Skirts have been banned at a school because the head teacher said girls have repeatedlybreached rules by wearing them above the knee.
Instead, from September, students at Moulton School and Science College in Northamptonshirewill be forced to wear black tailored trousers.
Headteacher Trevor Jones said he has taken the radical decision in order to fight the "over-sexualisation"of children.
If they fail to obey the new rule, pupils will be given second-hand clothing to wear for the day orsent home to get changed.
Mr Jones said he had seen girls coming into school with skirts halfway up their thighs or evenhigher.
He added: "Some of them would be more appropriate in a nightclub than in a classroom."
"School should be a place where they can come and not have to worry about that for a fewhours and instead concentrate on their learning."
The existing rules had outlined that girls must wear skirts that were knee-length or below, buthe said that this rule had been consistently broken.
He added: "The minimum length was proving impossible to enforce, so we are now looking ata total ban."
"I have had complaints from a number of parents and some girls are feeling aggrieved but wethink this will make the school a safer place."
The school's website states the rule change, adding:"School uniform plays a valuable role incontributing to the ethos of a school and setting an appropriate tone."
"It can instil pride, support positive behaviour and discipline, encourage identity with theschool ethos and protect children from social pressures to dress in a particular way."
The new uniform policy at the school also includes a ban on scarves and hats, unless in coldweather.
Trousers are not allowed to have any non-black stitching or visible metal buttons.
Crouching on the sidewalk of Capital Normal University, Jiang Dongxin, in flip-flops, isbargaining with another student over a secondhand textbook. Around the 22-year-oldeconomics major, 30 graduating students and more bargain hunters make the square in front ofthe library look like a flea market.
On the verge of graduation, secondhand trading is booming once again. In an era in whichonline shopping is gaining momentum among students, graduation sales are seeing a shiftfrom traditional street sales to cyberspace.
"The leftovers from my online sale are all here on this blanket," said Jiang. He says many of hisclassmates take advantage of online shopping for good deals.
Yu Yingying, a senior at Huazhong University of Science and Techonology, finds she can earnmore from selling secondhand books online than on campus.
"On Taobao, I sold a classic English novel for 30 yuan while the price of the same book isbargained down to 10 yuan on campus," said the 23-year-old.
She said trading face to face with students from the same school or even the same departmentmakes the sale more like a charity.
"Campus sales are really cheap, because you cannot act like a greedy businesswoman whendealing with fellow students," said Yu. However, the "charity" nature of student flea market isthe reason why it is so attractive to many, including non-students, according to Li Jiyi, a dataanalyst in the neighborhood of Beijing University of Technology.
For two years, Li has gone to campus flea markets to pick up novels, especially English ones.
"The price is over 50 percent cheaper than the market price," said Li. Unlike online vendors whoare more practical, "students don’t make money, they just get rid of things."
However, "Choice on campus is very limited," said Xiamen University’s Qian Feng. "When yougo online, you can find anything available from people all over the country," said Qian.
The 20-year-old sophomore aims at seasonal flea market for secondhand textbooks for his studymajor, but isn’t always lucky enough to find the right ones.
Now online, typing the name, he can find the book from another province and have it deliveredit to his door.