
學習啦 > 學習英語 > 英語聽力 >


時間: 曾揚1167 分享




  How do we open a savings account?(儲蓄帳戶怎么開?)

  I'd like to open a current account.(我想開一個活期存款戶頭。)

  How much money do you want to deposit?(你將存多少錢?)

  Here is your bankbook!(你的存折!)

  Could you tell me my balance?(我還有多少余額?)

  I want to close my account. (我要求取消帳戶。)

  This is a foreign exchange office.(這是外幣兌換處。)

  What's the rate of exchange between US dollar and RMB?(美圓和人民幣的兌換率為多少?)

  The interest rate is 4 percent.(利息為百分之四。)

  What kind of currency do you want?(你需要什么幣種?)

  Ten yuan is the minimum original deposit.(存儲最低限度為10圓。)

  A: Welcome to our bank, Sir. Can I help you?

  B: I'd like to open a current account.

  A: How much money do you want to deposit?

  B: What's the minimum original deposit?

  A: Fifty RMB, Sir.

  B: Ok, how about the interest?

  A: 6 percent for current deposit.

  B: Umm, I see, and I need to think about it...



  Every success in your study! Here's to a happy marriage.(祝你工作順利,婚姻美滿。)

  Wish you success! May you success!(祝你成功!)

  Please convey my best wishes to Bill.(請向比爾傳達我最好的祝愿。)

  The best of luck! Best wishes! Best regards!(好運!祝福!)

  I drink to your promotion.(我為你的提升干杯!)

  Allow me to offer my heartiest wishes.(請允許我向你表示衷心的問候。)

  I'd like to be the first to congratulate you.(我想第一個向你表示祝賀。)

  Enjoy your vacation!(假日愉快!)


  A: Lily and I are going to be married tomorrow.

  B: Woo, really? Congratulations! But...

  A: What's that?

  B: I was wondering that you would marry Cathie.



  I'm a graduate from Peking University of 2002.(我是北京大學2002屆的畢業(yè)生。)

  I have a bachelor degree of Arts (Science).(我是文科/理工科學士。)

  I'm taking economics and mathematics.(我學經濟和數(shù)學。)

  What kind of grades did you make in college?(你在大學的學習情況怎么樣?)

  You will fail in the examination if you don't work hard.(你如果不好好學習,考試就會不及格。)

  I got full score in the final examination.(期末考試我得了滿分。)

  May I have a look at your schedule?(我可以看一下你的課程表嗎?)

  When is the new semester going to start?(新學期什么時候開始?)

  A lecture on modern arts will be delivered by Dr. Gore in five minutes.(戈爾博士的現(xiàn)代藝術講座五分鐘后開始。)


  A: Hi, Jerry. I'd like you to meet my friend Lucia. She graduated from the same university as yours.

  B: Glad to meet you, Lucia.

  A: Glad to meet you too, Jerry. When did you graduate from Yale University?

  B: In 2000. I have a Bachelor of Arts degree. What did you major in?

  A: I majored in child psychology. I was interested in the way children learn to read and write.