B =be
BG =bag
BAL,BALCE =balance
B/B =bed and breakfast(for hotel BIZ)
BCOS,BCOZ =because
B/D =bank draft
BEF,BFR =before
BGN =begin
BIBI =byebye
BIZ =business
BK =bank,book
BKFST =breakfast(for hotel business)
BKBLE,BKBL =bookable
BKG =booking
B/L =Bill of Lading
BLCH =bleach
BLDG =building
BLNDD =blended(for textile BIZ)
BP =British Pharmacopoeia
BR =Britain
BRS =brass
BSNS =business
BSR =basic service rate(for ocean transportation BIZ)
BTM =bottom
BTN =button
BTWN =between
BUS =business
BXS =boxes
BYR =buyer
CA =Canada
CAAC =Civil Aviation Adiministration of China
CAD =Canadian dollar,Cash against Documents
CALIF =California
CAND =Canadian dollar
CAPT =captain
CAT =catalogue
CBL =cable
CCIB =China CoMModity Inspection Bureau
CERT =certificate
CFM =confirm
CFMD =confirmed
CFMG =confirming
CFMN,CFMTN =confirmation
CFS =container feight station
CFT(CBFT) =cubic feet
CHNG =change
CHNGD =changed
CHQ =cheque
CHRGS =charges
C.I.C.,CIC =China Insurance Clause
CK =check
CLR =color
CLRWY =colourway(for textiles BIZ)
CLSD =closed
CMOS =complementary metal-oxide semiconductor
C/N =credit note
CNCL =cancel
CMT =cutting,making(manufacturing) and trimming
CNCLN =cancellation
CNT,CANT =can't,cannot
CNTR =counter
C/O =in care of
=certificate of origin
C/OFR =counter offer
COL =collation
COL-CARD =colour card(for textiles BIZ)
CLOWAY =colorway
COMM =commission
COMP =complete
CONC =concerning
COND,CONDI =condition
CONSR =consumer
CONT =continue
CONT,CONTR =contract
CONTD =continued
COOP =co-operation
CORP =cooperation
CORR,CRT =correct
COSCO =China Ocean Shipping Co.
C/P =Charter party
CR,CRED =credit
CRT(S) =crate,crates
C/S =case,cases
C/SMPL =counter sample
CST(S) =chest(s)
CSTMR =customer
CTF =correction to follow
CTLG =catalogue
CTN(S) =carton(s)
CU,CUB =cubic
CUTG =cutting
CVC =cheif value cotton(for garments BIZ)
CWT =hundred weight
CY =container yard
CY/CY =container yard to container yard