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  Children learn best by observing the behavior ofadults and copying it.

  The Process of growing up is very complex forchildren. Among countless factors that influencechildren's growth, the behavior of adults plays asignificant role in shaping children's inclination andcharacter. After the baby is born, the first and thenearest adults are his/her parents. Although thebaby is just slur pronunciation, the little baby hasstarted to learn from their parents by observing and copying the adults' talk. This learningenvironment is important for the babies.

  There is a special case reported by the press. A baby was abandoned when she was born. Asow fed her as a piglet. When she was about eight years old, some villagers found her, herintelligence was just similar to the two-year old baby and all of her behaviors were looked like apig. From this case, we know child is a "mirror" which will reflect the behavior of the closetadults.

  Along with the children's growth, adults will influence them much more, such as logicalthinking, making decision, cooperation with others, etc.. The behavior of adults can givechildren both good and bad influence. Most of the behaviors represent adults' inclination. Forinstance, if media report chiefly on the shadow side of the society, children will easily incline toviolence and excessive sex. Therefore, they will be infected with bad mental state.

  Behavior is a direct and convincing method to teach children. Things are easier said thandone. Parents always tell children those principles repeatedly, but most children can not acceptit through these boring method. Adults' behavior is the most effective education method tolet them observe the whole process of how to deal with the problems. The children will learnfrom you naturally.

  Children are like young trees, they need to be carefully irrigated, fertilized and trimmed.Your behavior will be greatly helpful to shape them into useful talents.


  some people say that the subject ofinternational news should be taught insecondary school, other people say that it is awaste of valuable school time, discuss bothsides and give your opinion.


  We know that a lot of fundamental and usefulsubjects, such as mathematics, languages, chemistryand physics had been applied in secondary school fora long period. But nowadays, some people proposethat the subject of international news should also betaught in secondary school. For my part, I think,before we add a new subject to our secondary school education system, both advantages anddisadvantages of the subject need to be considered deliberately.

  On one hand, the subject of international news really bring about a lot of benefits to thesecondary school students. To be a modern and open-mind person, the knowledge of basicscience will not adequate for his or her future career, other kinds of knowledge, such as theknowledge of society, the knowledge of laws is also required in his or her practical work,otherwise, he or she will meet lots of problems that he or she could not handle. Consequently,secondary school is supposed to play not only the function of providing students withsystematic and disciplined basic science knowledge, but also play the function of helpingstudents to be more social, more open-mind and more competent in their practical work. Wecould hardly imagine that a modern person claim no idea about the great event happened inthe world. So, it is quite reasonable to add the subject of international news in secondaryschool to make the students more competitive for the society.

  On the other hand, spending too much time on the subjects irrelevant with basic sciencecould be regarded as a waste of valuable school time for the students in certaincircumstance. We know that the main function that secondary school play is to help studentlay a solid literature foundation and provide them with necessary preparation for his futureeducation (university,college,etc.). Accordingly, secondary school is supposed to put their focuson the content and improvement of teaching basic science. As for social subjects, such asinternational news, the educators and school managers need to arrange a proper portion oftime in teaching them and provide students with a more reasonable and perfect secondaryschool system.

  In conclusion, the subject of international news need to be taught in secondary schoolbecause of its great importance, however, it is plausible to teach this subject at a properportion of time.


  Topic: Function of education. (Academic subjectsand other subjects)

  Thesis: Schools should make a balance betweenboth rather than only emphasizes on academiclearning.


  What is the most significant factor in influencingthe shaping of characters and personality of a child?Do academic subjects really render everythingnecessary for children's all-round development? Most schools put major emphasis onacademic teaching because it is believed that academic subjects can guarantee better futurecareers. However, in fact, other subjects such as literature, music and sports, are more crucialto children's development for they can give children many things beyond academic learning,including teamwork spirit, endurance and healthy physical body.

  It is true that academic subjects can teach children some fundamental knowledge andthey can get further education and skills with such knowledge. But I don’t think academiclearning can necessarily ensure better future careers. Academic learning is like the fundamentalstructure of architecture, it can only be improved and perfected by some other decorations, andthat means it is supplementary subjects that can refine a child's development.

  Learning literature can make children sensitive to things around them and teach them to becareful observers; music can tell children how to relax them selves and get inspirations throughthe power of it; sports can build strong wills and bodies for children for it shows to them thespirit of endurance and teamwork. We know that all these qualities are badly needed inchildren's social lives in the future, especially when they get along or work with other people,when they confront difficulties or obstacles, and so on.

  What our society needs are not people who know nothing besides their textbooks, butpeople who know how to apply what they learn, know how to appreciate and endure in theirlives, that means people with full sensibilities and practical skills; all these are not things childrencan learn from academic subjects.

  In conclusion, I think schools should reach a balance between academic subjects andother ones, so that we can expect new generations with all-round development.