'an are commenting so much favorably on thefood there and are actually making no effort to hide their liking of certain dishes, giving me theimpression that it would be a regret-whole-life thing if one does not try them in person. So onand so forth, this makes another reason which urges me to go to Xi'an for a visit.

  Of course, there are countless places that I have never been to, both at home and abroad:Sichuan, Chongqing, Xijiang, Tibet, Paris, Berlin, to name just a few. I know to the best of myknowledge that they all have their distinct features which hold so much attraction to me and Iwill definitely visit all of them when conditions allow. However, for the time being, I just want togo to Xi'an.

  Above are two main reasons for me to have decided to visit Xi'an. Whatever others may think,for me alone, they do make sense.


下面是學(xué)習(xí)啦小編整理的雅思考試大作文范文,歡迎大家閱讀! 雅思大作文范文:環(huán)境、資源與交通問題 The fast increase in the number of cars have broughtalong many related problems which are well worthour greatest attention. Fi


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