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  When we read newspapers, our attention is alwaysattracted by increasing unemployment rate inyoung graduates who are leaving college. In myopinion, there are many causes for this disquietingphenomenon and we should try to solve theproblem.

  Most companies would rather employ a low-educational specialized worker than a this-year’s graduate from a well-known university. Forcompanies, they are more likely to choose the candidates with rich working experience.Apparently enough, the training for young graduates usually costs them a large quantity oftime and money. In addition, the current education system brings on a lot of bookworms whoare adept in theoretical but not practical knowledge. Therefore, it is hard for those graduatesto complete the practical assignments successfully and smoothly. This is one major reason whymany graduates find it hard to find suitable jobs.

  An un-mandatory retirement age is another factor leading to the youth unemployment forcollege graduates. Along with the improving of working efficiency, proficient employees withrich and extensive working experience get retired at a much later age. In this case, for younggraduates, there are fewer chances to get access to the jobs taken up by the older and moreexperienced.

  However, the youth unemployment may cause serious social problems. Due to the gloomyjob markets, college students may leave school before finishing their academic study, thus thehigher education system will be challenged, and more seriously, the importance of highereducation will be doubted. This will cause retrogression in education.

  To solve this grave problem, both colleges and students should take some actions. On onehand, it is advisable for colleges to adjust courses more closely related to the future jobs. Onthe other hand, students in college, as future candidates for employment, should not only get agood command of professional knowledge but also take part in some practical exercises to beprepared for the future jobs. In addition, government may stage laws and regulations toassist graduates in finding jobs.


  People’s views on the size of a class vary. Whilesome people hold that a small class is better forlearning, there are others who argue that a big one is better. On a personal note, I amconvinced that each size of classes has its merits and demerits and what really counts is theteacher. That is to say, if the teacher is good, then class sizes would be no big deal.

  In the first place, both small and big classes havetheir own advantages and disadvantages. Let’s takea small class for example. With a small number ofstudents in one class, the classroom atmospherewould be relatively quiet and, therefore, it would bepossible for students to concentrate on theirlearning. This can be easily understood, for, after all,the noise made by 10 or 20 people is much lowerthan that made by 100 or even 200 people! Also,with fewer students, the teacher would find it mucheasier to manipulate the class, that is, to have thewhole class under complete control. If there are toomany students, the teacher would be at a loss as to what to do in that controlling the situationitself would be challenging enough. Besides, in a small class, the students could have moreinteractive activities with the teacher and the teacher can give each student whateverinstructions or help that he or she needs. When the number of students in a class is much toobig, one-to-one or one-to-several tutoring is simply impossible. However, this is not to saythat a small class is all good and a big one is all bad. In fact, as researches show, a small class ismore likely to give rise to tiredness and boredom, which hinders learning. In this respect, a bigclass prevails as it places higher pressure on the teacher, thus compelling him or her to bemore energetic and more humorous so as to create a more lively learning atmosphere and,therefore, having the students’ attention. Who will benefit from all these? The students! Ofcourse! Moreover, in a big class, the students could get to know more people, thereby makingmore friends as they have more choices. And making friends itself is meaningful in that it makesthe class a more attractive place and in the long run, this makes for students’ learning.

  In the second place, we must acknowledge the very fact that no matter how small or big aclass is, it is simply not that important as the teacher. Even in a class where there is only onestudent, if the teacher proves to be inefficient, not knowing how to teach at all, it would beimpossible for the students to listen attentively, so there would be no way for them to reallylearn anything. Quite the opposite, if the teacher is good, then no matter how many studentsthere are in one class, say, 1,000 of them, the teacher would still be able to teachenthusiastically and the students listen enjoyably, and the learning effect would be beyondany doubt. I had the experience of sitting in a 500-student classroom. The teacher was warmlyreceived by the students and so we all learned happily. Moreover, just for the sake of securing aseat close to the teacher, many students would go to the classroom 1 hour earlier. This wellconfirmed the point that the teacher is what really counts.

  From the above discussion, we can safely come to the conclusion that the size of a class doesnot have much influence on the students’ learning effect. What is really more crucial in thisissue is the quality of the teacher.


  The pursuit of happiness has long been the dream ofgenerations of human beings. They have alwaysbeen puzzled by the essence of happiness. What ishappiness? Is it closely related to one’s economic success? Will one’s financial success lead tohappiness directly? Personally, I don’t agree that one’s economic success is the onlyprerequisite of one’s happiness in life.

  Happiness may fall into different categories. An old saying goes like this: “One man’s meat isanother man’s poison”. Happiness may mean being a successful and respected leader of acompany, or a stable and comfortable job in a large international company, or a big flatdowntown, a fantastic set of furniture, etc. However, happiness can also be a harmonious andpeaceful family, or a hospitable and considerate friend, or just a smile, a gesture, a hint. Infact, happiness may be composed of anything you could ever think of. At least, we may havetwo types of happiness: spiritual happiness and materialistic happiness.

  One’s materialistic happiness is dependant on one’seconomic success, though not completely. Without astrong and steady economic background, one couldnever imagine an easy and simple life, let alone anaffluent and luxurious one. If you aren’t able toafford a house, a car, or even a book, anybodywould be horrified at the mere mention of this kindof life. Definitely, some people will feel happy rightaway if their basic demands for life are satisfied.However, we have to admit that these people stillneed to be successful materialistically to somedegree.

  On the other hand, one’s success in economy may not necessarily lead to one’s spiritualhappiness. As we all know, money doesn’t get you everything and some even say that money isthe root of all evils. One’s financial success may be built on the sacrifice of time, health andlove, which are the three most essential elements of spiritual happiness. All of us are not newto this picture: a successful business man tasting loneliness alone with a broken heart.

  In my point of view, one’s economic success is only one of the key factors of happiness, butnever the only one. To be happy, one needs to be both spiritually and materially satisfiedthough each of us may have a totally different picture of happiness.