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  It is witnessed that computer technology hasbrought human beings uncountable benefits and aneducational revolution seemingly can be expected hence a substitution of teachers in theclassroom. As to discuss this controversial issue, opinions vary from person to person.

  On the one hand, the teacher plays an important role as a supervisor as well as aconductor in the classroom (topic sentence).It is commonly believed that adolescents are tooyoung to distinguish the good from the bad and they need correct guidance from decentadults; otherwise, they might stray from the right way. Children are always easy to becomeaddicted to computer games, which have too much violent and pornographic propaganda.Without teachers' guidance, most children would spend hours playing fascinating games oncomputers instead of studying useful knowledge during school times. Moreover, a teacher in theclassroom may organize a discussion on a complicated or logical question and finallyconclude with a sensible answer, but computers can never do so.

  On the other hand, in some way, computers can replace teachers in language learning(topic sentence). In many countries, particularly in China, most English teachers have incorrectpronunciation in English. It is not unusual that Chinese students have a hard time tocommunicate with English native speakers due to an inaccurate sound producing methodwhich they have imitated from their Chinese teachers. However, if you go online to learn spokenEnglish with foreigners, you will be astonished to find that thousands of native Englishspeakers are available on Internet every day and they are willing to help you improve yourEnglish speaking skills. Through net-voice-chat, you are bound to speak good English with anassistance that you can never expect to be attached by Chinese teachers.

  From above discussion, we can see that computers and teachers play different roles ineducation. We cannot just arbitrarily assert that teachers are not needed; on the contrary,we ought to take advantage of this teaching resource despite the application of computers ineducation.


  Don't confuse a university degree with a successful life, even though higher education canopen doors to a range of economic options. It is one thing to make a good living, and yet it isquite another to make a good fortune. In various aspects of life, success is to be measurednot so much by the education that one has as by the effort that one makes, plus of course lotsof luck.

  Undoubtedly, there are some types of success in professional life that are dependent on auniversity education. You need a college degree to have a career in a profession such as law,medicine, engineering, or teaching. In today's workplace, job opportunities and academicdegrees are linked in such a way that it seems difficult, if not impossible, for an individualwithout good qualifications to make any career success happen. According to national statisticsshown by economists, bachelor's degree holders earn upward of 40 percent more than high-school graduates. Based on this pattern, income levels rise as educational levels rise. Manystudies also reveal that university education introduces you not only choices of career but alsolife goals and the power to reach these goals. In short, being able to go through highereducation increases one's employability and earning potential as well as one's self-esteem.

  Having a degree, however, does not mean that one will be successful in life. In some work fields,what is crucial are hard work and being lucky. To begin with, you do not have to have a highereducation to become successful people like business-persons, sports players, political leaders,movie and music stars. While hard work is motivated by the desire to triumph, success bydestiny is associated with that old ABC--ability, breaks and courage. Not all success stories aretold about university graduates, nor are academic degrees particularly essential when it comesto becoming wealthy. Ironic but true, successful entrepreneurs even benefit from not havingacademic qualifications, because going to college and taking examinations forces people tolearn and think like other millions of graduates. This actually makes it less likely that they willcome up with creative ideas and truly mould-breaking insights on which amazing successes arebuilt.

  There is no arguing the importance of a university education as long as employability andincome are concerned, but success also comes from effort to do the right work at the righttime. If you think a successful life means having a lot of money, you are far from wrong.Nevertheless, it does not follow that the door to success is closed for people who do not haveacademic results.


  In our country, it is obvious now that the universitygraduates earn more money than non-graduates (afunny contrast in which It was opposite scenariowhen in 1970s china). I quite agree with thosegraduates who have paid a lot for their studies andexpect to make more for either himself or his family.However, it is not so optimistically for those whohope to make it. The critical career competitionmakes them frustrated due to many factors involved.

  One of the utmost factors is they feel what they anticipate is not matching up with what theyhave found in reality. Many university graduates are not satisfied with what they get for whatthey have done. As a matter of fact, some of them expect so unrealistic that they immediatelylose the credit to the workforce they belong to. On contrary, some of the non-graduatestudents who are more realistic in career hunting tend to get more satisfied job compared withgraduates. Thus what really matters here in salary balance is how one can contribute to theorganization rather than what background they hold.

  The tuition is really high in China. Many high quality students due to this have lost theiracademic pursuit. This is really shameful for a family or any government who initially shouldtake the burden for whatever reason is supposed to be. Any responsible government shouldinevitably take this burden and put more money in order to bring up better next generationfor the nation.