payment 支付,付款
to pay 付款,支付,償還
dishonour 拒付
deferred payment 延期付款
progressive payment 分期付款
payment on terms 定期付款
payment agreement 支付協(xié)定
pay order 支付憑證
payment order 付款通知
payment by banker 銀行支付
payment by remittance 匯撥支付
payment in part 部分付款
payment in full 全部付訖
clean payment 單純支付
simple payment 單純支付
payment by installment 分期付款
payment respite 延期付款
payment at maturity 到期付款
payment in advance 預付(貨款)
Cash With Order (C.W.O) 隨訂單付現(xiàn)
Cash On Delivery (C.O.D) 交貨付現(xiàn)
Cash Against Documents (C.A.D) 憑單付現(xiàn)
pay on delivery (P.O.D) 貨到付款
payment in kind 實物支付
payment for (in) cash 現(xiàn)金支付,付現(xiàn)
pay...Co. only 僅付……公司
pay...Co. not negotiable 付……公司,不準疏通
pay...Co. or order (pay to the order of...Co.) 付……公司或其指定人
refusal 拒絕
payment terms 支付條件,付款方式
the mode of payment 付款方式
flexible 靈活的,多變的
the refusal of payment 拒付
the bank interest 銀行利息
decline 下降,下跌
something goes wrong 某事上出問題,出現(xiàn)差錯
commodity 產(chǎn)品
convenient 方便的