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  英語背誦范文精華:How to Tell When She Flirts with You

  Flirting is an art form --it takes much practice to do itwith perfect timing. It's often hard though, torecognize when a woman's flirting with you.

  Women are masters of subtlety, so it's your job toremain aware of every gesture, every word, andevery move they throw your way.

  The women might simply be nice and friendly witheveryone, and not flirting with you. If you see heroften. at work for example, pay attention to how shereacts to others. If it'sthe same way she behaves with you, then don't get your hopes up.

  The following flirting signs are good for all settings, whether ia a coffee shop, restaurant,nightclub, or at work.

  Number 10: She keeps glancing at you. Are her eyes aimed at you every time you look her way?And does she avert her gaze whenever you catch her starting? If so, she might be interested inyou. If she doesn't prolong eye contact, she's probably just shy. Go up to her, introduceyourself, and get her talking. You Know you're doing well when she is glad to be talking withyou.

  Number 9: She smiles at you. Many people force a smile when trying to be polite, but if sheshows her teeth and has a sparkle in her eyes, then she's probably enjoying your company.Your only job is to keep her smiling by smiling back.

  Number 8: She goes out of her way to get you to notice her. If she's always takingunnecessary detours to meet you, she might be trying to get your attention. And if she smilesat you on her way, she's definitely interested in you.

  Number 7: She plays with her hair. Women's hair is a source of power and confidence tothem-- why else would they get so depressed by bad haircuts? If you see her twirling herfingers through it or tossing it around like in a shampoo commercial, then she might be flirtingwith you.

  Number 6: She starts the conversation. Taking the first step to start a conversation withyou is a huge sign that she's interested. she says something to you that begs a response,like"You remind me of someone I know,"that's a concrete sign she's interested.

  Number 5: She laughs at your jokes. When you tell her a funny story, does she just look atyou and say, "Is that supposed to be funny?" If so, she's not interested in you. But if she actscaptivated by your words you could soon be hearing wedding bells. Other reactions to look outfor include "Really?" and "Wow" with the mouth opened in amused disbelief.

  Number 4: She asks if you like certain activities. Does she ask you about your hobbies? Is sheasking you if you like a particular pastime? Although she is not actually asking you for a date,it's an implied way of doing so. She could be paving the way for you to ask instead. If theactivity in question is dancing, movies or dinner, then she is almost cetainly trying to ask youout.

  Number 3: She pays you a compliment. Women rarely give compliments, so if she throws oneyour way, you can pat yourself on the back, Compliments are especially good if they are aboutyour body, as this implies she is attracted to you.

  Number 2: She makes sexual comments. Some women like to put themselves in the mood toask someone out by talking about your topics that turn them on.

  Number 1: She touches you. When a woman breaks the contact barrier during aconversation, it is a sure sign that she's interested in you. It can be as bovious as touchingyour arm or knee while making a point, or as faint as having her knees come into contact withyours under the table.

  A les direct way of her showing she is interested is if she minorors your body language. Whenyou lean in, she leans in. When you rest your elbows on the table, she does the same.Duplicationg your actions is her way of showing you that she's "in-sync" with you.

  英語背誦范文精華:Love Is a Telephone

  Love is a telephone which always keeps silent whenyou are longing for a call, but rings when you arenot ready for it. As a result, we often miss thesweetness from the other end.

  Love is a telephone which is seldom program-controlled or directly dialed. You cannot get animmediate answer by a mere“hello”, let alone godeep into your lover’s heart by one call. Usually ithad to be relayed by an operator, and you have tobe patient in waiting. Destiny is the operator of thisphone, who is always irresponsible and fond oflaying practical jokes to which she may make you a lifelong victim intentionally orunintentionally.

  Love is a telephone which is always busy, When you are ready to die for love, you only find, toyour disappointment, the line is already occupied by someone else, and you are greeted onlyby a busy line, This is an eternal regret handed down from generation to generation and youare only one of those who languish for followers.

  Love is telephone, but it is difficult to seize the center time for dialing, and you will let slip theopportunity if your call is either too early or too late.

  Love is a telephone which is not always associated with happiness. Honeyed words aretransmitted by sound waves, but when the lovers are brought together, the phone servers nopurpose that many lovers observe that marriage is the doom of love.

  Love is a telephone which, when you use it for the first time, makes you so nervous and excitedthat you either hold the receiver upside down or dial the wrong number. By the time you’vecalmed down, you will beat a loss to whom you should make the call.

  Love is a telephone which often has crossed lines. And this usually happens to youunexpectedly. Your time will either cross or be crossed. Both cases are refereed to as“triangle”。Fortunately, all such occurrences are transient.

  英語背誦范文精華:Why Women Live Longer Than Men

  If you could take an immense group snapshot of everyone in the United States today, it wouldcontain six million more females than males. In this country, women outlast men by aboutseven years. Throughout the modern world, cultures are different, diets are different, ways oflife and causes of death are different, but one thing is the same -- women outlive men.

  It starts before birth. At conception, male fetuses outnumber female by about 110 to 100; atbirth the ratio has already fallen to about 105 boys to every 100 girls. By age 30, there are onlyenough men left to match the number of women. Then women start building a lead. Beyond age80, there are nearly twice as many women as men.

  "If you lookat the top ten or 12 causes of death," says Deborah Wingard, an epidemiologist atthe University of California at San Diego, "every single one kills more men." She rattles off onemelancholy fate after another - heart disease, lung cancer, homicide, cirrhosis of the liver andpneumonia. Each kills men at roughly twice the rate it does women.

  A century ago American men outnumbered and outlived the women. But in the 20thcentury,women began living longer, primarily because pregnancy and children had become lessdangerous. The gap grew steadily. In 1946, for the first time ever in the United States, femalesoutnumbered males.

  Part of the reason are self-inflicted. Men smoke more than women, drink more and take morelife-threatening chances. Men are murdered (usually by other men) three times as often aswomen are.They commit suicide at a higher rate and have more than twice as many fatal caraccidents as women do. Men are likely to be involved in alcohol-related fatalities. Men drivers!

  But behavior doesn't explain away the longevity gap. Nor is stress the answer. In the 1950s,as heart disease claimed more and more male victims, pressure in the corporate boardroomwas blamed. Let women venture out of the home and into the line of fire, doctors said, andthey would begin duingat the same rate as men. But a funny thing happened on the way to thefuneral. Between 1950 and 1985, the percentage of employed women in the United Statednearly doubled. Those working women, several studies have found, are as healthy as women ahome.

  Today, some scientists studying the gender gap believe that the data point to one conclusion:Mother Nature may be partial to women.

  Every living thing is assembled according to instructions on its chromosomes, and humans have23 pair of them. But in males, one of these is a vulnerable non- matching pair, denoted by"xy".The corresponding pair in females is "xx", and its genetic "backup" power is sometimescited as a clue to woman's superior resilience. If the male's single "x" chromosome isdefective, it is possible for a serious genetic disorder to appear. Hemophilia and certaintypes of muscular dystrophy, for instance, are diseases caused by a defect in a single geneon the "x" chromosome,They are far more common in males than females.

  The single "x"theory has problems, though. There just aren't enough cases of the most fearedgenetic diseases to account for more than a tiny bit of the longevity gap between men andwomen. And some researchers pin the blame directly on the male "y" chromosome.

  The answer may rather be hormones. Before age 40, when virtually all women are still producingestrogen, heart disease kills three men for every woman. But from that point onward, the oddsin favor of women drop steadily. For both sexes, heart disease is the leading cause of death.But women have an extra decade before their mortality rate for heart disease approaches thatof men.

  If estrogen is the heroine of story, testosterone, the male sex hormone, may be the villain.Until puberty, boys and girls have the same cholesterol levels. But when boys and girls have thesame cholesterol levels. But when boys hit adolescence and testosterone kicks in, their level ofHDL cholesterol, "good cholesterol,"plunges. In girls, HDL levels hold steady. In both sexes,LDL, "bad cholesterol" levels rise in late adolescence. But the increase is somewhat steeper inmen.

  Not every difference between the sexes favors women. On average, men are taller than womenand have heavier bones and bigger muscles. Men will die sooner, but we'll have hit more homeruns by the time we go.

  While women turn out to be less vulnerable than men to life-threatening diseases, they aremore vulnerable to everyday sicknesses and pain. In 1676 one diarist noted, "I have heardphysicians say they have two women patients to one man." Women still make more visit to thedoctor than men do, take more prescription and non-prescription drugs and spend moredays in bed. They are plagued by arthritis, bunions, bladder, infections, corns, hemorrhoids,menstrual woes, migraines and varicose veins.

  In the meantime, men get heart attacks and strokes. Women are sick, but men are dead.

  Mental health? Depression is more common in women than in men. But schizophrenia, perhapsthe most devastating mental illness, often affects men more severely.

  After a spouse dies, men seem to fare worse than women. They are more depressed, morelikely to fall ill and more likely to die. As a result, nearly 80 per cent of the population over 65years old and living along are women. Men fare poorly, it seems, because in many cases theirwives were their sole confidantes. Without a spouse, new widowers fall and sink. Women wholose a husband, in contrast, often have a circle of close friends to confide in and count on.

  But behavior changes, so the health gap between men and women isn't a fixed feature of thelandscape. In recent decades, the gap between men and woman's life-spans has narrowedfrom 7.6 years in 1970 to an estimated 6.8 years in 1990. The explanation is not thatwomen's health is deterioration. Women's health is improving, but men's is improving faster.

  Men are smoking less, drinking less and eating better. "The gap isn't shrinking because womenare acting like men," says epidemiologist Wingard. "It's shrinking because men are behavingmore like women."
