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  Welcome to the Guisachan Gathering, a festival of all things golden retriever. It's one of thehappiest places on earth.


  The festival is run by the Golden Retriever Club of Scotland and held at the ancestral home ofthe breed. The club first held such an event in 2006 to commemorate the 50th anniversary ofthe organization, and 188 goldens showed up from around the world, at the time, the largestgroup ever photographed in one place. This year's gathering, held in July, set a new record of222 dogs.


  There's definitely plenty of time for family photographs, and non-human frolicking


  Oh, and there's also a dog show.


  And of course, some human and golden jigs to be had -- it is Scotland


  But really, it's just a time to bask in the glory of all things golden retriever and the specialbond so many families share with their canine pals



  North Carolina Dog Walks Himself To DoggyDaycare To Be With Friends


  Most dogs hate being dropped off at daycare — NotRiley! In fact, the five-year-old golden retriever, wholives in Belmont, North Carolina, loves being at theHappy Dog Cafe & Boutique so much that herecently decided to pay the center a visit all byhimself.


  The chain of events began on May 6 when his owner, Tonia Mosteller, let Riley out in thebackyard. But the pet had bigger plans than to relax and enjoy the warm spring afternoon.Earlier that day, Riley had run into his pals who were spending the day at the Happy Dog Cafe& Boutique, and wanted to be with them. Hence, as soon as he was alone, the smart doglifted the gate latch and began the mile-long walk to the doggy daycare.

  事情發(fā)生在5月6日。那天,他主人Tonia Mosteller放他在后院撒歡。但這個(gè)春光明媚的下午,Riley卻有自己的安排。他打算到快樂狗狗托管所看望自己的伙伴。因此,趁主人不在,聰明的Riley打開門栓,開啟獨(dú)自去托管所的旅程。

  When Tonia returned a short time later, she found the backyard empty and the gate wide open.Fortunately, before she had time to panic, her husband called to let her know that Riley wassafe and having the time of his life at his favorite daycare.


  According to Teresa McCarter, owner of Happy Dog Cafe & Boutique, a customer hadfound Riley patiently sitting outside, just waiting to be let in. As soon as Teresa opened thedoor, the golden retriever barged in to greet 26 of his best friends, who all seemed as thrilled tosee him.

  托管所老板Teresa McCarter說,有個(gè)顧客發(fā)現(xiàn)Riley耐心坐在門口,等人開門。她剛打開門,Riley就飛快跑過去跟他26個(gè)狗狗朋友問候,那些狗狗見到他也很激動(dòng)。

  Tonia was not surprised that Riley knew exactly how to get to the daycare, given that he hasbeen going there since he was a puppy. She was, however, amazed that he loved it enough toescape from the house. Though the Mostellers offered to pick Riley up, Teresa would not hearof it. She decided that if Riley had made the effort to get to the daycare on his own, the leastshe could do was allow him to enjoy a complimentary day with his pals. Hopefully, Riley had agreat time because to ensure he doesn’t pull the same trick again, Tonia has added an extralock to the backyard gate!



  Candice Sedighan has a passion for two things: her golden retriever, Champ, andphotography. Over the last few years she’s been able to successfully bring the two together.


  “I wanted to take photos and show people things they’ve never seen before,” the 20-year-oldphotographer and college student tells The Weekly Flickr.

  “我想要拍攝一些人們從來沒有見過的東西,” 這位還在讀大學(xué)的20歲攝影師在Flickr周刊采訪時(shí)說。

  “I really like to capture the true essence with dogs, which is that they’re always so happy,” shesays. “The time Champ and I spend together, he’s just always beaming with happiness and youcan really see that through my photos.”


  Candice got Champ as a gift from her Dad in the winter of 2002. He was just 9 weeks old at thetime and, as she describes him, he was a “’Marley and Me’ type of puppy”.


  “He destroyed probably everything in his sight!” Candice admits. “He ate a lot of rugs,thousands of dollars of damage. He had a lot of excess energy and I tried to channel that intotraining instead.”


  She began taking pictures of Champ when she was 13 years old. At first it was to createpersonal memories, but after getting positive comments, she decided to join Flickr.


  Candice joined a group called “52 Weeks for Dogs” where members take pictures of their dogsonce a week for an entire year. The group gave her the encouragement she needed to pursueher photography, allowing her to develop her unique style.


  “Champ and I really are like a team when we do our ‘52 Weeks for Dogs’ project,” says Candice. “He really works very hard to do the poses I’m asking him to do.”


  More importantly, she saw Champ was responsive to her photo shoots and recognized anopportunity to take her craft to the next level.


  “My favorite photo of Champ is the one with the butterfly on his nose,” Candice explains. “Iknow a lot of people just automatically assume maybe that I photoshopped the butterfly in,but I actually went over to a butterfly farm and bought butterflies.”


  Her years of training Champ proved to be a success as he patiently sat with a live butterfly onhis nose. The pictures turned out beyond any of her expectations.


  Candice says she gets her inspiration from “everyday life.”


  “Sometimes I’ll go to the store and find a really nice prop that I want to use,” she says. “Or I’llfind a nice location and I think, ‘Wow, I really want to use this in a picture’ or ‘this would lookreally awesome in a picture.’”


  Candice has taken close to 20,000 pictures of Champ over the last 7 years. During this timeshe’s won about ,000 in contests, including three for Hallmark. She now has three cardsavailable nationwide; one birthday card and two Mother’s day cards.


  In the midst of all the success, Candice values the special bond between her and Champ aboveeverything else. He has been a source of comfort for her, especially during the most difficulttimes.


  In the Summer of 2012, Candice’s father passed away very unexpectedly. “My Dad wasdefinitely supportive of my photography,” she says. “He always told me how creative I was andbought me my first DSLR.”


  Photography has become a great outlet for Candice after losing her father.


  “Since my Dad was the one who picked Champ out and named him, so in a way it makes himeven more special to me,” she says. “It makes me feel like my Dad will always be here with me.”


  What’s next for Candice? She dreams of coming out with a calendar featuring Champ, but shedefinitely plans to pursue photography.


  “I really like to take happy photos,” she says, “And I hope when people see it, they see it asmore than just a dog picture. I hope they’ll see it as art.”







